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JINR Seminars / Newspaper "DUBNA" / "JINR News" Bulletin / NOC News / JINR Announcement board
- 30.12.2018
Igor Nikolayevich Semenyushkin turns 90
On 30 December 2018, a famous Russian scientist, a specialist in the field of accelerator physics and technology, the consultant at the Directorate of the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics Igor Nikolayevich Semenyushkin turns 90. During 26 years of being Deputy Director of the Laboratory, he has been organizing and coordinating joint work of physical groups and departments of the accelerator complex.
More in Russian.
- 29.12.2018
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #52, 27.12.18
Happy New Year 2019!
JINR Director summed up the milestones of 2018;
Meet Martin Buresh;
About the war, science and colleagues;
Programme for Polish students: first results;
“He was strict, but fair…”;
“It has become our Home!”
JEMS-9: traditional programme and new participants;
The first experiment at the MAVR facility;
The visit of the delegation of the Korean Republic;
JINR-АРЕ: the roadmap was signed;
The oasis of beauty and grace;
Who said that brass ensembles are boring?
Without greenhouses, but with courts;
Invitation to a “Dialogue”.
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- 28.12.2018
Programme for Polish students: first results
Team for the Future of NICA, or TeFeNICA, is a programme for students from Poland that provides an opportunity to complement theoretical knowledge with practice in a real experiment and then defend the Bachelor or Master thesis.
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- 27.12.2018
Happy New Year 2019!
Dear colleagues!
The year we have made great plans for is expiring. This year, we summed up the milestones of the 25-year stage of the modern development of the Institute, in fact, the start of “a new era” distinguished by strengthening of the international status after political and economic changes in some Member States.
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- 27.12.2018
Factory of superheavy elements produced the first beam
On 26 December 2018, the first beam of accelerated heavy ions was produced at the DC-280 cyclotron in the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR. More in Russian.
- 27.12.2018
The first experiment at the MAVR facility
In December 2018, the first experiment was carried out at the heavy ion beam of the U-400 accelerator with the use of the high-resolution magnetic spectrometer ( the MAVR facility) in the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions. More in Russian.
- 27.12.2018
Results of the youth grant competition for 2019
The Central Expert Commission summed up the results of the competition of youth grants for 2019. The decision-making process took into account obligatory written reports of 2018-grantees for AYSS. More in Russian.
- 25.12.2018
JINR Director summed up the milestones of 2018
On 20 December 2018, a traditional new year eve press conference with JINR Director was held. Academician V.A. Matveev spoke about the milestones of the expiring year, answered the questions of journalists of the city media, congratulated the staff of the Institute and citizens of Dubna on New Year.
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- 25.12.2018
Submitting applications for Grants of the RF President
Dear colleagues, receiving of applications for the competition of grants of the President of the Russian Federation has started today. The grants are aimed to provide the state support for young Russian scientists: Candidates and Doctors of Sciences.
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- 24.12.2018
JINR Science and Technology Council
On 26 December (Wednesday) 2018, the meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council will be held in the International Conference Hall, Dubna. The beginning of the meeting is set at 3:00 PM.
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- 21.12.2018
JINR News bulletin #4 2018 was issued
The JINR News bulletin is issued 4 times a year and provides information on new scientific results, obtained at JINR Laboratories, on progress in performance of large-scale experiments, on construction of new installations, about discoveries, inventions, etc. JINR social life is presented extensively.
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- 21.12.2018
The 7th CERN School tCSC 2019
The 7th Thematic CERN School of Computing 2019 (tCSC 2019) will be held on 12 – 18 May 2019 in Split, Croatia.
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- 21.12.2018
A regular meeting of the joint scientific seminar “Physics on LHC”
A regular meeting of the joint scientific seminar “Physics on the Large Hadron Collider” (leader – prof. I.A. Golutvin) will be held on 26 December 2018 at 3:00 PM (MSC) in the room 437 of the JINR University Centre.
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- 20.12.2018
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #51, 20.12.18
New neutron source. The first stage is completed;
NASA and IMBP representatives visited JINR;
“New trends in high-energy physics”;
Remembering colleagues who have passed away (Jordan Georgiev Brankov);
Workshops in Prague and Pilsen;
At the Olympiad in Sofia
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- 19.12.2018
Visit of Korean delegation: cooperation of mega-science level
On 12 – 14 December 2018, a visit to JINR of a delegation from the Republic of Korea was held.
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- 19.12.2018
About use of bicycle checkpoints of the JINR sites
According to the Order of JINR Director V.A. Matveev #923 of 17 December 2018 “About the use of bicycle checkpoints of the DLNP and VBLHEP sites”, the use of bicycle checkpoints for passing with bicycles is forbidden from 15 December 2018 to 31 March 2019 in order to increase the throughput of the checkpoints.
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- 18.12.2018
Award of the high title
On 13 December 2018, at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS), Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Laboratory of Information Technologies, Head of the national group of Mongolia at JINR, Doctor of Sciences Ochbadrah Chuluunbaatar was elected as a Full Member of MAS.
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- 18.12.2018
A roadmap for JINR-Egypt cooperation development was signed
Signing of a roadmap for the JINR – Egypt cooperation development concluded the 8th session of the Joint Coordination Committee on ARE – JINR Cooperation that was held on 15 December 2018 in Cairo, in the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt.
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- 17.12.2018
Award of the I.M.Frank scholarship for 2019
On 14 December 2018, the jury of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics decided to award I.M. Frank scholarships for 2019 to: ...
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- 14.12.2018
School students from St. Petersburg visiting JINR
On 10 – 11 December 2018, high-school students of St. Petersburg Gymnasium No. 295, studying at the physical and mathematical department, visited JINR.
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- 14.12.2018
This day in the JINR history. The first accelerator in Dubna
4 December 1949 was a historic day when the Synchrocyclotron, the first basic facility of JINR later reconstructed into the Phasotron, was launched. Faces of JINR.
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- 14.12.2018
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #50, 13.12.18
Roadmap of Russian-German cooperation was signed;
“New trends in high-energy physics”;
G.V. Trubnikov: science is a leap to the future;
To OEZ Dubna with participation of JINR;
100 years of Romania. Celebrating together;
Remembering colleagues who have passed away (Vladimir D. Kondrashov);
JINR grants for Dubna teachers;
New Year gift for skiers;
JINR Scientists’ Club turns 60;
About the means of reducing rows at the JINR checkpoints.
More in Russian.
- 13.12.2018
LIT guest workshop in the Czech Republic
On 26 – 27 November 2018, the HybriLIT team from the Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR held a workshop on parallel programming technologies within the HybriLIT computing platform at Pilsen and Prague on the invitation of the University of West Bohemia (Pilsen) and the Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics of the Czech Technical University jointly with colleagues from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice.
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- 12.12.2018
6th Olympiad on experimental physics "The day of electric charge"
Do you know what an elementary charge is? And that at the Joliot-Curie street a new subway station has been recently opened?
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- 12.12.2018
New Year gift for skiers
“A new snow tractor "Buran" was allocated to the youth sports school "Dubna" for laying ski tracks,” Head of the Social Infrastructure Management Office of JINR Andrei V. Tamonov informed.
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- 11.12.2018
"JEMS is the open door for establishing cooperation with JINR"
On 7 December 2018, the 9th regular International training programme for decision-makers in science and international scientific cooperation «JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries» (JEMS-9) was concluded having expanded its geography. The week of the training programme was finished by a traditional round table with the JINR Directorate that was represented by JINR Vice-Directors B.Yu. Sharkov and R. Lednický.
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- 11.12.2018
Roadmap of Russian-German cooperation was signed
In the frames of a working visit of Federal Minister of Education and Research of Germany Anja Karliczek, a bilateral negotiation was held in the House of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Russian delegation was represented by Deputy Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova, Aide to the RF President Andrei Fursenko, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kotyukov, First Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Grigory Trubnikov.
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- 11.12.2018
NASA representatives visited JINR
On 7 December 2018, a joint delegation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the RAS Institute of Medico-Biological Problems (IMBP) visited JINR.
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- 10.12.2018
Doors open day of JINR-based departments of the Dubna University
The State University "Dubna" and JINR invite 10-11 graduate school students at the Doors Open Day of JINR-based departments of the Dubna University. The event is set on 18 January 2018, from 10.00 AM to 3.00 PM.
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- 10.12.2018
Victor Matveev spoke about joint projects with Azerbaijan
In the interview to Report, director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Victor Matveev spoke about the activity of the Institute, joint projects with Azerbaijan and possible opening of its branch in Baku.
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- 07.12.2018
JINR administration met 95th division NGFC RF commanders
An extract from the protocol of the joint meeting of the JINR administration and commanders of the 95th division of the National Guard Forces Command of RF on 04.12.18.
