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Status: Extended

Novel Semiconductor Detectors for Fundamental and Applied Research

Leader:     G.A. Shelkov
Deputy:     A.S. Zhemchugov

Participating Countries and International Organizations:
Belarus, CERN, Cuba, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA.

Scientific Programme:
development of the existing scientific and technical base for R&D of semiconductor radiation-resistant detectors and hybrid high-resolution pixel detectors based on new semiconductor materials and Medipix readout chips for physical studies. development of the existing infrastructure for characterization of semiconductor detectors created at JINR and laboratories of the participating countries, in conjunction with beam tests at the JINR basic facilities. Conducting joint investigations in collaboration with research groups from other scientific centers to determine the potential of using the developed detectors and technologies in other fields of science and technology, especially in geology and biomedicine.
Research in condensed matter physics using the method of positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS). Development of a PAS method on the beam of monochromatic positrons, the creation of equipment for spectroscopy by the Doppler method of measuring the lifetime of positrons in matter.
Development and construction of setups for experiments at accelerators for obtaining new information and testing the present theoretical views in the strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions of elementary particles and light nuclei at intermediate energies with the aim of determining symmetries and dynamics of the interaction.

Expected main results in 2018:
  • Data taking and analyze the information from GaAsPix system for radiation background monitoring in ATLAS.

  • Study of the radiation hardness of GaAs:Cr. Measurement response of Timepix detectors at different particles and development the method of particle identification.

  • Upgrade of the existing stations for measuring properties of semiconductor detectors.

  • Installation in a MARS microtomograph pixel detectors with larger size.

  • Construction microtomograph with a fixed large area detector and a rotating specimen.

  • Development of a full-featured readout electronics unit and preparation for the creation of detectors based on the Medipix4 chip.

  • Development of methods for spectral microtomography, including the improvement of computational algorithms.

  • CT scan bio samples in cooperation with medicine expert.

  • Studies of the possibility of isolating radiopaque substances in the body according to the energy dependence of the linear attenuation coefficient.

  • CT scan of ores and mineral raw materials in cooperation with geophysicist.

  • Production of a polarimmeter based on the Timepix detector for a source of polarized deuterons at the Nuclotron.

  • Commissioning of the slow monochromatic positrons cryogenic source, construction of the closed autonomous cooling system and the emitter-source of the activity of 30 mCi.

  • The construction and commissioning of the specialized monochromatic positron channel (SMPC) and the experimental station. Start of research by Doppler method.

  • Experiments with the Active Target (GDH).

List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. Novel semiconductor detectors for
fundamental and applied research
G.A. Shelkov 1   (2015-2020)
2. PAS:
Development of the experimental
techniques and applied research with
slow monochromatic positron beams
A.G. Kobets
P. Horodek
Scientific leader
I.N. Meshkov
1   (2016-2020)
A. Kovalik
1   (2011-2019)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Responsible person
Main researchers
1. Project "Novel semiconductor
detectors for fundamental and
applied research"
G.A. Shelkov
  DLNP V. Andriiashen, M. Demichev, D.V. Dedovich, A. Gongadze, M.I. Gostkin, A.V. Guskov, S.A. Kotov, D.F. Kozhevnikov, V.G. Kruchonok, N.Kuznetsov, A. Lapkin, A.Leyva Fabelo, A.Nozdrin, V.N. Pavlov, S.Yu. Porokhovoy, S. Shakur, P. Smolyansky, V. Tokareva
  FLNR S. Mitrofanov
  VBLHEP J. Lukstins, A.M. Korotkova, D.O. Krivenkov, A.V. Averianov, C.B. Starikova, A. Maximchuk
2. Project Development of the
experimental techniques and
applied research with slow
monochromatic positron beams
A.G. Kobets
P. Horodek
  DLNP E.V. Ahmanova, I.N. Meshkov, O.S. Orlov, A.Yu. Rudakov, A.A. Sidorin, L.V. Soboleva, T.A. Stepanova, V.I. Hilinov, S.L. Yakovenko
  VBLHEP V.M. Drobin, V.V. Seleznev
3. GDH&SPASCHARM Project Yu. Usov
A. Kovalik
Data taking
Data processing
  DLNP N.S. Borisov, N.A. Bazhanov, A.N. Fedorov, Yu.A. Plis, A.B. Lazarev, A.B. Neganov, A.B. Sadovsky, I.V. Gapienko
  BLTP S.B. Gerasimov, S.S. Kamalov
4. Use of new semiconductor
photodetectors in a calorimetry
for high energy physics
N.V. Anfimov
  DLNP Z.V. Krumshteyn, A.I. Antoshkin, A.G. Olshevskiy, I.A. Orlov, T.V. Rezinko, A.V. Rybnikov, A.S. Selunin, V.V. Chalyshev, I.E. Chirikov-Zorin, D.V. Fedoseev
  VBLHEP I.A. Tyapkin, Z.Ya. Sadygov, T.Yu. Bokova, B. Marinova

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Belarus Minsk BSTU
Croatia Zagreb RBI
Cuba Havana CEADEN
Czech Republic Prague CTU
Switzerland Basel Uni Basel
Germany Hamburg DESY
Mainz JGU
Bonn UniBonn
Giessen JLU
Italy Pavia INFN
New Zealand Christchurch UC
Poland Krakow NINP PAS
Romania Bucharest ISS
Russia Dubna Dubna Univ.
Moscow MSU
Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
Arkhangelsk NÀrFU
Tomsk TSU
St. Petersburg SPbSPU
South Africa Cape Town iThemba LABS
Ukraine Kharkov ISMA NASU
United Kingdom Edinburgh Univ.
USA Washington, DC UW

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