
Kholmirzo T. Kholmurodov
Kholmirzo T. Kholmurodov graduated from the Tajik State University in 1981 with honor degree, fulfilled his diploma project at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Moscow region, Russia. He received his Ph.D. (in 1984) and Doctor of Science (Physical and Mathematical, in 1997) degrees from JINR. Since 2003, he held a position of head of Computer Molecular Modeling Sector at the Laboratory of Radiation Biology, JINR. He was a visiting professor at Nagoya University (1997-1998), worked at RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), Japan (1998-2003). He is a member of CCP5 (Computational Collaborative Project 5, United Kingdom), IEEE Computer Society, JPS (Japanese Physical Society, 2000-2003).
His current research interests focus on the computer molecular simulations of the nano- and biological structures with machines of parallel-vector and special-purposes architectures.
Address: Laboratory of Radiation Biology, JINR, Joliot-Curie 6, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
Phone: (7-49621) 62872;
Fax: (7-49621) 65948;
E-mail: mirzo@jinr.ru, mirzo@cv.jinr.ru
Visual pigment rhodopsin: a computer simulation of the
molecular dynamics of 11-cis-retinal chromophore and amino-acid
residues in the chromophore centre
Kholmirzo T Kholmurodov,
Tatyana B Feldman, Mikhail A

1. Books
- Kholmurodov Kh.T., Abdulloev Kh.O, Khakimov F.K. The solution of one quantum-mechanical problem and the KDV-equation solitons. Tajik State University, Univ. Publish. Dept., 1986.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. Mathematical simulation of solitons dynamics in the Bose-gas models. JINR, P5-88-144, Dubna, 1988.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. Mathematical simulation of nonlinear effects in condensed states physics. JINR, Dubna, 1992.
- Kholmurodov, K., Puzynin, I., Yasuoka, K., Smith, W., and Ebisuzaki, T. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Droplet Spreading Process for Metallic Phases: The Low Energy Cluster-Substrate Impacts. "Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics", Book: "2002 Springer Proceedings in Physics", pp.71-77, Eds: D.P.Landau, S.P.Lewis, H.-B.Schuttler, "Springer Verlag GmbH & Co.KG".
- Kholmurodov, K., Puzynin, I., Darden, Ò., Altaisky, M., and Filatov, V. Molecular Dynamics Methods in the Simulation of the Physical and Biological Processes. PEPAN (Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei), JINR, Dubna, Moscow, ISSN: 0367-2026, V.34, Issue 2, 2003.
- Kholmurodov, K.T. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Rhodopsin and Prion Proteins: The Effect of Disease-Related Amino Acid Mutations on the Structural Conformations. PEPAN (Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei), JINR, Dubna, Moscow, ISSN: 0367-2026, V.36, Issue 2, 2005.
2. Selected papers
- Makhan'kov V.G., Pashaev O.K., and Kholmurodov Kh.T., "Soliton formation process in the decay of monochromatic wave in the framework of Korteweg-de Vries equation. I.Theory", Preprint OIYal R5-85-561, Dubna, 1985. [cited by Plenum Publishing Corporation, Lugin ¨.V. and Shapovalov A.V., 1989]
- Makhan'kov V.G., Pashaev O.K., and Kholmurodov Kh.T., "Soliton formation process in the decay of monochromatic wave in the framework of Korteweg-de Vries equation. II.Numerical experiment", Preprint OIYal R5-85-562, Dubna, 1985. [cited by Plenum Publishing Corporation, Lugin ¨.V. and Shapovalov A.V., 1989]
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. et. al. Threshold of KDV solitons production. Phisica Scripta, 1989, vol.39, pp.9-12.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. et al. Diffraction of solitons in nonlinear defocusing medium. Tadjik Academy Sciences Bulletins, 1988, N 1, p.69.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. Mathematical simulation of solitons dynamics in the Bose-gas models. Communications of JINR, P5-88-144, Dubna, 1988.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. Numerical simulation the stability of the U(2)- vector solitons. In: JINR Rapid Communications, N 5-87, Dubna.
- Barashenkov I.V., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Bose-gas with two- and three particle interactions: evolution of the soliton-like bubbles. Preprint JINR, Dubna, 1987.
- Makhankov V.G., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Condensate stability in the Bose-gas models with two- and three particle interactions. Sov. J. Low Temperature Physics, 1989, 15, N 1, p.72.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. et al. Some exact relations berween the integrable models of the anysotropic ferromagnetic and nonlinear Bose-gas models. Tadjik Academy Sciences Bulletins, 1988, N 3, p.45.
- Pashaev O.K., Myrzakulov R., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Preprint JINR, Dubna, 1987.
- Pashaev O.K., Myrzakulov R., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Particle-like excitations in many component magnon-phonon sytems, Physica Scripta, 1987.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. et al. The influence of admixtures on the ultrasound wave propagation in materials. In: Theses of the 2nd USSR All-Union Conference "The Problems of Physics of the Polymers Durability and Plasticity ", Tadjikistan, Dushanbe, 1990.
- Puzynin I.V., Fedyanin V.K., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Simulation of non-equilibrium sorption dynamics of the interacting particles. JINR Rapid Communications., l[64]-94, Dubna, 1994.
- Puzynin I.V., Fedyanin V.K., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Peculiarities of adsorption dynamics of the interacting particles. Russian J. Physical Chemistry. 1995, v.69, n 3, p.592.
- Puzynin I.V., Fedyanin V.K., Kholmurodov Kh.T. The influence of the activated complexes in an adsorbat-adsorbent open system on the transfer processes. Preprint JINR, P17-95-405, Dubna, 1995; Russian J. Physical Chemistry.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T., Fedyanin V.K., Puzynin I.V. Simulation of non-equilibrium physical adsorption taking into account the adatoms interaction. Fluid Phase Equilibria, Elsevier, 136 (1997) 115-133.