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- 07.12.2018
FLNP young scientists presented their research
On 3 December 2018, at 10.00 AM, a conference of young scientists and specialists of FLNP JINR, having applied for JINR Grants for young scientists and specialists for 2019, was held in the International Conference Hall in Dubna. The FLNP employees, having won AYSS grants in 2018, presented their reports at the conference, too. The participants’ applications in the form of posters were assessed by the Commission approved by FLNP Director.
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- 07.12.2018
Review of the journal «Particles and Nuclei, Letters», #6 2018
The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical and applied research.
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- 06.12.2018
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #49, 06.12.18
The bridge in Dubna was opened;
V.A. Matveev is Doctor Honoris Causa of the Kurchatov Institute;
Delegation of the “Otkritie” bank visited JINR;
Winners of the JINR Prizes for young scientists and specialists;
Participate and win!
Dubna students are laureates of MIPT;
“New trends in high-energy physics”;
JEMS-9: five countries are represented;
The humanitarian path – 2018;
VI Festival of books for children “Book guests” in Dubna;
Unique shots of Dubna in 1950s.
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- 06.12.2018
Concert to the 100th Anniversary of Romania’s Great Union
On the occasion of the National Day of Romania and the 100th anniversary of the Great Union Day (1 December 1918), the Embassy of Romania in RF and JINR invite employees of the Institute to the festive concert of the folklore ensemble “Țara Vrancei” (Focșani, Romania) on 8 December 2018 in the JINR Cultural Centre “Mir”. The beginning of the concert is set at 3.00 PM. Free admission.
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- 06.12.2018
Fresh ideas for a new neutron source
Today, on 6 December 2018, the two-day Workshop «Advanced ideas and experiments for new Dubna Neutron Source (DNS-IV). Related moderators and infrastructure» organized by the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics was started in the International Conference Hall in Dubna.
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- 05.12.2018
Delegation of the “Otkritie” bank visited JINR
On 30 November 2018, a delegation of the “Otkritie” bank headed by its President - Chairman of the Management Board M.M. Zadornov visited JINR. The delegation included 15 people most of whom are members of the Management Board of the financial corporation and managers of major structural departments.
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- 05.12.2018
JINR grants for Dubna teachers
For increasing the professional level and stimulating creative activity of school staff teaching subjects and techniques necessary for training the staff for JINR, as well as encouraging the best teachers of the city, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research organizes the competition for the annual JINR grants for school teachers and teachers of additional education of Dubna. The JINR Directorate invites teachers to participate in the contest.
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- 05.12.2018
Winners of the Youth JINR Prize Competition
On 4 December 2018, the JINR Prize Competition for young scientists and specialists for 2018 was held. Winners of section meetings of the conferences and schools «AYSS-2018», «Alushta-2018», «Falling Walls Lab Dubna 2018» participated in the competition.
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- 05.12.2018
New gravitational-wave detections
The National Science Foundation’s LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) and the European-based VIRGO gravitational-wave detector have published new results from the first two Observing runs. Four new black hole mergers are newly announced, The LIGO and Virgo collaborations have now confidently detected gravitational waves from a total of 10 stellar-mass binary black hole mergers and one merger of neutron stars, which are the dense, spherical remains of stellar explosions.
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- 04.12.2018
JEMS expands its geography
On Monday, 3 December 2018, the 9th International training programme for decision-makers in science and international scientific cooperation «JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries» (JEMS-9) started.
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- 03.12.2018
Grant programmes for 2019
The JINR Scienсe Organization Department informs about the possibility to send in applications for grant competitions of 2019 in the frames of the following grant programmes:
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- 03.12.2018
Youth JINR Prize Competition
All interested are kindly invited to hear the reports by young scientists taking part in the JINR Prize Competition for young scientists and specialists for 2018. Event on Indico.
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- 01.12.2018
JINR Director is Doctor Honoris Causa of the Kurchatov Institute
On 30 November 2018, JINR Director Academician V.A. Matveev was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”. On that day along with him, the honorary title was also awarded to President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) A.M. Sergeev and Rector of the Moscow State University V.A. Sadovnichy.
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- 30.11.2018
Reporting conference on AYSS grants for young scientists and specialists of the FLNP JINR
On 3 December, at 10.00 AM, a conference of young scientists and specialists of FLNP JINR having applied for JINR Grants for young scientists and specialists for 2019 will be held in the International Conference Hall in Dubna. The FLNP employees having won AYSS grants in 2018 will have to present their reports at the conference, too.
