LDCMC version 1.0. H. Kharraziha, L. Lonnblad.

Title of program: LDC version 1.0
Catalogue identifier: ADKK
Ref. in CPC: 123(1999)153
Distribution format: uuencoded compressed tar file
Operating system: OSF1
High speed store required: 20MK words
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 51776
Programming language used: C++, Fortran
Computer: DEC/Alpha 400MHz

Nature of physical problem:
Generating the initial state QCD evolution of partons in deeply inelastic scattering.

Method of solution
Monte Carlo generation of forward evolution using the Linked Dipole Chain approach to the CCFM evolution equations.

Restrictions on the complexity of the problem
At most 500 partons can be generated per event.

Typical running time
0.1 seconds per event on an 400MHz DEC/Alpha workstation.

Unusual features of the program
Intermixes Fortran and C++ which may cause problems on some platforms. Is distributed as a part of the Ariadne program as of Ariadne version 4.08.


 H. Kharraziha, L. Lonnblad, J. High Energy Phys. 3 (1998) 006