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Status: In-progress

Accelerator Complex of Ion Beams of Stable and Radioactive Nuclides (DRIBs-III)

Leaders:     G.G. Gulbekyan
S.N. Dmitriev
M.G. Itkis
Scientific leader:             Yu.Ts. Oganessian

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

Scientific Programme:
Development of the FLNR cyclotron complex including a drastic extension of the experimental base of the Laboratory, development of acceleratot systems in order to increase the intensity and improve the quality of beams of stable and radioactive niclides in the energy range from 5 to 100 MeV/nucleon, as well as for the raising stability of the cyclotron operation and reducing their power consumption.

Expected main results in 2011:
List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leader
      Laboratory       Responsible
Leading Researchers
and number of participants
1. Development of the Complex
of U400M and U400R
B.N. Gikal
Data taking
  FLNR P.G. Bondarenko
S.L. Bogomolov
L.N. Gusev
G.N. Ivanov
S.V. Pashenko
M.V. Habarov
I.V. Kalagin
+ 63 pers.
  LIT V.V. Korenkov + 6 pers.
P.G. Akishin
E.A. Airian + 2 pers.
  DLNP S.B. Vorozhtsov + 3 pers.
  LRB V.E. Aleynikov+ 4 pers.
2. ECR-ion sources development S.L. Bogomolov
  FLNR A.A. Efremov + 5 pers.
G.N. Ivanov + 2 pers.
V.Ya. Lebedev + 2 pers.
  VBLHEP E.D. Donets + 1 pers.
3. MT25 microtron development Yu.G. Teterev
Data taking
  FLNR A.G. Belov + 3 pers.
S.V. Pashenko + 7 pers.
M.V. Habarov + 4 pers.
4. Creation of the new experimental
hall in FLNR
G.G. Gulbekian
  FLNR B.N. Gikal
V.A. Kostyrev
N.F. Osipov
P.G. Bondarenko
S.L. Bogomolov
L.N. Gusev
S.V. Pashenko + 7 pers.
M.V. Habarov + 4 pers.
I.V. Kalagin + 5 pers.
V.A. Verevochkin
5. Development of the project ACCULINNA-2 A.S. Fomichev
  FLNR S.A. Krupko + 8 pers.

Country or international
City Institute or Laboratory
Belgium Leuven K.U.Leuven
Louvain-la-Neuve IBA
Bulgaria Sofia LTD BAS
China Lanzhou IMP CAS
Czech Republic Prague VP
Democratic People's
Republic of Korea
Pyongyang IFR SCNR
Egypt Cairo AASTMT
France Caen GANIL
Grenoble LPSC
Orsay IPN Orsay
Germany Darmstadt GSI
Italy Catania INFN LNS
Kazakhstan Almaty INP NNC RK
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar NRC NUM
Poland Krakow NINP PAS
Romania Bucharest IFIN-HH
Russia Moscow GPI RAS
Nizhny Novgorod IAP RAS
St. Petersburg NIIEFA
Vladimir ELMAG
Serbia Belgrade INS "VINCA"
Slovak Republic Bratislava IMS SAS
Nova Dubnica ERPI
Ukraine Kiev INR NASU
Uzbekistan Samarkand SSU
South Africa Cape Town iThemba LABS

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