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- 30.11.2018
SC JINR membership renewal
Last week, the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the governments of the JINR Member States at its guest session in Bucharest approved inclusion to membership of the JINR Scientific Council of Borys V. Grynyov (Director of the State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine), appointed as Plenipotentiary Representative of Ukraine, and George Lavrelashvili (Chief Research Scientist, Department of Theoretical Physics, A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia), appointed as Plenipotentiary Representative of Georgia instead of M. Eliashvili.
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- 29.11.2018
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #48, 29.11.18
JINR – Romania: an important step in cooperation development;
Milestones of the guest CP session: a new agreement was signed;
Meeting of the Committee “Russia-CERN”;
Renewal of the dialogue. In Baku and in Dubna;
Robot to help you!
Win at the “Open Science 2018”;
About summer rest of this year;
Happy housewarming, dear veterans!.
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- 29.11.2018
Сeremonial opening of the Dubna bridge
Today, on 29 November 2018, a ceremonial opening of the bridge over the Volga river was held in Dubna. It is a truly historical event in the life of the science city Dubna that has been awaited for many years by literally all its citizens.
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- 29.11.2018
Happy housewarming, dear veterans!
On 21 November 2018, the Veterans’ Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research welcomed guests in its new accommodation on the ground floor at Moskovskaya str. 10.
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- 29.11.2018
Youth JINR Prize Competition
All interested are kindly invited to hear the reports by young scientists taking part in the JINR Prize Competition for young scientists and specialists for 2018. Event on Indico.
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- 28.11.2018
Robot help you!
The robotic arm for moving highly radioactive samples was put into operation at the facility for radiation studies (beam #3) of the IBR-2 reactor.
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- 28.11.2018
JINR Topical Plan 2019 was approved
The Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States, at its session held on 19 – 20 November 2018 in Bucharest, Romania, has approved the The Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation in 2019.
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- 27.11.2018
JINR got a new patent
The Licensing and Intellectual Property Department of JINR announces that on 8 November 2018, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research received a patent for the invention “Planar semiconductor detector”.
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- 27.11.2018
Physicists and lyricists in Dubna: a new view of each other
The International Scientific Seminar "Physics and humanities: world experience and reality of science and humanities in CIS countries" was held on 22 – 23 November 2018 in the JINR Scientists’ Club.
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- 26.11.2018
A regular meeting of the Committee "Russia-CERN"
Russia takes part in all top experiments of CERN in the fields of high-energy physics
A regular meeting of the Committee “Russia-CERN” was held in Moscow. A Russian delegation at the meeting was represented by First Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Grigory Trubnikov. A delegation of the European Organization for Nuclear Research ( CERN) was headed by CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti.
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- 26.11.2018
Win at the "Open Science 2018"
Young scientists of JINR presented oral and poster reports at the 5th All-Russian Youth Scientific Forum "Open Science 2018" that was held on 21 – 23 November 2018 in the NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI, Gatchina. This year, the event gathered more than 250 young scientists and specialists, high-grade students and post-graduates from all Russia.
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- 23.11.2018
Success of students of the Dubna branch of MIPT
From 19 to 23 November 2018, the 61st All-Russian Scientific Conference was held in the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. More than 1000 Bachelor students, Masters and post-graduates of MIPT and other universities took part in the Conference. The jury was represented by specialists of leading scientific and research organizations of Russia.
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- 23.11.2018
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #47, 22.11.18
The JINR budget for 2019 affirmed at the CP Session in Bucharest;
“Advances and challenges in physics within JINR and South Africa”;
About physics and humanities at a scientific seminar;
“Slow Control Warsaw 2018”: young staff members for NICA;
“New Trends in High-Energy Physics”;
…And again some facts about the history of the Kremlin;
Artistic season was opened.
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- 22.11.2018
Outcomes of the CP Session: a new agreement signed
On 20 November 2018, the concluding day of the guest Session of the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Governments of the JINR Member States in Romania, a scientific symposium was held dedicated to cooperation between Romania and JINR. The Symposium was held in the Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN HH) in the suburbs of Bucharest, Măgurele.
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- 21.11.2018
International Scientific Seminar “Physics and Humanities”
Everyone interested is kindly invited to attend the International Scientific Seminar «Physics and humanities: world experience and reality of science and humanities in CIS countries» that will be held in the JINR Scientists’ Club in Dubna on 22 – 23 November 2018. The event is organized with the support of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), the Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation of the CIS (IFESCCO), and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR).
