К. Д. Толстов Объединенный институт ядерных исследований, г. Дубна
Дается обзор работ по поискам сверхтяжелых элементов (СТЭ) в природе и обсуждаются методы, с помощью которых проводится обогащение образцов сверхтяжелыми элементами и их детектирование при начальной концентрации In the present paper we introduce a compilation of works devoted to the search of superheavy elements in nature. Theoretical predictions on the basis of astrophysics and the models of nuclear structure are discussed. Experimental indications of the possibility of existence of superheavy elements are presented. The trials of their observations in earth samples, meteorites and in cosmic rays are introduced. The methods of concentration and detection of superheavy elements in natural samples are discussed which may allow on to registrate superheavy elements at initial concentration < 10-20 g/g. Full text in PDF (3.195.559) |