THE RELATIVISTIC MEAN FIELD AND SOME OF ITS RECENT APPLICATIONS Y.K.Gambhir, A.Bhagwat Essentials of relativistic mean field (RMF) theory and some of its recent
applications are presented. The explicit calculations are carried out for a few
selected isotopic, isotonic, and isobaric chains of nuclei covering the entire
periodic table. The calculated ground-state properties are found to be in good
agreement with the corresponding experiment: the binding energies are reproduced,
on the average, within 0.25%, and the charge radii differ only in the second
decimal place of fermi. The relativistic origin of the pseudospin symmetry is
briefly discussed. The density distributions obtained are found to be in good
agreement with the experiment (where available). The peripheral factor - the
ratio of the neutron and the proton densities at the nuclear periphery,
extracted in the antiproton annihilation experiments - is well reproduced. The
RMF densities are used to calculate the reaction ( |