Main publications of Mikhail ALTAISKY available in
S.V. Afanasiev, M.V. Altaisky, and Yu.G. Zhestkov. On applications
of wavelet analysis to separation of secondary particles from nucleus-nucleus
Nuovo Cimento A, 108:919 - 927, 1995.
P.G. Akishin, M.V. Altaisky, I.Antoniou, A.D. Budnik, and
V.V. Ivanov. Dynamical modelling of earthquakes with cellular automata.
In Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications, pages 956-964,
Rio Patras, GREECE, July 15-17 1998. IFAC LSS'98.
P.G. Akishin, M.V. Altaisky, I.Antoniou, A.D. Budnik, and
V.V. Ivanov. Simulation of earthquakes with cellular automata. Discrete
Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2:267-279, 1998.
M.Altaiski, O.Kochetov, and V.Kovalenko. Fitting distributions
with wavelets. Engineering Simulation, 15:343-350, 1998.
M.V. Altaiski. p-Adic wavelet decomposition vs. Fourier
analysis on spheres. Indian J. pure appl. Math., 28(2):197-205,
M.V.Altaisky. Extreme technologies and analysis of fractal
surfaces. JINR news2:14-6, 1997.
M.V. Altaisky. On standard and nonstandard applications of
wavelet analysis. JINR Rapid Communications, 74:35-60, 1996.
M.V. Altaisky and V.A. Bednyakov. Superstring Z'-boson in
elastic ep-scattering. Yadernaya fizika, 50:1389-1405, 1989.
(Russian Nuclear Physics).
M.V. Altaisky, V.A. Bednyakov, and S.G. Kovalenko. Fractal
structure of quantum gravity and relic radiation anisotropy. Int. J.
Theor. Phys., 35:253-261, 1996.
M.V. Altaisky, V.A. Bednyakov, S.G. Kovalenko, and M.N. Fomenko.
The analytical constraints on charge/color breaking vacua in the MSSM.
Modern Phys. Lett. A, 11(27):2213-2221, 1996.
M.V. Altaisky and et al. On quantum and wave barriers
fluctational transparency increasing and some physical consequences. Ukrainian
physical journal, 35:297-301, 1990.
M.V. Altaisky, M.Hnatich, D.Horvath, and S.S. Moiseev. Self-similarity
and renormalization group in hydrodynamic turbulence theory. In D.V. Shirkov,
D.I. Kazakov, and Priezzhev V.B., editors, Third International conference
"Renormalization Group'96", pages 18-24, Dubna, Russia, August 26-31
1997. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
M.V. Altaisky, M.Hnatich, and S.S. Moiseev. Is the kolmogorov
regime the most organized hydrodynamic turbulence state? (a renormalization
group approach). Czechoslovak journal of physics, 44:801-808, 1994.
M.V. Altaisky, V.V. Ivanov, S.A. Korenev, O.L. Orelovich,
I.V. Puzynin, and V.V. Chernik. Fractal structure formation on the surfaces
of solids subjected to high intensity electron and ion treatment. JINR
Rapid Communications, 82:37-46, 1997.
M.V.Altaisky, V.V.Chernik, V.V. Ivanov, S.S.Moiseev, A.V.
Zakharov, and I.V.Puzynin. Fractal analysis of space body surfaces: Europa
images application. Proc. Int. Conf. "Planetary Systems: The long view",
(De Blois, France, June 22-28, 1997), pp. 175-177, Ed. by J. Tran Rrann
Van, Editions Frontiers, 1998.
M.V. Altaisky, E.A. Kolganova, V.E. Kovalenko, and G.A. Ososkov.
How to ressolve overlapping gaussian signals using wavelets. In Proceedings
of International conference of SPIE, volume 2847, pages 656-664, Denver,USA,
August 4-9 1996. International Society for Optical Engineering.
M.V. Altaisky and S.S. Moiseev. Supersymmetry in hydrodynamics:
vorticity as a ghost charge. J. de Physique , 51:2501-2509, 1990.
M.V. Altaisky and S.S. Moiseev. On scale invariance and ward
identities in statistical hydrodynamics. J. de Physique I France,
1:1079-1084, 1991.
M.V. Altaisky, S.S. Moiseev, and S.I. Pavlik. Scaling and
supersymmetry in spectral problems of strong turbulence. Phys.Lett.A
, 147:142-148, 1990.
M.V. Altaisky, O.A. Mornev, and R.V. Polozov. Wavelet analysis
of DNA sequences. Genetic Analysis, 12:165-169, 1996.
M.V. Altaisky and B.G. Sidharth. Quantization of fractal
systems: One-particle excitation states. Int. J. Theor. Phys. ,
34:2343-2351, 1995.
M.V.Altaiski. On some geometrical consequences of the incorporation
of resolution in the definition of a coordinate system. Differential
Equations and Dynamical Systems,4:267-274, 1996.
Altaisky M.V. p-Adics, ultrametricity and quantum
field theory in 4-epsilon dimensions. in Proc. Int. Conf. "Frontiers
of Fundamental Physics - 97", Hyderabad, Dec. 1997. Ed. by V. Sree
Hari Rao, Orient Longman, 1998.
