Analytic continuation of Mellin transforms up to two-loop order. J. Blumlein.

Title of program: ANCONT v1.0
Catalogue identifier: ADMU
Ref. in CPC: 133(2000)76
Distribution format: gzip file
High speed store required: 324K words
Number of bits in a word: 32
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 6696
Keywords: Elementary particle physics, Quantum Chromodynamics, Mellin transforms, Analytic continuation, Harmonic sums, Polylogarithms, Nielsen functions, Bernoulli numbers, Stirling numbers.
Programming language used: Fortran
Computer: HP-9000/755 workstation .

Nature of physical problem:
Calculation of the analytic continuation of the Mellin transforms to complex values of N for the basic functions gi(x) emerging in the splitting and coefficient functions of massless QED and QCD up to two-loop order.

Method of solution:
Serial representations for complex arguments and approximate polynomial representations.


Typical running time:
From fractions of a second for individual representations to 3:30 minutes for the test of all options on a HP-9000/755 workstation.