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- 20.11.2018
Japanese businessmen got acquainted with JINR
A delegation of businessmen from Japan, training in the frames of the exchange of entrepreneurs in the frames of the Presidential Programme of Training Managing Staff on the theme “IT technologies”, visited Dubna on 12 November 2018.
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- 19.11.2018
On the progress of repairs in the Cultural Centre “Mir”
Renovation of public spaces of the ground floor of the JINR Cultural Centre “Mir”, which started on 16 July 2018, reaches the completion point. The TV channel News 360° Dubna reports on the progress of repairs and what is left to do in the Cultural Centre.
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- 16.11.2018
Autumn Session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries in Bucharest
On 19 – 20 November 2018, a Session of the
Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States will be held in the capital of Romania, Bucharest. JINR Director, Academician V.A. Matveev will provide a report at the Session. Webpage of the CMCS Workshop 2018.
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- 16.11.2018
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #45-46, 15.11.18
Session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries will be held in Bucharest;
NICA in research of young scientists;
V.D. Kekelidze: “We start to work according to international standards”;
Remembering Ilya Mikhailovich;
EXON-18: Meetings in Petrozavodsk;
At the 20th RDMS CMS Collaboration Meeting;
Khlopin passion;
Remembering colleagues who have passed away (Stepan A. Bunyatov).
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- 15.11.2018
School for physics teachers. Participant’s impressions
Last week, the 11th scientific School for physics teachers from JINR Member States organized by the Joint Institute and the European Organization for Nuclear Research ( CERN) was concluded. One of the School participants Lora Kravchenko, Deputy Director of the Humanitarian and Legal Lyceum #86 of Izhevsk, the Udmurt Republic RF, where she teaches physics to high-school students, shared her impressions of the week spent in CERN on the Novator website. More in Russian.
- 15.11.2018
PIC Algorithms are discussed in LIT JINR
Today, on 15 November 2018, a one-day Workshop “Computational Modelling of Complex Systems” 2018 is being held in the Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. This topic-focused Workshop is devoted to particle in cell method for charge particle dynamics applications. Webpage of the CMCS Workshop 2018.
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- 14.11.2018
New Plenipotentiary Representative of RF in JINR
Subsequent to the resolution № 2438-р of 10 November 2018 of the Government of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Kotyukov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, was appointed Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in JINR.
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- 14.11.2018
“Advances and challenges in physics within JINR and South Africa”
That was the name of the 5th symposium RSA-JINR that was held on 4 – 9 November 2018 in Somerset West, South Africa. The Symposium was dedicated to formation of a strategic view of prospects for cooperation and was held in parallel with the 17th Session of the Joint Coordination Committee on the RSA-JINR cooperation.
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- 14.11.2018
CEPC Design Report Released
Scientists working on the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), a planned next-generation particle collider in China, officially released its Conceptual Design Report (CDR) today in Beijing.
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- 14.11.2018
Meeting a new competition of joint projects with RSA
On 7 November 2018, the 17th Session of the Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) RSA-JINR was held in iThemba LABS (Cape town, RSA). A JINR delegation was headed by JINR Vice-Director M.G. Itkis. Chief Director of Basic Sciences and Infrastructure of the Department of Science and Technology D. Adams chaired the JCC from the RSA party.
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- 13.11.2018
School students from Vologda in JINR and the University
The JINR University Centre organizes two-day programmes for schools students from other cities that allow them to learn more about the Institute, the city and opportunities available for the youth here. On 29 and 30 October 2018, 16 school students and their 3 teachers from Vologda came to JINR.
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- 12.11.2018
Video: the first Dorrs Open Day at the NICA complex
The first Doors Open Day at the NICA complex was held in the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR.
To read more about the event.
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- 12.11.2018
Competition for I.M.Frank and F.L.Shapiro scholarships
A competition for I.M.Frank and F.L.Shapiro scholarships for young scientists in 2019 is announced.
Candidates are supposed to send in to FLNP Scientific Secretary (room 76 of the FLNP building) applications and attach the list of publications for the last 5 years and the abstract in Russian (1-2 pages) reflecting a personal contribution to these publications. The deadline is set on 23 November 2018. A recommendation of the Head of the group or sector should be attached to the documents as well. More in Russian.
- 09.11.2018
Extra-class engineers for JINR: training starts
In January of the next year, it is planned to select 30 first-year students of the State University “Dubna” who will be the first students of the International School of Engineering, a joint project of JINR and the University. Now, the basic part of the educational programme has been formed; there are agreements with leading engineering universities of the country on joint educational activities. More in Russian.
