Natalia A. Koltovaya
- 1973-1979 Moscow Physical Technical
Institute, Moscow
- 1979-1983 PhD studies at Institute of
Molecular of Genetics RAN, Moscow
- 1983 PhD in Genetics
- 1986-1987 Course of Specialization in
Molecular Genetics and Gene Engineering at Moscow State University
- 1979-1994 research scientist at JINR
- since 1994 Group Leader at Department of
Radiation and Radiobiological Research, JINR
Society membership:
Moscow Society for Geneticists and Selectioners
Dr. N. Koltovaya graduated Moscow Physical Institute
and received her Diploma and PhD under the direction of Dr Alexandr B.
Devin at the Laboratory of Genetics of Somatic Cells (Leader- N.I.
Shapiro) in Institute of Molecular Genetics RAN, Moscow. She works at
JINR from 1979 and now she is Leader of Group of Radiogenetics of
Yeast. Her pioneering work over many years in pursuit of the genetic
control of different genetic structures (chromosomes, mitochondrial
genome and recombinant plasmids) and connection with control of
radiosensitivity of yeast cells.
Research interest
She is studying the genetic control of stability of
different genetic systems in yeast cells. They are characterizing
several genes designated as SRM (spontaneous of rho-
mutability), which mediate the maintenance of mitochondrial genome,
chromosomes and plasmids. 3 genes were cloning and sequencing and
showed the SRM5, SRM8 and SRM12 genes to be
identical to CDC28, NET1 and HFI1, respectively.
These genes encode constituents of multiprotein complexes that regulate
cell cycle progression and transcription. Now she investigates its role
in checkpoint control.
Selected recent publications
- Koltovaya N.A., Guerasimova A.S., Tchekhouta I.A., Devin A.B.
(2003) NET1 and HFI1 genes of yeast mediate both chromosome maintenance
and mitochondrial rho- mutagenesis. Yeast 20:955-971.
- Koltovaya N.A., Devin A.B. (2002) On the role of some
checkpoint genes in determination of the radiation sensitivity of the
yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Dokl. Akad Nauk. 387:1-4.
- Arman I.P., Kartasheva N.N., Koltovaya N.A., Devin A.B.
(1999) A novel gene that modulates the genetic stability is involved in
both glucose repression and dimorphic switch in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Current Genetics 35: 323.
- Koltovaya N.A., Kadishevskaya E.Yu., Shvaneva N.V., Devin A.B.
(1999) New epistasis group of RAD genes required for checkpoint
control: does it exist? Current Genetics 34: 336.
- Koltovaya N.A., Arman I.P., Devin A.B. (1998) Mutations of
the CDC28 gene and the radiation sensitivity of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Yeast 14:133-146.