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Status: Extended

Investigations in the Field of Nuclear Physics with Neutrons

Leader:     V.N. Shvetsov
Deputies:     Yu.N. Kopatch
E.V. Lychagin
P.V. Sedyshev

Participating Countries, Institutes and International Organizations:
Albania, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, CERN, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam.

Scientific Programme:
Experimental and theoretical investigations aimed at studies of fundamental properties of the neutron, symmetry breaking effects in neutron-induced reactions, and fundamental interactions of neutrons with nuclei. Application of neutron physics methods in other fields of science and technology. Development and construction of detectors of neutrons and other ionizing radiation, as well as applied methods in nuclear physics with neutrons. Development of the Intense REsonance Neutron Source (IREN) and of the experimental base at the IREN facility and at the IBR-2 facility.

Expected main results in 2014:
Fundamental investigations of nuclear reactions with neutrons:

  • Preparation of an experiment to measure T-odd effects in fission at beam N1 of the IBR-2 facility.

  • Measurement of neutron cross sections using the detector system "Romashka" at the IREN beam.

  • Finishing measurements of the reactions 66Zn(n,) 63Ni, 144Sm(n,) 141Nd in the energy region 4-6.5 MeV at the facilities EG-5 (FLNP JINR) and EG-4.5 (Beijing University). Preparation of the samples 91Zr and 144Nd for subsequent experiments.

  • Commissioning of the multi-detector system, consisting of a position sensitive double ionization fission chamber and fast neutron detectors. Performing calibration measurements of the multiplicity and energy spectra of the prompt fission neutrons from the 235U(n,f) reaction.

  • Setting up of an experiment to measure ternary spontaneous fission of 252Cf using pixel silicon detectors.

  • Measurement of the spin-lattice relaxation for the 27Al and 51V nuclei. Measurement of the neutron nuclear precession for 27Al and 51V as a function of the neutron energy.

  • Determination of breakup thresholds of 3-4 Cooper pairs of nucleons for nuclei of the 39< A <201 region on the basis of the available data on the two-quantum cascade intensities. Continuation of gathering of these data for other nuclei including actinides. Development of a universal modern practical model of cascade gamma decay of a neutron resonance for nuclei of any types.

  • Measurements of spectral characteristics of neutron fields formed in a massive target of natural uranium "QUINTA" irradiated by deuterons with energies of 1-8 GeV, as well as of total multiplicity and neutron leakage. Preparation of a quasi-infinite target "BURAN" to measurements on beam F-3 of the Nuclotron.

    Investigation of the fundamental properties of the neutron, UCN physics:
    Applied research:
    List of projects:
      Project Leader Priority
    (period of realisation)
    1. TANGRA Yu.N. Kopatch
    V.M. Bystritsky
    1   (2014-2016)

    List of Activities
      Activity or Experiment Leaders
      Laboratory or other
    Division of JINR
    Main researchers
    1. Development of the IREN facility V.N. Shvetsov
      FLNP V.G. Pjataev, G.N. Pogodaev, V.D. Denisov + 15 engineers
    A.P. Sumbaev
    V.V. Kobets, V.F. Minashkin, V.G. Shabratov, V.N. Zamrij, A.N. Skrypnik, J. Betscher
      DLNP I.N. Meshkov
    2. Fundamental investigations of
    nuclear reactions with neutrons
    Yu.N. Kopatch
    Data taking
    Data analysis
      FLNP G.S. Ahmedov, N.V. Bazjazjima, S.B. Borzakov, Ju.M. Gledenov, N.A. Gundorin, Sh.S. Zeynalov, A.P. Kobzev, D. Mahajdik, Zh.V. Mezentseva, V.V. Novitsky, I.A. Oprea, K.D. Oprea, L.B. Pikel'ner, I.N. Ruskov, P.V. Sedyshev, M.V. Sedysheva, V.R. Skoj, A.M. Suhovoj, S.A. Telezhnikov, V.A. Hitrov, M. Tsulaja, Ts.Ts. Panteleev + 13 engineers
      LIT O.V. Zeynalova
      DLNP V.A. Stolupin
    3. Investigation of the fundamental
    properties of the neutron, UCN
    E.V. Lychagin
    Data taking
    Data analysis
      FLNP G.G. Bunatyan, V.K. Ignatovich, G.V. Kulin, D. Kustov, L.V. Mitsyna, A.Yu. Muzychka, Yu.N. Pokotilovskij, A.B. Popov, A.V. Strelkov, A.I. Frank, W.I. Furman, E.I. Sharapov + 2 engineers
    4. Applied research P.V. Sedyshev
    Data taking
    Data analysis
      FLNP M.V. Frontasyeva, Yu.V. Alekseenok, K.N. Vergel, Z.I. Gorjajnova, A.Ju. Dmitriev, I.I. Zinikovskaja, O.F.Culikov, B. Njamsuren, G.S. Ahmedov, N.V. Bazjazjima, S.B. Borzakov, Ju.M. Gledenov, N.A. Gundorin, Sh.S. Zeynalov, A.P. Kobzev, Yu.N. Kopatch, D. Mahajdik, Zh.V. Mezentseva, V.V. Novitsky, I.A. Oprea, K.D. Oprea, L.B. Pikel'ner, I.N. Ruskov, M.V. Sedysheva, V.R. Skoj, A.M. Suhovoj, S.A. Telezhnikov, V.A. Hitrov, M. Tsulaja + 10 engineers

