MMM2D: a fast and accurate summation method for electrostatic interactions in 2D slab geometries. A. Arnold, C. Holm.

Title of program: MMM2D
Catalogue identifier: ADQM
Ref. in CPC: 148(2002)327
Distribution format: tar gzip file
Operating system: Linux, Compaq Tru64, AIX
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 3101
Keywords: Electrostatics, Coulomb interactions, Alternative to Ewald, Planar surfaces, Slab geometry.
Programming language used: C
Computer: IA32 , Alpha , IBM Power4 .

Nature of physical problem:
Fast computation of the Coulomb sum in slab geometries. Useful for Molecular Dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations of surfaces or membranes involving charges.

Method of solution:
Poisson's summation formula is used to obtain a rapidly converging Fourier representation.

The CPU time scales as N**5/3, where N is the number of charges, memory usage scales as N.

Typical running time:
~N**5/3 0.01ms.

Unusual features: