Dubna. SANS PC Software. Program SAS. Version 03.03 23-Mar-92

Subroutine SHOSPE : type in start channel for plott [ 0] ? 1

Subroutine SHOSPE : type in end channel for plott [ 0] ? 123

Subroutine SHOSPE : type in number of first detector for plott [ 0] ? 2

Subroutine SHOSPE : type in number of first sample for plott [ 0] ? 1

Subroutine SHOSPE: do You want to have lambda on X-scale [N] ? Yes

Subroutine SHOSPE : do You want to have anoter data for plott [N] ? Yes

Subroutine SHOSPE : type in number of second detector for plott [ 0] ?




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