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Каталог крупнейшего в России архива свободно-распространяемых
программ и систем
Библиотека численного анализа НИВЦ МГУ
Библиотека алгоритмов AlgLib
Netlib -
collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases
collection of Fortran subroutines for computation
the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of some classes of matrices
Linear Algebra PACKage for solving systems
of linear equations and eigenvalue problems
Linear Algebra PACKage in C++ for solving systems of linear
equations on high performance computers
Common Mathematical Library, containing general purpose
mathematical and statistical routines
cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit for UNIX/Linux (X11),
Microsoft Windows and MacOS
cross-index and virtual repository
of mathematical and statistical software components
high-level plotting library for displaying data
Scilab -
scientific software package for numerical
computations providing a powerful open computing environment
Octave -
high-level language and tools, intended for numerical computations
R-project -
language and environment for statistical computing and graphics
Fortran Library -
a free scientific and technical programming resource
The Fortran Company -
products, services, and general information related to the Fortran