Title of program:
JetViP version 2.1
Catalogue identifier:
Ref. in CPC:
Distribution format: tar gzip file
High speed store required:
9MK words
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc:
Elementary particle physics, Event simulation, Chromodynamics quantum,
Jet physics, Deeply inelastic electron-proton (eP)
and electron-photon (egamma) scattering(DIS), Photoproduction,
Transition from photoproduction to DIS.
Programming language used: Fortran
Other versions of this program:
Cat. Id. Title Ref. in CPC ADKC JetViP 1.1 119(1999)45
Nature of problem:
In eP- and egamma-scattering experiments, the hadronic final state can
be analyzed by jet cluster algorithms, yielding inclusive single- and
dijet cross sections. These can be obtained in a continuous range of
photon virtuality. The cross sections allow the extraction of
parameters, such as alphas, Alpha(MSbar) or parton densities (also of
the virtual photon), if the respective jet cross sections are
theoretically known.
Method of solution:
JetViP is a computer program for the calculation of inclusive single-
and dijet cross sections in eP- and egamma-scattering in NLO QCD. The
virtuality of the photon, radiated by the incoming electron, can be
chosen in a continuous range, reaching from photoproduction into deep
inelastic scattering. The various contributions to the full jet cross
section, including the resolved photon contributions, are implemented.
The calculation is based on the phase-space-slicing method.
The program uses VEGAS (multidimensional Monte Carlo integration
routine), PDFLIB, SaSgam, GRS (parameterizations of parton densities).
Typical running time:
Varies strongly from LO to NLO and depends on type of subprocess
(direct or resolved). At LO, running times of several minutes for a
cross section are typical. At NLO, the running time for such a cross
section is typically several hours.