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Status: Being concluded

Development of Experimental Facilities for Condensed Matter
Investigations with Beams of the IBR-2 Facility

Leaders:     S.A. Kulikov
V.I. Prikhodko
V.I. Bodnarchuk

Participating countries and international organizations:
Argentine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan.

Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Development and construction of a control system of the cryogenic moderator CM-201 for IBR-2 reactor beams N 1, 4, 5, 6, 9.
Design of equipment, electronics and software for the complex of IBR-2 spectrometers.
Development of the FLNP information and computing infrastructure according to the needs of the Laboratory
and the development strategy of the JINR computer network.

Expected results in the current year:
  • Trial operation of CM-201 and CM-202 moderators for beamlines 1, 4div11 of the IBR-2 reactor. Obtaining spectra for some beamlines during operation of CM-201 in the cryogenic mode, comparing them with spectra obtained from the thermal moderator. Automation of control over vacuum equipment of the moderators’ complex. Test operation of the optical sensor designed to control the movement of pellets and count them during their pneumatic transportation to the moderator chamber and of the diaphragm flowmeter of the moderators’ complex. Determination of release of radiolytic hydrogen in the CM-201 moderator chamber.

  • Investigation of radiation resistance of materials at the radiation research facility. Integration of a robotic manipulator into the video surveillance and distance measurement system for remote control of handling samples by personnel working in high ionizing radiation fields.

  • Creation of virtual models of spectrometers and simulation of neutron scattering experiments. Determination of configurations of existing and planned neutron instruments in order to maximize beam time efficiency.

  • Completion of development and manufacturing of a horizontal/vertical cryostat with a superconducting magnet and variable temperature range of 4-300 K (PTH project), its testing and preparation for commissioning on the DN-12 diffractometer. Study of a continuous-flow cryostat based on a closed-cycle cryocooler in various operating modes. Modernization of cryostats, cryogenic and vacuum equipment of IBR-2 spectrometers (by request of instrument responsibles).

  • Completion of work under the BSD project (completion of manufacturing, assembling and tuning of the first sector of the BSD detector for the HRFD diffractometer).

  • Development of a detector system based on 2D PSD with a central opening for a direct beam on the REMUR spectrometer (development of technical design, purchase of components and electronic modules, manufacturing of necessary parts and components). Improvement of technologies for manufacturing gas detectors (tuning and commissioning of winding machine; purchase of materials and wire-soldering equipment, thin-film deposition system for coating components of detectors, etc.). Manufacturing and calibration of a detector to determine the absolute intensity of IBR-2 neutron beams.

  • Development of electronics for 240 measuring channels for acquiring and storing data from the BSD detector of the HRFD diffractometer. Modernization of data acquisition systems on the REFLEX and GRAINS spectrometers on the basis of new MPD32-USB3 modules and De-Li-DAQ2 modules for acquiring data from position-sensitive detectors in the raw data transfer mode. Application of digitizers in data acquisition systems, as well as in the equipment of the test stand for the development and debugging of event selection algorithms for scintillation detectors.

  • Installation, tuning and commissioning of CC-3U chopper controller into trial operation on the NERA spectrometer. Installation and tuning of a remote control system of choppers on the GRAINS and YuMO spectrometers. Modernization of control systems for actuators of spectrometers on IBR-2 beamlines 6à, 8div11. Installation, tuning and commissioning of a new Fourier chopper on the FSD diffractometer.

  • Support and improvement of the Sonix+ software package by users’ request, development of software modules for new equipment of spectrometers. Completion of translation of Sonix+ programs into Python (version 3) and transition to Qt5 graphics framework using Visual Studio 2017. Introduction of new software on the SKAT, NERA and GRAINS spectrometers. Improvement of the structure of FLNP mail service and creation of a prototype of a new mail cluster. Enhancement of capabilities of laboratory servers in connection with the changeover to a data rate of 10 Gbit/s. Reconstruction of Wi-Fi network in FLNP building 42a.
List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. Development of PTH sample
environment system for DN-12
diffractometer at the IBR-2 facility
A.N. Chernikov 1   (2015-2020)
2. BSD V.V. Kruglov 1   (2018-2020)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leaders
      Laboratory or other
    Division of JINR
Main researchers
1. Development and putting into
operation of control system of
CM-201 moderator for neutron
beams N 1, 4, 5, 6, 9
S.A. Kulikov
E.P. Shabalin
  FLNP M.V. Bulavin, A.S. Kirilov, A.P. Sirotin, K.A. Mukhin,
8 engineers
2. Calculations and simulation
of spectrometers’ elements.
Development of VITESS
software package
A.V. Belushkin
V.I. Bodnarchuk
  FLNP S.A. Kulikov, S.A. Manoshin, 1 engineer
3. Investigation of radiation
resistance of materials and
electronic components
M.V. Bulavin
S.A. Kulikov
  FLNP E.P. Shabalin, 4 engineers
4. Tests of combined
cryostat with superconducting
magnet for DN-12 diffractometer.
Development and modernization
of cryostats on IBR-2 facility
A.N. Chernikov
S.E. Kichanov
  FLNP N.A. Kovalenko, E.V. Lukin, 2 engineers
5. Development of continuous flow
cryostats on the basis of
closed-cycle cryocoolers
A.N. Chernikov
  FLNP N.A. Kovalenko, 2 engineers
6. Development and implementation
of gas and scintillation detector
systems at IBR-2 facility
A.V. Churakov
V.V. Kruglov
A.A. Bogdzel
  FLNP V.A. Drozdov, V.M. Milkov, V.V. Zhuravlev, A.S. Kirilov, 10 engineers
7. Development of data acquisition
systems, control and experiment
automation systems, as well as of
software package Sonix+ at IBR-2
V.I. Prikhodko
A.P. Sirotin
A.S. Kirilov
  FLNP A.A. Bogdzel, V.I. Bodnarchuk, S.M. Murashkevich, V.V. Zhuravlev, N.D. Zernin, 10 engineers
8. Development of FLNP network
infrastructure in accordance with
development strategy of JINR
computer network
V.I. Prikhodko
  FLNP G.A. Sukhomlinov, A.S. Kirilov, S.A. Manoshin, 5 engineers
  LIT V.V. Korenkov, 2 engineers

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Argentina Bariloche CAB CNEA
Belarus Minsk BSTU
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
Czech Republic Rez NPI CAS
Germany Berlin HZB
Julich FZJ
Hungary Budapest Wigner RCP
Republic of Korea Daejeon NFRI
Romania Bucharest INCDIE ICPE-CA
Cluj-Napoca INCDTIM
Targoviste UVT
Russia Moscow NNRU "MEPhI"
Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
Dubna Dubna State Univ.
Gatchina NRC KI PNPI
Yekaterinburg IMP UB RAS
Sweden Lund ESS ERIC
Switzerland Villigen PSI
Ukraine Lviv LPNU
United Kingdom Didcot RAL
Uzbekistan Tashkent INP AS RUz

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