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Status: Approved for completion
in 2017

Research on Relativistic Heavy and Light Ion Physics. Experiments at the Nuclotron, SPS and SIS18

Leader:     A.I. Malakhov
Deputy:     S.V. Afanasiev

Participating Countries and International organizations:
Armenia, Bulgaria, CERN, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Japan, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, USA, Uzbekistan.

Scientific Programme:
Search for manifestation of quark-gluon degrees of freedom in collisions of relativistic nuclei and phase transitions in nuclei and exotic resonances. Study of nuclear multifragmentation processes. The Nuclotron internal target experiments. Asymptotics in nuclear collisions and nucleon clusters. Detector development for relativistic heavy-ion experiments at the CERN and BNL. Investigation of the interactions of nuclei at energy 20-158 GeV on a nucleon on NA61/SHINE experiment (SPS, CERN). Study of hadron production in hadron-nucleus interactions. Use of these data for precise predictions of neutrino fluxes in neutrino oscillation experiments at accelerators. Study of fragmentation of light stable and radioactive nuclei with beams of secondary nuclei and data analysis. Studies of cluster structure of light stable and radioactive nuclei in relativistic dissociation. Studies of multifragmentation of heavy nuclei. Study of the properties strong interaction matter. Study of the particles properties in nuclear matter at the Nuclotron.

Expected main results in 2017:
  • Continuation of experiments with the internal target at the Nuclotron. Preparation and carrying out of experiments with extracted beams at the Nuclotron. Development of the software for modeling and processing experimental data.

  • Participation in realization NA61. Study of hadron production in proton-carbon interactions at 30 GeV in the NA61/SHINE experiment at CERN. Use of these data for improved predictions of neutrino fluxes and precise determination of neutrino oscillation parameters in the T2K experiment in Japan.

  • Experimental study of the properties of hot nuclei produced in the collisions of the light relativistic projectiles with heavy target. Measuring and analysis of the longitudinal versus transversal velocity componrnts of fragments in order to understand the degree of the equilibration involved in the disassembly process. The elaboration of the trigger system for decay registration of hypernuclei.

  • Study of multiparticle dynamics in terms of masses and energies of colliding objects and centrality of interaction. Mathematical modeling of experiments on investigation of the properties of highly excited states of nuclear matter in relativistic nuclear collisions and the mechanism of quark hadronization in the process of pion pair production.

  • Search for eta-mesic nuclei formed in dA collisions, the determination of the total cross section of eta-nucleus production in dA collisions and its energy and A-depedence, the construction and production of the neutron detector for this experiment. Investigation of scintillators at high beam intensity.

  • Preparation of the physical programme for experiments at SIS18 and SIS100.

  • Analysis of nuclear track emulsion exposed to the isotopes B-10 and C-11. Exposure of emulsion in secondary beam of the radioactive isotope Be-10. Exposures to heavy nuclei. Test exposures of emulsion in range of hundreds MeV per nucleon.

  • Study of nuclear interactions depending on projectile mass and energy with the beams of relativistic nuclei at the Nuclotron and other accelerators with the photo-emulsion method. Study of fragmentation, multifragmentation, multiparticle production together with correlations between them at interaction of nuclei of various energies with photo-emulsion nuclei. Search for collective effects in central nuclear-nuclear collisions in photo-emulsions.

  • Search and study of new phenomena based on the data obtained using bubble chambers; Theoretical interpretation of these results. Creation of the data base of experimental data and educational programs in the field of relativistic nuclear physics.

  • Study of deep subthreshold processe, applied and educational programs at MARUSYA setup. Construction of electromagnetic detector of MARUSYA setup and test channel and corresponding electornics for detector testing.

  • Investigations with light and heavy ions for applied research.

