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Status: In-progress

Study of Rare Charged Kaon Decays in Experiments
at the CERN SPS

Leaders:     V.D. Kekelidze
Yu.K. Potrebenikov

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, CERN, Germany, Mexico, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA.
Scientific Programme:
Realization of the NA62 Project allows to clarify CH-violation problem, to measure precisely very rare charged kaon decay to charged pion and two neutrinos, to carried out a search for supersymmetric particles and their partners with a goal to observe a physics beyond the Standard Model. In addition, precise characteristics of rate kaon and hyperon decays will be measured. A high resolution magnetic spectrometer based on the straw drift chambers working in vacuum will be designed and constructed on the stage of preparation of the experiment. Software for simulation, data processing and analysis will be developed.

Expected main results in 2012:
List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. NA62 V.D. Kekelidze1   (2010-2012)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leader
  Laboratory and
Responsible person
Main researchers for the Laboratory
1. Experiment NA62 V.D. Kekelidze
Yu.K. Potrebenikov
Construction of detector
  VBLHEP D.T. Madigozhin, S. Gevorgyan, A.I. Zinchenko, N.A. Molokanova, L.N. Glonti, I.A. Polenkevich, S.N. Shkarovsky, V.V. Tryanin, M.H. Misheva, E.A. Gudzovsky, V.P. Falaleev, Yu.P. Petukhov, A.N.Shcherbakov, A.A. Belkova, V.N. Gorbunova, L.A. Slepets, S.A. Movchan, V.I. Gursky, E.M. Kislov, S.V. Khabarov, V.S. Khabarov, S.V. Sergeev, M.V. Zaytseva, S.V. Kilchakovskaya, V.V. Elsha, T.L. Enik, A.V. Vishnevsky, N.N. Shcherbakov, Yu.V. Gusakov, V.A. Bogdanov, V.M. Lysan, V.A. Samsonov, L.N. Tarasova, V.V. Tarasov, Yu.S. Kovalev
  DLNP N.A. Kuchinsky, V.G. Kalinnikov, N.P. Kravchuk

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Belarus Minsk NC PHEP BSU
Belgium Louvain-la-Neuve UCL
Bulgaria Sofia SU
Plovdiv PU
CERN Geneva
Canada Vancouver TRIUMF
Germany Mainz JGU
Italy Florence INFN
Ferrara INFN
Frascati INFN LNF
Perugia INFN
Univ. "Tor Vergata"
Turin INFN
Mexico San Luis Potosi UASLP
Romania Bucharest IFIN-HH
Russia Protvino IHEP
Troitsk INR RAS
Switzerland Bern Uni Bern
United Kingdom Birmingham Univ.
Edinburgh Univ.
USA Chicago, IL UChicago
Fairfax, VA GMU
Evanston, IL NU
Menlo Park, CA SLAC
Merced, CA UC Merced

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