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Status: In-progress

A T L A S.
Physics Research at the LHC

Leaders:     N.A. Russakovich
V.A. Bednyakov
Deputy:     A.P. Cheplakov

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Canada, CERN, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Slovak Republic, Spain, USA, Uzbekistan.

Scientific Programme:
Many-sided and comprehensive investigations of superhigh-energy (10-14 TeV) proton scattering at the Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS facility (created at the previous stage of the project) will yield utterly new and unique experimental data. Their analysis will allow solution to the most profound physical problems fundamentally important for world outlook.

JINR researchers will take part in solution of some of these problems within the project. Among the most important of them are the clarification of the origin of the elementary particle mass (Higgs mechanism) and search for and investigation of supersymmetry, which will allow an insight into the nature of galactic dark matter and the character of the evolution of our Universe. Other important problems are determination of the applicability boundaries of the modern standard model of elementary particles and observation of evidence for new physical phenomena, such as additional space dimensions or previously unknown particles and interactions. In addition, JINR researchers will get new results allowing more specific knowledge as to the properties of the already known elementary particles such as the W and Z bosons, the top quark, and others.

Implementation of this project aimed at solving highly important scientific problems will result in getting unique applied data.

The "by-products" worth noting are development, debugging, and experience in operation of systems for remote monitoring of highly complicated devices and development and practical use of the distributed computation system (GRID) in a long-term, full-scale experiment.

Expected main results in 2011:
List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. ATLAS N.A. Russakovich
V.A. Bednyakov
1   (2010-2014)
List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leader
      Laboratory       Responsible
Leading Researchers
and number of participants
Technical Proposal
  DLNP V.A. Bednyakov
J.A. Budagov
D.I. Hubua
G.A. Chelkov
A.L. Gongadze
Yu.A. Koultchitski
I.L. Pisarev
I.R. Boyko
M.A. Demichev
Z.V. Krumshteyn
M.I. Gostkin
I.A. Minashvili
G.L. Glonty
D.V. Dedovich
Yu.A. Nefedov
D.V. Kharchenko
Yu.A. Usov
M.Yu. Kazarinov
V.A. Kolesnikov
S.N. Malyukov
V.Yu. Batusov
E.V. Khramov
R.R. Sadykov
M.V. Chizhov
V.V. Glagolev
P.V. Tereshka
Z.U. Usubov
Yu.P. Ivanov
L.V. Kalinovskaya
S.N. Karpov
Z.M. Karpova
A.B. Lazarev
G.I. Lykasov
V.V. Lyubushkin
A.F. Pikelner
M.S. Ryabenko
A.A. Sapronov
A.N. Shalyugin
M.M. Shiyakova
V.B. Vinogradov
A.C. Zhemchugov
S.N. Baranov
D.Yu. Bardin
Yu.L. Vertogradova
A.V. Ershova
N. Huseinov
  VBLHEP A.P. Cheplakov
V.D. Peshekhonov
G.D. Kekelidze
S.M. Golubykh
N. Dzhavadov
S.S. Parzhitsky
E.A. Ladygin
F.N. Ahmadov
V.V. Kukhtin
M.N. Kapishin
V.N. Pozdnyakov
B.G. Shaykhatdenov
A.G. Karev
N.G. Fadeev
L.A. Merkulov
V.V. Myalkovsky
E.V. Serochkin
A.A. Soloshenko
N.I. Zimin
  LIT P.V. Zrelov
V.V. Korenkov
V.M. Kotov
I.N. Aleksandrov
N.I Gromova
M.A. Mineev
V.N. Shigaev
A.V. Yakovlev
  BLTP D.I. Kazakov A.V. Gladyshev
A.V. Bednyakov
O.B. Teryaev
N.I. Kochelev

Country or international
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan YerPhI
Azerbaijan Baku IP ANAS
Belarus Minsk IP NASB
Gomel GSTU
Canada Vancouver TRIUMF
Montreal UdeM
CERN Geneva
Czech Republic Prague CU
France Clermont-Ferrand LPC-CF
Orsay LAL
Georgia Tbilisi HEPI TSU
Germany Munich MPI-P
Greece Athens Univ.
Israel Rehovot WIS
Italy Pisa Univ.
Netherlands Amsterdam NIKHEF
Russia Moscow LPI RAS
Protvino IHEP
Slovak Republic Bratislava CU
Spain Barcelona IFAE
USA Argonne, IL ANL
Uzbekistan Samarkand SSU

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