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Status: Approved for completion
in 2011

Research on Relativistic Heavy and Light Ion Physics. Experiments at the Nuclotron

Leader:     A.I. Malakhov
Deputy:     E.B. Plekhanov

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, CERN, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Japan, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, USA, Uzbekistan.

Scientific Programme:
Search for manifestation of quark-gluon degrees of freedom in collisions of relativistic nuclei and phase transitions in nuclei and exotic resonances. Study of nuclear multifragmentation processes. The Nuclotron internal target experiments:
research using the two-arm EM Calorimeter. Asymptotics in nuclear collisions and nucleon clusters. Development of the data base of the bubble chamber data. Detector development for relativistic heavy-ion experiments at the CERN, BNL and GSI. Participation in HADES, NA49/NA61 experimental programs. Obtaining the data on heat generation, neutron multiplication, spectra, fission and radiation capture in the model uranium blanket and target-converter. Studies of transmutation cross sections of radioactive nuclear wastes. Study of fragmentation of light stable and radioactive nuclei with beams of secondary nuclei and data analysis. Study of the properties strong interaction matter.

Expected main results in 2011:
List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. HADES Yu.V. Zanevsky 1   (1996 - 2012)
2. NA49 G.L. Melkumov 1   (1999 - 2011)
3. BECQUEREL P.I. Zarubin1   (2002 - 2011)
4. FAZA-3 V.A. Karnaukhov1   (2007 - 2011)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leader
      Laboratory       Responsible
Leading Researchers
and number of participants
1. HADES A.I. Malakhov
Yu.V. Zanevsky
Data taking
Data analysis
  VBLHEP O.V. Fateev
S.P. Chernenko
C.V. Razin
V.P. Ladygin + 3 pers.
G.N. Agakishiev
V.N. Pechenov
A.V. Belyaev
A.P. Ierusalimov
A.Yu. Troyan
  BLTP V.D. Toneev
  DLNP G.I. Lykasov
2. NA49/NA61 A.I. Malakhov
G.L. Melkumov
Data taking
Data analysis
  VBLPHE N. Agagabyan
B. Baatar
A.Yu. Isypov
V.I. Kolesnikov
M.A. Kozhin
  BLTP A.S. Sorin
3. BECQUEREL P.I. Zarubin
Data taking
  VBLHEP Yu.S. Anisimov + 2 pers.
V. Bradnova + 4 pers.
P.A. Rukoyatkin
V.V. Rusakova + 6 pers.
4. FASA-3 V.A. Karnaukhov
Data taking
  DLNP V.A. Karnaukhov + 7 pers.
5. Search for and study of
--mesic nuclei in pA
collisions at the JINR
VBLHEP Nuclotron
G.A. Sokol
S.V. Afanasiev
Data taking
  VBLHEP Yu.S. Anisimov + 2 pers.
V.I. Ivanov
A.S. Artemov
A.F. Elishev
D.M. Zhomurodov
A.Yu. Isypov
Z.A. Igamkulov
D.K. Dryablov
E.B. Plekhanov
6. Investigation of the deuteron
spin dichroism
L.N. Zolin
Data taking
  VBLHEP A.G. Litvinenko + 5 pers.
P.A. Rukoyatkin + 3 pers.
7. Search and investigation of
new phenomena using informa-
tion obtained with bubble
chambers and their theoretical interpretation. Creation of data base of experimental data and educational programs in the field
of relativistic nuclear physics (EDBIZ)
A.A. Baldin
V.V. Glagolev
Yu.A. Troyan
Data analysis
  VBLHEP A.V. Belyaev
V.I. Moroz + 2 pers.
E.B. Plekhanov
A.Yu. Troyan
A.P. Ierusalimov
O.V. Arakelyan
P.Zh. Aslanyan + 4 pers.
O.V. Rogachevsky
S.G. Stetsenko
8. Investigation of deep subthreshold processes, applied and educational programs at MARUSYA set up A.A. Baldin
Data taking
  VBLHEP V.A. Arefiev
P.Zh. Aslanyan + 2 pers.
B.N. Guskov + 1 pers.
M.G. Kadykov + 1 pers.
K.V. Mikhaylov
E.B. Plekhanov
I.V. Slepnev + 4 pers.
S.G. Stetsenko
Yu.A. Troyan + 2 pers.
A.V. Shabunov
S.S. Shimansky
I.P. Yudin
E.E. Perepelkin
I.G. Voloshina
T.V. Shavrina
  BLTP V.V. Burov + 3 pers.

Country or international
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan YerPhI
Belarus Minsk NC PHEP BSU
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
CERN Geneva
China Beijing IHEP CAS
Wuhan HZNU
Czech Republic Prague IMC ASCR
France Orsay IPN Orsay
Germany Darmstadt TU Darmstadt
Dresden FZD
Siegen Univ.
Frankfurt/Main Univ.
Giessen JLU
Heidelberg Univ.
Munich TUM
Japan Osaka RCNP
Tokyo UT
Tsukuba Univ.
India Jaipur Univ.
Mumbai BARC
Kazakhstan Almaty PTI MS-NAS RK
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar IPT MAS
Poland Krakow NINP PAS
Lodz UL
Otwock-Swierk SINS
Warsaw WUT
Romania Bucharest UB
Constanta UOC
Russia Moscow SINP MSU
Chernogolovka ISMAN RAS
St. Petersburg KRI
Troitsk INR RAS
Slovak Republic Bratislava IP SAS
Kosice PJSU
Sweden Lund LU
Switzerland Villigen PSI
Tajikistan Dushanbe TNU
USA Berkeley, CA Berkeley Lab
Norfolk, VA NSU
Upton, NY BNL
Williamsburg, VA WM
Uzbekistan Tashkent Assoc."P.-S." PTI
Jizzakh JSPI

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