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Status: New

Investigations of the Compressed Baryonic Matter at the GSI Accelerator Complex (Project CBM)

Leaders:     A.I. Malakhov
V.V. Ivanov
Deputies:     Yu.V. Zanevsky
V.P. Ladygin

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic,Uzbekistan, Ukraine.

Scientific Programme:
Design and development of the superconducting dipole magnet, transition radiation, straw and silicon tracker detectors for CBM experiment at the GSI accelerator complex. Study of the multiparticle dynamics in heavy ion collisions at SIS100 and SIS300. Algorithms and software developments for the trigger, simulation and data analysis.

Expected main results in 2011:
List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. CBM A.I. Malakhov 1   (2011-2015)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leader
      Laboratory       Responsible
Leading Researchers
and number of participants
1. CBM
Design and manufacture of the superconducting dipole magnet, the transition radiation and straw detectors, silicon tracker. Development of the algorithms and software for trigger, simulation and data analysis.
A.I. Malakhov
  VBLHEP A.I. Malakhov
Yu.S. Anisimov + 1 pers.
E.A. Matyushevsky + 3 pers.
Yu.V. Zanevsky
  V.F. Chepurnov
S.P. Chernenko
O.V. Fateev
V.N. Zryuev
S.V. Razin
G.A. Cheremukhina
V.P. Ladygin + 3 pers.
A.P. Ierusalimov
D.V. Peshekhonov
V.N. Pozdnyakov + 1 pers.
E.B. Plekhanov
V.D. Peshekhonov + 6 pers.
Yu.A. Murin+ 5 pers.
V.M. Golovatyuk
I. Mandjavidze
  LIT V.V. Ivanov + 8 pers.
P.G. Akishin
S.A. Baginyan
G.N. Ososkov + 2 pers.
  DLNP V.A.Karnaukhov + 2 pers.
  BLTP D. Blaschke
V.V. Burov + 2 pers.
V.D. Toneev

Country or international
City Institute or Laboratory
Belarus Minsk NC PHEP BSU
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
Germany Darmstadt GSI
Frankfurt/Main Univ.
Heidelberg Univ.
Dresden FZD
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar IPT MAS
Poland Warsaw WUT
Romania Bucharest IFIN-HH
Russia Moscow ITEP
Protvino IHEP
Troitsk INR RAS
Slovak Republic Bratislava IP SAS
Ukraine Kiev BITP NASU
Uzbekistan Jizzakh JSPI
Samarkand SSU

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