Nuclotron Control System

V.Andreev, V. Gorchenko, A. Kirichenko, A. Kovalenko, I. Kulikov,
S.Romanov, B. Sveshnikov, B. Vasilishin, V. Volkov

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia

The superconducting synchrotron Nuclotron was put into operation in March 1993 at the Laboratory of High Energies, JINR in Dubna. The Nuclotron Control System (NCS) provided an efficient support for the machine operation during all runs.The NCS consists of two physical levels: an Operator Control Level and a Front End Level. The first one supplies all appropriate man-machine tools for operators to run the accelerator.Workstations and server computers are used at this level.The Front End Level comprises both industrial PCs and intelligent CAMAC crate-controllers with embedded micro-PCs. The NCS is a distributed system. Its subsystems are geographically separated by as much as 500 m. The common backbone of the system is an Ethernet Local Area Network.