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03-1-0001-2000/2005   Priority:

ALICE: A Large Ion Collider Experiment at CERN's LHC
(Project ALICE)


A. Vodopianov

Scientific Programme:

The ALICE Collaboration proposed a dedicated detector to study high-energy heavy-ion collisions at LHC CERN.
Major responsibilities of the JINR team are as follows:
1. Design and construction of the large dipole magnet for the muon spectrometer.
2. Participation in the development and manufacture of the detectors for the ALICE set-up.
3. Participation in the software development for the ALICE set-up.
4. Preparation of the physics research programme for LHC.

Expected main results in 2001:

List of Activities

  Activity or project SpokespersonsStatus
1. Dipole magnet A. Vodopianov Realization
2. Particle detectors A. Vodopianov Realization
3. Physical process simulation and research programme V. Penev
B. Batyunya
Technical proposal
4. Computing and networking A. Vodopianov
G. Shabratova
Technical proposal
5. Cherenkov radiation studies A. Vodopianov Data taking
Data analysis

Participating Institutes and Organizations

Bulgaria US (Sofia)
China CIAE (Beijing), NZNU (Wuhan)
Croatia RBI (Zagreb)
Czech Republic NRI (Rez, IP (Prague)
Denmark NBI (Copenhagen)
France IPN (Orsay), USB (Lyons)
Univ. (Clermont-Ferrand)
SRN (Strasbourg), SUBATECH (Nantes)
DAPNIA (Saclay)
Georgia HEPI TSU, IP (Tbilisi)
Germany GSI (Darmstadt), PUM (Marburg)
WWU (Munster), JWGU (Frankfurt/M)
Greece Univ. (Athens)
Hungary KFKI (Budapest)
India VECC, SINP (Calcutta), IP (Bhubaneswar)
Univ. (Jammu), PU (Chandigarh)
Italy INFN (Alessandria, Bari, Bologna, Cagliari, Catania
Legnaro, Padua, Rome, Salerno, Turin)
Mongolia IPT (Ulaanbaatar)
Netherlands NIKHEF (Amsterdam), Univ. (Utrecht)
Norway Univ. (Bergen, Oslo)
Poland EII, SINS (Warsaw), NINP(Cracow),
SINS (Otwock)
Romania ISS (Bucharest)
Russia SSC-ITEP, MEPI, SRC-RRC KI (Moscow)
INR (Troitsk), PSU (St.Petersburg)
PNPI (Gatchina), BINP (Novosibirsk)
SRC-IHEP (Protvino), RSR-IEP (Sarov)
Slovak Republic CU (Bratislava), UPJS (Kosice)
Sweden Univ. (Lund)
UK Univ. (Birmingham)
Ukraine NSC KIPT (Kharkov), BITP (Kiev)
USA ORNL (Oak Ridge), OSU (Columbus)

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