- 09.11.2018
Time for lead collisions in the LHC
The lead ion run is under way. On 8 November at 21:19, the four experiments at the Large Hadron Collider – ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb – recorded their first collisions of lead nuclei since 2015. More in Russian.
- 09.11.2018
NICA in research of young scientists
9 November 2018, Warsaw, Poland. The 4th International Conference “Slow Control Warsaw 2018” is held in the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management of the Warsaw University of Technology. More in Russian.
- 08.11.2018
Video: celebration of the 110th anniversary of I.M. Frank
On 23 October 2018, the 110th anniversary of the Nobel and State prizes winner, organizer and long-term Director of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics of JINR Academician Ilya Mikhailovich Frank was celebrated.
Read also about the memorial seminar dedicated to the 110th anniversary of I.M. Frank. More in Russian.
- 08.11.2018
Dubna University and MEPhI signed an agreement
In May 2018, at the meeting of Academician Yu.Ts. Oganessian, Rector of the Dubna University D.V. Fursaev and UC JINR Director S.Z. Pakuliak discussed with leaders of MEPhI and leading scientists and professors of the Institute of Nuclear Physics and Technologies the topical issue of improving the engineer training of graduates of the University “Dubna”. More in Russian.
- 08.11.2018
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #44, 08.11.18
Open Doors Day: three times more of wishing to attend!
JINR – GSI: a cooperation agreement signed;
Union of biologists and physicists;
Search for lepton-number violation of muon;
Extra-class engineers for JINR: training starts;
At the celebration in Khimki with participation of JINR;
Dubna citizens at the space olympiad.
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- 08.11.2018
Review journal Particles & Nuclei, #6 (Vol. 49) 2018
Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia.
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- 07.11.2018
Access to the Springer Nature books is opened
Dear colleagues!
“100K20”, an official representative of the international publishing house Springer Nature in Russia, informs:
We are pleased to inform you that from 15 September to 15 November 2018, as part of the initiative to expand the existing national subscription to journals and databases of the international scientific publishing house Springer Nature, a temporary free test access to electronic books of Springer Nature 2018 will be opened.
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- 07.11.2018
Teachers from the JINR Member States in CERN
Yesterday, on 4 November, the eleventh scientific School for physics teachers from JINR Member States, organized jointly by the Joint Institute and the European Organization for Nuclear Research ( CERN), was started.
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- 07.11.2018
“Tensor” for the NICA project
The JSC “Tensor” carries out an innovative engineering and technical project in the framework of an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. More in Russian.
- 06.11.2018
JINR at the Day of People’s Unity
On 4 November 2018, JINR took part in a large-scale festive event dedicated to the Day of People’s Unity organized by the Civic Chamber of the Moscow Region jointly with the Main Office of Social Communications (MOSC) of the Moscow Region. More in Russian.
- 02.11.2018
JINR Grants for the youth: applications and reports
Submitting applications for grants 2019.
The Association of Young Specialists and Scientists (AYSS) of JINR announces a Grant Competition for JINR young scientists and specialists for 2019. Terms and conditions of participation in the Competition can be found in the grant regulations on the AYSS website. More in Russian.
- 02.11.2018
Photos and video: the First Open Day at NICA
On 31 October 2018, the first Doors Open Day at the NICA complex was held in the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics. The event, which gathered 80 participants, was opened by Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of VBLHEP Krystian Roslon. More in Russian.
- 02.11.2018
The 26th Collaboration Meeting of the COMET
Search for lepton-number violation of muon.
From 1 to 5 October 2018, the 26th regular COMET collaboration meeting was held in the Georgian Technical University in Tbilisi. More in Russian.
- 01.11.2018
Video: at the MPD-BM@N meeting
Construction of the NICA collider is being continued in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The general contractor, the “STRABAG” company, is supposed to finish the construction in 2019. Meanwhile, the present state of and prospects for the MPD and BM@N experiments are being discussed in the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics. More in Russian.
- 01.11.2018
International Space Olympiad 2018
On Friday, 26 October 2018, the XXVI International Space Olympiad for school students was finished in the science city Korolyov. This year, the Olympiad was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of launch of the Russian module “Zarya”, the first module of the International Space Station, and to the 80th anniversary of the science city Korolyov. 115 school students from Russia and Belarus took part in the Olympiad. More details are available on the RSC “Energia” website. More in Russian.
