MJK: a program to calculate observable quantities in electron-atom collisions. A.N. Grum-Grzhimailo.

Title of program: MJK
Catalogue identifier: ADRI
Ref. in CPC: 152(2003)101
Distribution format: gzip file
Operating system: UNIX
High speed store required: 90MK words
Number of bits in a word: 64
Peripherals Required: disc
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 3089
Keywords: Electron-atom scattering, Scattering amplitudes, Excitation, Differential cross sections, Spin polarization, Spin asymmetry, State multipoles, Statistical tensors, Atomic physics.
Programming language used: Fortran
Computer: DEC Alpha 667MHz .

Nature of physical problem:
Angle-integrated and angle-differential physical observables in elastic and inelastic electron-atom scattering, evaluated from partial-wave T-matrix elements.

Method of solution:
Density matrix and statistical tensor formalism ([1] and references).

Typical running time:
Typical calculations take a few seconds on DEC Alpha 667 MHz workstation depending on complexity of the problem.

Unusual features:
The program can be run interactively. It is possible to use an unformatted output file from the flexible asympotic FARM package [2] as an input file to the program.


 [1] V.V. Balashov, A.N. Grum-Grzhimailo, N.M. Kabachnik, Polarization   
     and Correlation Phenomena in Atomic Collisions.  A Practical Theory 
     Course (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2000).         
 [2] V.M. Burke, C.J. Noble, Comput. Phys. Commun. 85 (1995) 471.