Separation and Identification of Complete Fusion Reaction Products, Further Development of the Methods (Mass Determination of Heavy Nuclei)

Yeremin A. V., Popeko A. G.

Over the last years, the recoil separators have been widely used for the investigation of evaporation residues produced in complete fusion reactions induced by heavy ions. For identification of the newly synthesized nuclei, the delayed a-a correlation method has been mainly applied. Production of high-intensity accelerated beams of 48Ca, which allowed one to synthesize new neutron-rich nuclei close to the predicted region of enhanced stability (Z = 114, N = 184), demands further development of the methods for separation and identification of new nuclides. Using the upgraded separator VASSILISSA, mass resolution at the level of 1.5 % was obtained for nuclei having masses in the range of 280-290 a.m.u. At the present time, a mass separator with a resolution of 0.3 % is being constructed at the FLNR, JINR.

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