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Status: In-progress

Research on Relativistic Heavy and Light Ion Physics. Experiments at the Accelerator Complex Nuclotron/NICA at JINR and CERN SPS

Leader:     A.I. Malakhov
Deputy:     S.V. Afanasiev

Participating countries and international organizations:
Armenia, Bulgaria, CERN, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, USA, Uzbekistan.

Issues addressed and main goals of research:
The study of new phenomena in multiple particles productions associated with the manifestation of the quark and gluon degrees of freedom in the interaction of relativistic nuclei. The study of nucleon and nuclear interactions in the VBLHEP accelerator complex, CERN SPS. Energy scan of interactions of nuclei at energies 20-158 GeV/nucleon and to study their dependence on the atomic number of nuclei. The searching of the critical point on the phase diagram of nuclear matter on the NA61(SPS, CERN). Study of hadron production in hadron-nucleus interactions. The use of obtained data for precision calculations of spectra and fluxes in accelerator neutrino experiments to study neutrino oscillations. The study of claster structures in light stable and radioactive nuclei in the relativistic dissociation. A study of the multiple fragmentation of heavy nuclei. Experimental and theoretical study of deep subthreshold, cumulative processes, the formation of hadrons and antimatter in the transition energy region. A study of the behaviour of elementary particles, nucleon resonances and nucleon fluctuations in nuclear matter on the spectrometer SCAN. Preparation of proposaps of experiments at the accelerator complex of VBLHEP on the extracted beams of the Nuclotron and NICA Collider. Study of the short range nucleon-nucleo correlations and cluster structure of the nuclei using the beams of ions, polarized protons and deuterons at the internal target of Nuclotron in the framework of DSS and SCAN-3 projects.

Expected major results in the current year:
  • The continuation of experiments at the internal target of the Nuclotron. Preparation and execution of the experiments at the extracted beam of the Nuclotron. The development of simulations and processing of experimental data.

  • Processing and analysis of experimental data obtained at the instalation NA61/SHINE (SPS, CERN) for p+p, Be+Be, Ar+Sc, Pb+Pb collisions. Preparation and implementation of experimental studies on the relativistic beam of lead nuclei. Study of the formation of anti-nuclei in the Ar+Ca and Xe+La collisions.

  • Configure and test three-arms magnetic spectrometer SCAN. The modernization of electronics for data taken. The analysis of experimental data.

  • Upgrading the trigger system for the PHASE setup. Analysis of experimental data within the statistical and dynamic models. The perparation of a new project.

  • An analysis of data from bubble chambers to search and investigate new phenomena on the basis of the supercomputer LIT JINR. Extension of the experimental database in the field of relativistic nuclear physics.

  • Complete reconstruction of the experimental zone of the channel-spectrometer 7B of the MARUSYA setup. Creation and commissioning of coordinate and Cherenkov detectors. Reconstruction of the target station with placment of the target in a vacuum. Development, creation and testing of a neutron detector. Elaboration of the physics program and preparation of a new project MARUSYA-FLINT in the develop-ment of the experimental setup MARUSYA.

  • Adaptation of MARUSYA setup for testing detectors of the experiments at the collider NICA.

  • Preparation of technical project for the measurement of the luminosity at the collider NICA.