  • Elaborate schemes of measurement and experimental study (energy and time resolutin) of the hadron calorimeter, designed to monitor and mesure the luminosity at the collider NICA, and the neutron detector, designed for the study of nuclear structure isospin internucleonic on small distances. It uses beam-formed channel 4B and installing infrastructure of the SPHERE setup.
List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. NA61 A.I. Malakhov 1   (2012 - 2017)
2. FASA-3 S.P. Avdeev 1   (2013 - 2017)
3. SKAN-3 S.V. Afanasiev
A.I. L'vov
1   (2017 - 2019)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Responsible person
Main researchers
1. Experiment NA61/SHINE A.I. Malakhov
G.L. Melkumov
Data taking
Data analysis
  VBLHEP D.A. Artyemenkov, D.K. Dryablov, A.Yu. Isypov, V.I. Kolesnikov, V.A. Kireev
  DLNP B.A. Popov, S.A. Bunyatov
2. Experiment BECQUEREL P.I. Zarubin
Data taking
  VBLHEP V.V. Rusakova, D.A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, A.A. Zaytsev, N.K. Kornegrutsa, P.P. Kattabekov, L.Z. Mamatkulov, P.A. Rukoyatkin
3. Project FASA-3 S.P. Avdeev
Data taking
  DLNP V.V. Kirakosyan, W. Kartch
  FLNR G.V. Mushinsky, O.V. Strekalovsky, V.I. Stegaylov
  VBLHEP P.A. Rukoyatkin
4. Project SCAN-3 S.V. Afanasiev
A.I. L'vov
Data taking
  VBLHEP Yu.S. Anisimov, B.V. Dubinchik, V. Berikov, A.F. Elishev, Z.A. Igamkulov, D.K. Dryablov, L.V. Kornyushina, Yu.F. Krechetov, A.S. Kuznetsov, D.G. Sakulin, V.A. Smirnov, E.V. Sukhov, V.V. Ustinov
5. Search and investigation of
new phenomena using informa-
tion obtained with bubble
chambers and their theoretical
interpretation. Creation of data
base of experimental data and
educational programs in the field
of relativistic nuclear physics
A.A. Baldin
V.V. Glagolev
Data analysis
  VBLHEP A.V. Belyaev, V.V. Ilyushchenko, A.Yu. Troyan, A.P. Ierusalimov, S.G. Arakelyan, O.V. Rogachevsky, S.G. Stetsenko
6. Investigation of deep subthreshold
processes, applied and educational
programs at MARUSYA set up
A.A. Baldin
Data taking
  VBLHEP V.A. Arefiev, S.V. Afanasiev, A.V. Belyaev, B.N. Guskov, I.V. Kudashkin, A.I. Kudashkin, I.V. Slepnev, S.G. Stetsenko, A.Yu. Troyan, A.V. Shabunov, S.S. Shimansky, I.P. Yudin, E.E. Perepelkin, I.G. Voloshina, T.V. Shavrina
  BLTP V.V. Burov, S.G. Bondarenko
7. Investigation with light
and heavy ions for
applied research
A.I. Malakhov
Data taking
  VBLHEP N.N. Agapov, Yu.S. Anisimov, A.D. Kovalenko, A.A. Baldin, V.S. Butsev, D.K. Dryablov
8. Upgrade of equipment the station
of internal target of the Nuclotron
Data taking
  VBLHEP Yu.S. Anisimov, B.V. Dubinchik, V. Bekirov, A.F. Elishev, Z.A. Igamkulov, D.K. Dryablov, A.S. Kuznetsov, S.N. Kuznetsov, D.G. Sakulin, T.V. Trofimov
9. Test of the detectors for
measurements and control
the luminosity at the collider
NICA, and detectors for the study
of nuclear structure at small
internucleon distances
A.G. Litvinenko
A.B. Kurepin
Technical Proposal
  VBLHEP I.I .Migulina, V.F. Peresedov, V.I. Shokin, L.S. Zolin, O.P Gavrischuk, N.A. Kuzmin, E.A. Ladygin, S.Ya. Sychkov, Yu.P. Petukhov, E.A. Usenko, D.S. Erin, A.I. Yukaev, S.N. Nagorny, V.P. Balandin
  FLNP E.I. Litvinenko

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan Foundation ANSL
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
China Beijing IHEP CAS
Wuhan CCNU
Czech Republic Prague IMC ASCR
France Orsay IPN Orsay
Germany Darmstadt TU Darmstadt
Dresden HZDR
Frankfurt/Main Univ.
Giessen JLU
Heidelberg Univ.
Munich TUM
Siegen Univ.
Japan Osaka RCNP
Tokyo UT
Tsukuba Univ.
India Jaipur Univ.
Mumbai BARC
Kazakhstan Almaty IPT
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar IPT MAS
Poland Krakow NINP PAS
Lodz UL
Otwock-Swierk NCBJ
Warsaw WUT
Romania Bucharest UB
Constanta UOC
Russia Moscow SINP MSU
Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
Chernogolovka ISMAN RAS
Smolensk SSU
St. Petersburg FIP
Tomsk TPU
Slovakia Bratislava IP SAS
Kosice PJSU
Sweden Lund LU
Switzerland Villigen PSI
Geneva UniGe
Zurich ETH
Tajikistan Dushanbe PHTI ASRT
USA Berkeley, CA Berkeley Lab
Iowa City, IA UIowa
Norfolk, VA NSU
Upton, NY BNL
Williamsburg, VA W&M
Uzbekistan Tashkent Assoc."P.-S." PTI
Jizakh JSPI
Samarkand SSU

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