GFACTOR2001: a program for relativistic atomic g-factor calculations. T. Kondo.

Title of program: GFACTOR2001
Catalogue identifier: ADPY
Ref. in CPC: 146(2002)261
Distribution format: tar gzip file
Operating system: UNIX 4.0a
Number of bits in a word: 64
Peripherals Required: disc
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 3617
Keywords: Lande g factor, Matrix element reduced, Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method, Configuration interaction, Atomic physics, Structure.
Programming language used: Fortran
Computer: DEC ALPHA station 233 .

CPC Program Library subprograms used:

 Cat. Id.  Title                             Ref. in CPC
 ADCU      GRASP92                            94(1996)249                    

Nature of physical problem:
Prediction of Lande g factor using a 'fully relativistic' approach.

Method of solution:
The state of the electron cloud is assumed to be given by a wavefunction of the form |GammaJ P J MJ > = Sigmar cr|gammaJ P J MJ>, where J and MJ are the total angular momentum and magnetic quantum number, P is the parity quantum number and GammaJ is other quantum number required to completely specify the atomic state, respectively. The configuration state functions |gammaJ P J MJ> are constructed from linear combination of Slater determinants of four-component spin-orbitals. Evaluation of the reduced matrix element between configuration state function is performed using a program originally written by Pyper, Grant and Beatham [1], where angular recoupling programs are reduced to calculation of matrix elements which involve a single particle only. In the present implementation of the latter program, the angular recoupling coefficients required are computed using the NJGRAF package of Bar-Shalom and Klapisch [2].

The complexity of the cases that can be handled is entirely determined by the GRASP92 [3] package used for the generation of the electronic wavefunctions.


 [1] N.C. Pyper, I.P. Grant, N. Beatham, Comput. Phys. Commun.           
     15 (1978) 387.                                                      
 [2] A. Bar-Shalom, M. Klapisch, Comput. Phys. Commun. 50 (1988) 375.    
 [3] F.A. Parpia, C. Froese Fischer, I.P. Grant, Comput. Phys. Commun.   
     94 (1996) 249.