- 01.11.2018
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #42-43, 01.11.18
At the NICA construction site;
About the programme until 2030;
To the 110th anniversary of Academician I.M. Frank;
About training of the staff and innovations;
Union of biologists and physicists;
EXON-18. Meetings in Petrozavodsk;
Igor M. Vasilevsky’s memories;
Both, a violin and a pipe organ;
“Moscow region heritage” – to the 100th anniversary of Komsomol.
More in Russian.
- 31.10.2018
On participation of JSC «SSC RIAR» in synthesis of superheavy elements
Director of the JSC «SSC RIAR» Alexander Tuzov presented a report at the meeting of the RAS Council on Heavy Ion Physics that was held in Dubna chaired by Academician Yuri Oganessian. It was held as a workshop in which leading scientists from Russian and foreign scientific centres took part. More in Russian.
- 30.10.2018
New agreement on JINR-FAIR/GSI cooperation signed
On 24 – 26 October 2018, a visit to JINR was paid by a delegation from the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research (Darmstadt), where the world largest accelerator complex FAIR is being constructed. The delegation was represented by GSI and FAIR Technical Director Jörk Blaurock, SIS100/SIS18 Leader Peter Spiller, Head of the Department of Superconducting Magnets and Testing (SCM) Christian Roux as well as staff members of this department Alexander Bleile and Egbert Fischer. More in Russian.
- 30.10.2018
Big data analytics at the “Dubna” University
At the October meeting of the Scientific Council of the “Dubna” University, the decision was made to establish the International School on Information Technologies “Big data analytics” and the Centre of advanced computing technologies in the structure of the Institute of System Analysis and Management. More in Russian.
- 29.10.2018
Meeting of the RAS Council on Heavy Ion Physics
On 26 – 27 October 2018, the meeting of the RAS Council on Heavy Ion Physics was held in Dubna in the JINR International Conference Hall. This meeting of the Council was aimed at discussion of the programme of research on superheavy elements in Dubna until 2030. About 60 scientists from Russian scientific centres, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research as well as invited guests from France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Switzerland and the USA participated in the event. More in Russian.
- 29.10.2018
At the meeting of STC JINR. About staff training and innovations
On 25 October 2018, a joint meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council and the JINR Directorate was held in the International Conference Hall. JINR Director V.A. Matveev informed the audience about work of the JINR Directorate. He told participants about the milestones of the 124th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, delegations from different countries that had visited JINR in the past two months, recent meeting of the Working group under Chairman on financial issues of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of JINR, the visit of leaders of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation headed by Minister M.M. Kotyukov. More in Russian.
- 26.10.2018
Topical issues in space radiobiology discussed in JINR
Dubna regularly gathers scientists, on research of whom the solution whether to send or not to send people to the far space is mostly, if not fully, based. These are specialists engaged in space radiobiology. Topical issues of space radiobiology and astrobiology were discussed again at the International Conference in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. More in Russian.
- 26.10.2018
2nd Collaboration Meeting of the MPD and BM@N Experiments
The 2nd Collaboration Meeting of the MPD and BM@N Experiments at the NICA Facility will be launched on 29 October 2018. The Meeting will continue for two days and will be held in the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR.
Website of the Meeting. More in Russian.
- 25.10.2018
JINR got a new patent
The Licensing and Intellectual Property Department of JINR announces that on 11 October 2018, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research received a patent for the invention “Method for determining the spatial profiles of the nuclear and magnetic interaction potentials of polarized neutrons with a layered structure”. The authors of the work are Nikitenko Yuri Vasilievich and Zhaketov Vladimir Dmitrievich. More in Russian.
- 25.10.2018
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #41, 25.10.18
To breathe a new life into long-term relations;
JINR-Poland: on the basis of common interests;
The Czech delegation in Dubna;
EXON-18. Meetings in Petrozavodsk;
“Meeting big challenges”;
Igor M. Vasilevsky’s memories;
Festival “Nauka 0+” with participation of JINR
More in Russian.
- 24.10.2018
Results of 10 years of the Borexino experiment
The most precise spectral analysis of solar neutrino fluxes.
The international collaboration Borexino publishes today, on 24 October, in Nature the compendium of its results on neutrinos, accompanying the thermonuclear processes in the Sun. More in Russian.
- 24.10.2018
Scientific holiday in Dubna
More than 1000 guests visited the Dubna site of the Nauka 0+ Festival “Hitchhiking around the Galaxy” on 20 October 2018 organized by the University “Dubna” that became a regional site of the famous All-Russian Scientific Festival for the first time. Organizers of the Dubna event, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the “Dubna” University, presented a real holiday of science and education to participants. Read about the Festival in the “Open Dubna” newspaper. More in Russian.