  • Preparation of a proposal to study the structure of short-range nucleon-nucleon correlations on the internal target and extracted beam of the Nuclotron.
List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. NA61 A.I. Malakhov 2   (2012 - 2021)
2. SKAN-3 S.V. Afanasiev 1   (2017 - 2019)
List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Responsible person
Main researchers
1. Experiment NA61/SHINE A.I. Malakhov
G.L. Melkumov
Data analysis
  VBLHEP V.A. Babkin, M.G.Buryakov, V.I. Kolesnikov, V.A. Kireev, V.A. Lenivenko, V.A. Matveev M.M. Rumyantsev, A.A. Zajtsev
  DLNP V.V. Lyubushkin, G.I. Lykasov, B.A. Popov, V.V. Tereschenko
2. Experiment BECQUEREL P.I. Zarubin
Data taking
Data analysis
  VBLHEP D.A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, N.K. Kornegrutsa, V.V. Rusakova, P.A. Rukoyatkin, A.A. Zaytsev
3. Experiment FASA-3 S.P. Avdeev
Data analysis
  DLNP V.I. Stegaylov
  FLNR V.V. Kirakosyan, G.V. Mushinsky, O.V. Strekalovsky, V.I. Stegaylov
  VBLHEP P.A. Rukoyatkin
4. Project SCAN-3 S.V. Afanasiev
A.I. L'vov
Data analysis
  VBLHEP Yu.S. Anisimov, A.A. Baldin, V. Bekirov, A.V. Beloborodov, D.K. Dryablov, B.V. Dubinchik, A.F. Elishev, Z.A. Igamkulov, L.V. Kornyushina, Yu.F. Krechetov, A.S. Kuznetsov, S.N. Kuznetsov, M. Paraypan, D.G. Sakulin, V.A. Smirnov, E.V. Sukhov, V.V Ustinov, P.R. Kharyuzov
  DLNP A.N.Fedorov
5. Search and investigation of
new phenomena using informa-
tion obtained with bubble
chambers and their theoretical
interpretation. Creation of data
base of experimental data and
educational programs in the field
of relativistic nuclear physics
A.A. Baldin
V.V. Glagolev
Data analysis
  VBLHEP S.G. Arakelyan, E.G. Baldina, A.V. Belyaev, V.V. Ilyushchenko, A.P. Ierusalimov, M. Paraypan, O.V. Rogachevsky, S.G. Stetsenko, A.Yu. Troyan
6. Investigation of deep subthreshold
processes, applied and educational
programs at MARUSYA set up
A.A. Baldin
Data taking
  VBLHEP V.A. Arefiev, S.V. Afanasiev, A.V. Belyaev, S.N. Bazylev, A.I. Berlev, D.K. Dryablov, E.A. Efimova, A.V. Feschenko, I.V. Kudashkin, E.A. Levterova, R.A. Salmin, S.Yu. Starikova, I.V. Slepnev, S.G. Stetsenko, T.V. Shavrina, S.S. Shimansky, A.Yu. Troyan, I.P. Yudin
  BLTP V.V. Burov, S.G. Bondarenko
7. Investigation with light
and heavy ions for
applied research
A.I. Malakhov
Data taking
  VBLHEP N.N. Agapov, Yu.S. Anisimov, A.A. Baldin, E.G. Baldina, D.K. Dryablov, A.D. Kovalenko, M. Paraypan
8. Upgrade of equipment the station
of internal target of the Nuclotron
S.V. Afanasiev
Data taking
  VBLHEP Yu.S. Anisimov, V.N. Bekirov, D.K. Dryablov, B.V. Dubinchik, A.F. Elishev, Z.A. Igamkulov, A.S. Kuznetsov, S.N. Kuznetsov, D.G. Sakulin, T.V. Trofimov
9. Test of the detectors for
measurements and control
the luminosity at the collider
NICA, and detectors for the
study of nuclear structure at
small internucleon distances
A.G. Litvinenko
Technical Proposal
  VBLHEP V.P. Balandin, O.P Gavrischuk, N.A. Kuzmin, E.A. Ladygin, I.I. Migulina, S.N. Nagorny, V.F. Peresedov, Yu.P. Petukhov, V.I. Shokin, L.S. Zolin, E.A. Usenko
  FLNP E.I. Litvinenko
10. Study of the short range
nucleon-nucleon correlations
at modernized internal target
station at Nuclotron
V.P. Ladygin
Data taking
  VBLHEP Yu.V. Gurchin, A.Yu. Isupov, P.K. Kurilkin, A.N. Khrenov, N.B. Ladygina, A.I. Malakhov, S.G. Reznikov, Ya.T. Schomenko, A.A. Terekhin, A.V. Tishevsky

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan Foundation ANSL
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
Inst. Microbiology BAS
Blagoevgrad AUBG
China Beijing IHEP CAS
Wuhan CCNU
Czech Republic Prague IMC CAS
France Orsay IPN Orsay
Germany Darmstadt TU Darmstadt
Dresden HZDR
Frankfurt/Main Univ.
Giessen JLU
Heidelberg Univ.
Munich TUM
Siegen Univ.
Japan Osaka RCNP
Tokyo UT
Tsukuba Univ.
India Jaipur Univ.
Mumbai BARC
Kazakhstan Almaty IPT
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar IPT MAS
Poland Krakow NINP PAS
Lodz UL
Otwock-Swierk NCBJ
Warsaw WUT
Romania Bucharest UB
Constan ta UOC
Russia Moscow SINP MSU
Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
Vladikavraz VTC "Baspik"
Chernogolovka ISMAN RAS
Protvino IHEP
Smolensk SSU
St. Petersburg FIP
Tomsk TPU
Slovakia Bratislava IP SAS
Kosice PJSU
Sweden Lund LU
Switzerland Villigen PSI
Geneva UniGe
Zurich ETH
Tajikistan Dushanbe PHTI ASRT
USA Berkeley, CA Berkeley Lab
Iowa City, IA UIowa
Norfolk, VA NSU
Upton, NY BNL
Williamsburg, VA WM
Uzbekistan Tashkent Assoc."P.-S." PTI
Jizakh JSPI
Samarkand SSU

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