Personal Information:

          Date of Birth:  24 of July, 1974
          Place of Birth: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


1992 – 1996 Faculty of Mathematics, National University of Mongolia.

Academic degrees:

1998 Master of Science in Numerical Mathematics:

“Some Mathematical Questions of the Few-Body Problem in Quantum Mechanics”,

Supervisor: Prof. Kh. Tsookhuu, National University of Mongolia.

2002 Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics:

“The Newton variation-iteration schemes for numerical study of the three-body quantum systems'”,

Supervisors: Profs. I.V. Puzynin and S.I. Vinitsky, JINR.

2010 Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics:

“The variation-projective methods for investigation of few-body quantum systems”,

Scientific advisers: Profs. I.V. Pusynin and S.I. Vinitsky, JINR.

2018 Full member of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences


Specialization: mathematical modelling, numerical methods and program complexes.

Professional Record:

1997 – 1999 Lecturer of the Department of Applied Mathematics, SMCS, NUM.

1999 – 2006 Junior Scientist, LIT JINR.

2006 – 2010 Senior Scientist, LIT JINR.

2010 – 2011 Leading Scientist, LIT JINR.

2011 – 2019 Head of Sector for calculations of complex physical systems, LIT JINR.

Since 2019 Deputy Director, LIT JINR.

Scientific-Organizational Activities:

2007 – 2020 Head of National Group of Mongolia in JINR.

Since 2011 Member of the Scientific-Technical Council of LIT JINR.

Since 2019 Member of the Dissertation Council for IT and Computational Physics of JINR.

Scientific Interests:

Computational physics, mathematical modelling, variational and numerical methods in the few-body problem,

High accuracy uncoupled correlated calculations of energy of helium isoelectronic bound states,

Impact ionization of helium by fast electron or proton in Born's approximation,

A multi-channel scattering problem and exact solvable models,

Monte-Carlo methods, etc.

Present Position:

Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region 141980, Russia.

Permanent Position:

Institute of Mathematics and Digital Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.