- 24.10.2018
Joint meeting of the JINR STC and the JINR Directorate
The joint meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council and the JINR Directorate will be held on Thursday, 25 October 2018, in the International Conference Hall. The beginning of the meeting is set on 3:00 PM. More details are available at Indico. More in Russian.
- 23.10.2018
JINR celebrates the 110th anniversary of Ilya Frank
On 23 October 2018, the 110th anniversary of the Nobel and State prizes winner, organizer and long-term Director of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics of JINR Academician Ilya Mikhailovich Frank is celebrated. More in Russian.
- 22.10.2018
National Centre for Research and Development of Poland: the first visit
On 16 – 18 October 2018, Director of the National Centre for Research and Development of Poland (NCBR) Professor Maciej Chorowski visited JINR for the first time. Plenipotentiary Representative of the government of Poland in JINR Professor Michael Waligórski and Chairman of the Commission under Plenipotentiary Representative of Poland on cooperation with JINR Professor Mieczysław Budzyński arrived to Dubna jointly with NCBR Director. More in Russian.
- 21.10.2018
Parliamentary delegation of Czech Republic visited JINR
On 18 October 2018, a delegation of the parliamentary Committee on science, education, culture, youth and sport of the Czech Republic headed by Chairman of the Committee Václav Klaus and a delegation of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in RF headed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Vítězslav Pivoňka paid an introductory visit to JINR. The meeting was also attended by Deputy Plenipotentiary of the Czech Government in JINR Ivan Štekl, representatives of financial structures and the Ministry of education, youth and sport of the Czech Republic. More in Russian.
- 19.10.2018
On the way to the France-JINR agreement: visit of the IRFU and GANIL leaders
On 15 – 17 October 2018, a delegation from France represented by Director of the Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe – IRFU CEA (Saclay, France) Anna-Isabelle Etienvre, Scientific Director of the Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe Nicolas Alamanos, and Deputy Director of the Large Heavy Ion National Accelerator GANIL (Caen, France) Heloise Eugenie Juliette Dancer visited JINR. More in Russian.
- 19.10.2018
9th All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists was held in Sochi
From 14 to 16 October 2018, the 9th All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists “Meeting big challenges” was held in Sochi in the Park of Science and Art “Sirius”. More in Russian.
- 18.10.2018
LRB JINR told TV channel 360° about human space flights
In the Laboratory of Radiation Biology JINR, a special room was opened for research on behavioral function of rodents. In this room, scientists will study how memory, activity and other characteristics change after being exposed to radiation similar to that astronauts are subject to in flyghts to the far space. The main question of the experiment is whether a human being able to fly to the Mars or not. LRB staff members told journalists of the 360° Dubna TV channel about the first experimental results. More in Russian.
- 18.10.2018
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #40, 18.10.18
JINR represented in Vladikavkaz;
Space and radiobiology;
Visit of Mongolian delegation;
For the project of the year;
Prospects for development of IT education;
“Baldin autumn-2018”;
At the XXVI conference on accelerators in Protvino;
Igor M. Vasilevsky’s memories. More in Russian.
- 18.10.2018
NAUKA 0+ in Dubna University
The State University “Dubna” will be a regional platform of the Festival “NAUKA 0+”.
On 20 October 2018, the State University “Dubna” jointly with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research will open the site “Hitchhiking around the Galaxy” for the first time in the frames of the All-Russian Festival of Science “NAUKA 0+”.
More details are available on the website of the Dubna University. More in Russian.
- 17.10.2018
JINR innovative invention in the fields of neutron physics
The Licensing and Intellectual Property Department of JINR announces that on 2 October 2018, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research received a patent for the invention “Method for changing reactivity in pulsed nuclear power plants of periodic action on fast neutrons with threshold-fissionable isotopes”. The authors of the work are Shabalin Evgeny Pavlovich and Komyshev Gleb Germanovich.
More in Russian.
- 17.10.2018
New JINR patent
The Licensing and Intellectual Property Department of JINR announces that on 13 September 2018, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research received a patent for the invention “Method for preventing reduction of muscular force in acute radiation injury in experiment”. The authors of the work are Ivanov Aleksander Aleksandrovich, Krasavin Evgeny Aleksandrovich, Lyakhova Kristina Nikolaevna, Severyukhin Yuri Sergeevich, Molokanov Aleksander Grigorevich.
More in Russian.
- 17.10.2018
At the XXVI conference on accelerators in Protvino
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