List of Fortran codes published in Computer Physics Communications Program Library 



  1. O. Chuluunbaatar, A.A. Gusev, S.I. Vinitsky and A.G. Abrashkevich, P.W. Wen, C.J. Lin, KANTBP 3.1: A program for computing energy levels, reflection and transmission matrices, and corresponding wave functions in the coupled-channel and adiabatic approaches, Comput. Phys. Commun. 278, pp. 108397–1–14 (2022).

  1. A.A. Gusev, O. Chuluunbaatar, S.I. Vinitsky and A.G. Abrashkevich, KANTBP 3.0: New version of a program for computing energy levels, reflection and transmission matrices, and corresponding wave functions in the coupled-channel adiabatic approach, Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, pp. 3341–3343 (2014).

  1. A.A. Gusev, O. Chuluunbaatar, S.I. Vinitsky and A.G. Abrashkevich, POTHEA: A program for computing eigenvalues and eigenfunctions and their first derivatives with respect to the parameter of the parametric self-adjoined 2D elliptic partial differential equation, Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, pp. 2636–2654 (2014).

  1. O. Chuluunbaatar, A.A. Gusev, S.I. Vinitsky and A.G. Abrashkevich, ODPEVP: A program for computing eigenvalues and eigenfunctions and their first derivatives with respect to the parameter of the parametric self-adjoined Sturm-Liouville problem. Comput. Phys. Commun. 181, pp. 1358–1375 (2009).

  1. O. Chuluunbaatar, A.A. Gusev, S.I. Vinitsky and A.G. Abrashkevich, KANTBP 2.0: New version of a program for computing energy levels, reaction matrix and radial wave functions in the coupled-channel hyperspherical adiabatic approach, Comput. Phys. Commun. 179, pp. 685–693 (2008).

  1. O. Chuluunbaatar, A.A. Gusev, V.P. Gerdt, V.A. Rostovtsev, S.I. Vinitsky, A.G. Abrashkevich, M.S. Kaschiev and V.V. Serov, POTHMF: A program for computing potential curves and matrix elements of the coupled adiabatic radial equations for a hydrogen-like atom in a homogeneous magnetic field, Comput. Phys. Commun. 178, pp. 301–330 (2008).

  1. O. Chuluunbaatar, A.A. Gusev, A.G. Abrashkevich, A. Amaya-Tapia, M.S. Kaschiev, S.Y. Larsen and S.I. Vinitsky, KANTBP: A program for computing energy levels, reaction matrix and radial wave functions in the coupled-channel hyperspherical adiabatic approach, Comput. Phys. Commun. 177, pp. 649–675 (2007).