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02-7-1006-94/2005   Priority:

CMS - Compact Muon Solenoid


I. Golutvin
I. Gramenitsky

Scientific Programme:

The CMS Collaboration has proposed a general-purpose detector to be operational at the start-up of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC/CERN) to exploit its full discovery potential.
The CMS design objectives:
(1) a very good and redundant muon detection system;
(2) the best possible e/ calorimeter consistent with (1);
(3) high-quality central tracking to achieve (1) and (2).
The major activities of JINR are focused on the following directions:
- preshower detector for electromagnetic calorimetry;
- cathode strip chambers for forward muon stations;
- forward hadron calorimetry;
- simulation;
- heavy-ion interactions.

Expected main results in 2001:

List of Activities

  Activity or project SpokespersonsStatus
1. Participation in design
of the CMS experiment
I. Golutvin Technical proposal
2. Endcap hadron
calorimeter (HE)
A. Volodko Preparation
3. Forward muon station
Yu. Kiryushin Preparation
4. Preshower for ECAL N. Zamiatin Technical proposal
5. Physics simulation N. Skachkov
I. Gramenitsky
P. Zarubin
Technical proposal
6. Computer communication
between members of the
CMS Collaboration
R. Pose In-progress

Participating Institutes and Organizations

Armenia YerPhI (Yerevan)
Austria HEPHY (Vienna)
Belgium UKL (Louvain-la-Neuve), UMH (Mons)
ULB, VUB (Brussels), UIA (Antwerp)
Bulgaria US, INRNE (Sofia)
China USTC (Hefei), IHEP, PKU (Beijing)
Croatia TUS, Univ. (Split)
Cyprus UCY (Nicosia)
Estonia IChPB (Tallinn)
Finland UH, HUT, HIP (Helsinki)
UJ (Jyvaskyla), TUT (Tampere), UO (Oulu)
France LAPP (Annecy-le-Vieux), DAPNIA (Saclay)
IN2P3-CNRS (Strasbourg), IPN (Lyons)
Georgia HEPI, IP (Tbilisi)
Germany HU (Berlin), Univ. (Karlsruhe),
RWTH PI, PIA, PIB (Aachen)
Greece INP (Attiki), Univ. (Athens), UI (Ioannina)
Hungary KFKI (Budapest), ATOMKI, Univ. (Debrecen)
India BARC, TIFR EHEP, HECR (Mumbai)
IP (Bhubaneswar), PU (Chandigarh)
Italy INFN (Bari, Bologna, Catania, Firenze, Genoa
Padua, Pavia, Perugia, Pisa, Roma, Turin)
Pakistan QIAU (Islamabad)
Poland IEP WU, SINS (Warsaw)
of Korea CNU (Kwangju), DU (Naju), SU (Namvon)
KU, KKU, SNUE (Seoul), CNU (Chongju)
PUST (Pohang)
Russia SSC-ITEP, LPI, SRINP MSU (Moscow)
SRC-IHEP (Protvino), INR (Troitsk), PNPI (Gatchina)
Slovak Republic SUT (Bratislava)
Spain CIEMAT, UAM (Madrid), UO (Oviedo), IFCA (Santander)
Switzerland ETH, Univ. (Zurich), PSI (Villigen), Univ. (Basel)
Turkey CU (Adana), METU (Ankara)
Ukraine NSC KIPT, ISC, KSU (Kharkov)
UK IC (London), RAL (Didcot), Univ. (Bristrol)
USA UA (Tuscaloosa), UCD (Davis)
UCLA (Los Angeles), USR (Riverside)
CALTECH (Pasadena), UP (Pittsburgh)
Fermilab (Batavia), UF (Gainesville)
FSU (Tallahassee), UIC (Chicago)
UI (Iowa City), OSU (Columbus)
ISU (Ames), JHU (Baltimore)
LLNL (Livermore), LANL (Los Alamos)
UM (College Park), MIT (Cambridge)
UofM (Minneapolis), Nebraska (Lincoln)
BU, NEU (Boston), NWU (Evanston)
UND (Notre Dame), PU (Princeton)
Univ. Rice (Houston), UR (Rochester)
RUTGERS (Piscataway), TTU (Lubbock)
Virginia Tech. (Blacksburg), UM (Oxford)
UW-Madison (Madison)
Ukraine NSC KIPT, ISC, KSU (Kharkov)
Uzbekistan INP (Tashkent)

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