Experimental and Model Investigations of Dynamics Peculiarities in Periodic Pulsed Reactor IBR-2

Bondarchenko E. A., Pepyolyshev Yu. N., Popov A. K.

The results of the investigation of the dynamics of the pulsed reactor of periodic operation IBR-2 obtained with the aim of substantiation of reliable and safe operation of the reactor in the course of exploitation are discussed. An IBR-2 model for the modeling of transitional processes is presented. The model is constructed on the basis of a module structure using discrete transfer functions of the kinetics blocks, power feedback and automatic regulator with accounting for nonlinear dependence functions. Good agreement between the calculated and experimental power transitional processes at reactivity changes is obtained. As an illustration of the application of the model the data from the investigation of the influence of the automatic regulator parameters on the transitional processes are presented and recommendations on their optimal combination are given. In addition, the results of the use of the model representations to assess the IBR-2 reactor stability are reported. The parameters and temperature dynamics of an assembly representing a hypothetical combination of two presently operating facilities: a powerful proton accelerator and the IBR-2 active zone in a subcritical state, are estimated.
Some results of experiments to investigate IBR-2 pulse energy noises as a part of dynamics are presented. The frequence ranges for which increased power oscillations are characteristic are pointed out indicating probable causes of the oscillations. The data on the modulated power oscillations due to periodic oscillations of external reactivity that lie in the basis of estimates of the reactor stability are given and the structure of the power feedback model is accepted.

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