Supermultiplet Potential Model of the Interaction of Light Clusters and Unified Description of Various Nuclear Reactions

Neudatchin V. G., Struzhko B. G., Lebedev V. M.

Recently we have introduced, within the supermultiplet potential model, the lightest cluster A + B scattering phase shifts dL[f](E). They depend strongly on the signature of the orbital Young tableau [f] and can be determined in polarization experiments. The differential cross sections of the deuteron spin-isospin flip into the singlet state are expressed in terms of these phase shifts. The extended data on the d + t ® ds + t ((nns + h) (h3He) reaction in the energy range Elab~20-40 MeV are analyzed as well as scarce data on the d + d ® ds + ds ((nns) + (pp)s reaction. In particular, we discuss how to extract, e. g., the contribution of the t + ds state from the three-body continuum t + p + n data. Resultively, the experiment supports the supermultiplet theory based physically on the large difference in the strength of the potentials VL[41](R) and VL[32](R) or VL[4](R) and VL[22](R). In the same approach, we suggest a simple explanation of the photonuclear reactions d + t® 5He + g, 4He + g ®t + p (together with the charge-exchange reaction t + p®h + n), and 4He + g ® d + d. Finally we predict a number of the three-cluster near-threshold states like s3p4[f] = [331](t + t + p), s3p5[f] = [332](h + t + d), s4p5[f] = [432] (a + t + d), etc., which can be observed in various nuclear reactions.

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