    Country or International
    City Institute or Laboratory
    Albania Tirana UT
    Australia Melbourne Univ.
    Austria Vienna IAEA
    Innsbruck Univ.
    Belarus Minsk INP BSU
    JIPNR-Sosny NASB
    Belgium Geel IRMM
    Brussels ULB
    Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
    Plovdiv PU
    CERN Geneva CERN
    China Beijing IHEP CAS
    Czech Republic Prague CEI
    Egypt Cairo EAEA
    Finland Jyvaskyla UJ
    France Cadarache CC CEA
    Grenoble ILL
    Saclay LLB
    Strasbourg IPHC
    Georgia Tbilisi AIP
    Germany Darmstadt GSI
    Dresden HZDR
    Mainz JGU
    Munich TUM
    Tubingen Univ.
    Greece Athens AUA
    Hungary Godolo SZIU
    Italy Rome ENEA
    Japan Kyoto KSU
    Tsukuba KEK
    Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk TRCE
    Latvia Riga IPUL
    Macedonia Skopje UKiM
    Moldova Chisina IMB ASM
    Mongolia Ulaanbaatar CGL
    Norway Trondheim NTNU
    Poland Gdansk GUT
    Krakow NINP PAS
    Lodz UL
    Lublin MCSU
    Opole OU
    Otwock-Swierk NCBJ
    Poznan AMU
    Republic of Korea Pohang PAL
    Seoul Dawonsys
    Taejon KAERI
    Romania Bucharest IFIN-HH
    Baia Mare NUBM
    Constanta NIMRD
    Galati UG
    Iasi UAIC
    Oradea UO
    Pitesti SCN
    Ramnicu Valcea ICSI
    Targoviste UVT
    Russia Moscow Atomenergomach
    NNRU "MEPhI"
    NRC KI
    Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
    Borok IBIW RAS
    Chernogolovka IPTM RAS
    Dubna "Dubna" Univ.
    Gatchina PNPI
    Irkutsk LI SB RAS
    Ivanovo ISUCT
    Izhevsk UdSU
    Magnitogorsk MagTU
    Obninsk IPPE
    Sarov VNIIEF
    Snezhinsk VNIITF
    St. Petersburg FIP
    Tomsk NPI TPU
    Tula TSPU
    Voronezh VSU
    Yekaterinburg UrFU
    Serbia Belgrade IPB
    Novi Sad UNS
    Slovak Republic Bratislava IP SAS
    Slovenia Ljubljana GeoSS
    South Africa Pretoria Necsa
    Switzerland Villigen PSI
    Thailand Hat Yai PSU
    Turkey Canakkale COMU
    Ukraine Kiev KINR NASU
    Donetsk DonIPE NASU
    Sevastopol IBSS NASU
    Sumy IAP NASU
    Uzhgorod IEP
    Kharkov ISM NASU
    United Kingdom London NHM
    Vietnam Hanoi VNU
    USA Durham, NC Duke
    Gettysburg, PA GC
    Kingston, RI URI
    Los Alamos, NM LANL
    Oak Ridge, TN ORNL

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