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Status: Being concluded

JINR's Participation at the BES-III Physics Research Program

Leader:     A.S. Zhemchugov
Deputy:     A.V. Guskov

Participating countries and international organizations:
CERN, China, Germany, Poland, Russia, Sweden.

Issues addressed and main goals of research:
The BES-III experiment at the electron-positron collider BEPC (IHEP CAS, Beijing, China) is aimed at systematic and precise measurements in -charm domain.
The main goals of the experiment include light hadron spectroscopy, study of charmonium spectrum and transitions, study of open charm particles like D and Ds mesons, -lepton physics and search for new exotic XYZ states. Data taking started in 2009. The world largest sample of J/, (3686), (3770), (4040) is already collected. Scan in the energy range 2.0-4.6 GeV is performed for R-ratio measurement. Unique sample in the energy range 4.2-4.6 GeV is collected to search for new XYZ states.
The goal of ARIeL project is to develop the research program for a future e +e - collider. The precision of measurements is expected rto be improved by a 1-2 orders of magnitude with respect to the one at LHC. To reach a precision like this the necessary tools, both theoretical and experimental, should prepared in advance.

Expected major results in the current year:
  • BES-III data analysis.

  • Development of offline software and analysis tools

  • Development of the distributed computing system (integration of cloud resource).

  • Development of high-performance PWA software using HybriLIT cluster.

  • Development of the multipurpose MC event generator to describe main processes of e +e - annihilation including radiative corrections at the level of more than one loop. The generator will take into account the particle polarization both for initial and final states.

  • Development of the standart program codes to calculate the radiation corrections at the level of 2 (for EW interactions) and 3 (for strong interactions) loops.

  • Study of research potential of experiments at CLIC collider in the domain of precision measurements and search of new physics in the base of full detector simulation.

List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1 BES-III A.S. Zhemchugov 1   (2007-2019)
2 ARIeL L.Y. Kalinovskaya 3   (2019-2021)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Responsible person
Main researchers
1. BES-III Project A.S. Zhemchugov
  DLNP O.V. Bakina, I.R. Boyko, A.V. Guskov, D.V. Dedovich, I.I. Denisenko, S.A. Kotov, Yu.A. Nefedov, G.A. Shelkov
  BLTP V.V. Bytev, O.V. Teryaev
  LIT S.D. Belov, V.V. Korenkov, G.A. Ososkov, I.S. Pelevanyuk, O.I. Streltsova, V.V. Trofimov, A.V. Uzhinsky
2. ARIeL Project L.V. Kalinovskaya
  DLNP I.R. Boyko, E.V. Dydyshko, E.O. Lutsenko, I.I. Novikov, Yu.A. Nefedov, N.E. Pukhaeva, L.A. Rumyantsev, A. Rymbekova, S.S. Rzaeva, A.A. Sapronov, R.R. Sadykov, P.V. Shvidkin, A.S. Zhemchugov
  BLTP A.B. Arbuzov, C.G. Bondarenko
  LIT I.S. Pelevanyuk

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
China Beijing IHEP CAS
Germany Hamburg DESY
Hannover LUH
Poland Krakow NINP PAS
Katowice US
Russia Gatchina NRC KI PNPI
Novosibirsk BINP SB RAS
Sweden Lund LU

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