M.V. Altaisky and B.G. Sidharth. p-Adic physics below
and above planck scales. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 10(2):167-176,
M.V.Altaisky. Scale-dependent function in statistical hydrodynamics:
a functional analysis point of view. European Journal of Physics
B, 8(4):613-617, 1999.
P.G. Akishin, M.V. Altaisky, I.Antoniou, A.D. Budnik, and
V.V. Ivanov. Burridge-Knopoff model and self-similarity. Chaos, Solitons
and Fractals , 11:207-222, 2000.
M.V.Altaisky, L.P.Chernenko, V.M.Balebanov, N.S. Erokhin,
S.S. Moiseev. Multifractal analysis of AFM images of Nb thin film surfaces.
Particles and Nuclei, Letters 2[99]:14-26, 2000.
M.V.Altaisky, V.V.Ivanov, R.V.Polozov. Multiscale properties
of DNA primary structure: cross-scale correlations. Particles and Nuclei,Letters
4[101]:19-28, 2000.
M.V.Altaisky. What can biology bestow to quantum mechanics?
pp.386-394. In Proc. Int. Cong. "Centenary of birth of N.W.Timofeeff-Ressovsky",
Dubna, Sep 6-9, 2000. Ed. by V.I.Korogodin. JINR, Dubna, 2001.; quant-ph/0007023
M.V. Altaisky. $\phi^4$ Field theory on a Lie group. In Frontiers
of fundamental physics 4 /edited by B.G.Sidharth and M.V. Altaisky.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Frontiers of Fundamental
Physics, held December 9-13, 2000, in Hyderabad, India. Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Publishers, New York, 2001.

M. V. Altaisky, V. M. Balebanov, N. S. Erokhin, N. N. Zol'nikova,
L. A. Mikhalovskaya, and S. S. Moiseev. Analytic Approximations for Describing
the Interaction of Charged Particles with the Emitter of a Radioisotope
Current Source. Plasma Physics Reports 28(5):423-431,2002.
M.V.Altaisky and J.C.Bowman. Field theory model for two-dimensional
turbulence: vorticity based approach. Acta Physica Slovaca 52(6):553-558,
Kh.T.Holmurodov, M.V.Altaisky, I.V.Puzynin, T.Dardin, F.P.Filatov,
Methods of Molecular Dynamics for Simulation of Physical and
Biological processes.
Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei
34:2(2003) 474-515 (in Russian), pp. 244-265 (in English)
M.V.Altaisky. Langevin equation with scale-dependent noise.
Doklady Akademii Nauk 392(2), 2003. pp. 180-182;
English: Doklady Physics, v.48, (9), pp. 478-480(English)
M.V.Altaisky. Wavelet based regularization for Euclidean
field theory. In Proc. GROUP 24: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries,
edited by J-P. Gazeau, R. Kerner, J-P. Antoine, S. Metens, J-Y. Thibon;pp.893-897.
IOP Publishing, 2003, hep-th/0305167
M.V.Altaisky.Renormalization group and geometry.
Proc. Int. Conf. Frontiers of Fundamental Physics 5, Hyderabad, India,
Jan 8-11, 2003
M.V.Altaisky. Quantum states of hierarchic systems. Int.
J. Quantum Information 1(2):269-278,2003.quant-ph/0305194
M.V.Altaisky. Wavelet based regularization for Euclidean field theory and stochastic
quantization, in "Trends in Field Theory Research", ed. by O.Kovras,
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2004. hep-th/0311048
- M.V.Altaisky. p-Adic wavelet transform and quantum physics. Proc. Steklov Math. Inst.
245:34-39, 2004.
- M.V.Altaisky. Wavelets: Theory, Applications, Implementation,
Universities Press, 2005.

- M.V.Altaisky. Causality and multiscale expansions in
quantum field theory. PEPAN Letters
2(6):337-339, 2005.
- M.V.Altaisky. Scale-dependent functions, stochastic quantization and
renormalization. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications.
2:046, 2006.
- M.Altaisky, V.Krylov, Kh. Kholmurodov. Multiscale
Implementation of Fast Multipole Method. pp. 147-159 in "Molecular Simulation
Studies in Material and Biological Studies", Kh.T.Kholmurodov
(Editor), Nova Science Publishers, NY, 2006.
M.V.Altaisky. Multiscale theory of turbulence in wavelet representation.
Doklady Akademii Nauk , 410 (3), 2006. pp. 326-330;
English: Doklady Physics, v.51, (9), pp. 481-485
M.V.Altaisky, V.N.Gorbachev and F.Pichierri. Coherent
signal amplification in rhodopsin media. PEPAN Letters, v.4, (2), 2007.
pp.150-153 (English)
M.V.Altaisky. Wavelet-Based Quantum Field Theory.
SIGMA, v.3, 2007. pp.105-1-13 SIGMA
M.V.Altaisky. Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics
of Macroscopic Systems. New Advances in Physics, v.2, 2008,
M.V.Altaisky and V.S.H. Rao. Inverted Mexican Hat Potential in Activation of Receptor Cells. Nonlinear Analysis B, v.10, No. 5, 2009.
pp. 2961--2970.