- Puzynin I.V., Fedyanin V.K., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Numerical simulation of processes in adsorptional system with an active surface. Preprint JINR P17-94-135, Dubna, 1994.
- Puzynin I.V., Fedyanin V.K., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Simulation of gas transfer dynamics under the influence of an active surface. Russian J. Physical Chemistry. 1995, v.69, n 8, p.2245.
- Puzynin I.V., Fedyanin V.K., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Simulation of non-equilibrium sorption dynamics of the interacting particles. JINR Rapid Communications., l[64]-94, Dubna, 1994.
- Puzynin I.V., Fedyanin V.K., Kholmurodov Kh.T. The transfer processes in an adsorptional system of the randomly interacting adatoms. Preprint JINR, P17-95-406, Dubna, 1995; Russian J. Physical Chemistry.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. A new approach to investigation of transfer processes in an adsorbing medium with regards of the particles interaction in the adsorbate. Communications of JINR, Dubna, 1995.
- Puzynin I.V., Fedyanin V.K., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Active surface and transfer processes in gas dynamics. In Proceedings of the PLDS-2, Russia, Dubna, 1995; J. " Phys. Low-Dim. Struct", 10/11, 1995.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T., Puzynin I.V., Smirnov Yu.S. A new approach to numerical solution of the nonstationary Schroedinger equation with polynomial nonlinearity. Preprint JINR, Dubna, 1995.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T., Puzynin I.V., Fedyanin V.K. 2D gas transfer dynamics in an adsorbate- adsorbent open system of the interacting particle. Preprint JINR, Dubna, 1997; Russian J. Physical Chemistry.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T., Fedyanin V.K., and Puzynin I.V. Activated complexes in an adsorbat-adsorbent open system and transfer processes. Russian J. Physical Chemistry. 1997, v.71, No.4, pp.698-701.
- 24. Kholmurodov Kh.T., Fedyanin V.K., and Puzynin I.V. The transfer pro
cesses in a stochastic systems of adsorbing adatoms. Russian J. Physical
Chemistry. 1997, v.71, No.4, pp.702-705.
- 25. Kholmurodov Kh.T., Fedyanin V.K., and Puzynin I.V. Threshold Depen
dence of the Surface Coverage on the Interaction Parameter for a Nonequi-
librium Sorption System. Russian J. Physical Chemistry. 1997.
- Kholmurodov K. et al. Simulation of Thermo - Elastic Effects in the Ion Pulse Explosion Treatment of Metallic Films, Preprint. JINR, Dubna, 1998.
- Kholmurodov K. et al. Simulation of Thermoelastic Effects in the ion treatment of metals, Proc. of 12-th Int. Conf. on High-Power Particle Beams "BEAMS'98", Haifa, Israel, June 7-12, 1998, p.993-996. Edited by: Meir Markovitz and Joseph Shiloh, Rafael, Haifa.
- Kholmurodov K. et al. A Model of Interaction of Thermoelastic Strength Pulses in Metals Under The Influence of Periodic Ion Sources, Preprint JINR, P2-98-201, Dubna, 1998.
- Kholmurodov K. et al. NASA, STAR (Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports) Chemistry and Materials (Subject Categories of Division C.) 26. Metals and Metallic Materials; p.53, 2000.
- Smith, W. and Kholmurodov, K. The Molecular Simulation Package DL_POLY. Newsletter of Molecular Society of Japan (2001).
- Kholmurodov, K., Smith, W., Yasuoka, K., and Ebisuzaki, T. Tuning DL_POLY for Vector Computers. (This work is part of a UK-Japan agreement to develop applications for high-performance computers). HPCPro-file (The National Publication for High-Performance Computing Applications and Techniques). Eds. R.J.Allan, D.J.Laff and M.F.Guest Issue 24, 12/1999
- Kholmurodov, K., Smith, W., Yasuoka, K., and Ebisuzaki, T. A highly vectorised "link-cell" FORTRAN code for the DL_POLY molecular dynamics simulation package, RIKEN Review, No.25, November, 1999, pp.87-88.
- Kholmurodov, K., Smith, W., Yasuoka, K., and Ebisuzaki, T. A Highly Vectorised "Link-Cell" FORTRAN Code for the DL_POLY Molecular Dynamics Simulation Package, Computer Physics Communications, (2000), 125, 167-192.
- Kholmurodov, K., Smith, W., Yasuoka, K., and Ebisuzaki, T. Some Optimisations of DL_POLY Molecular Dynamics Simulation Code on the Fujitsu VPP700. Proc. High Performance Comput. and Appl., Published by JSPC, Tokyo, Japan, 2000.
- Kholmurodov, K., Smith, W., Yasuoka, K., Darden, Ò., and Ebisuzaki, T. A smooth-particle mesh Ewald method for DL_POLY molecular dynamics simulation package on the Fujitsu VPP700. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 21 (13): 1187-1191 , 2000.
- Kholmurodov, Ê., Smith, W., Yasuoka, K., Narumi, Ò., Susukita, R., Allan, R., and Ebisuzaki, T. Fast Forces Calculations on DL_POLY Molecular Simulation Package: Adapting the Program for a special-purpose computer MDGRAPE-2. In: "57th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan", V.57, Issue 1, Part 2, p.103-336. March 24-27, Ritsumeikan Univ., 2002.
- Kholmurodov, K., Ebisuzaki, Ò., Yasuoka, K., Puzynin, I., and Smith, W. Fast Forces Calculations in the DL.POLY Molecular Simulation Package. In: Proceedings "6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2002)", Orlando, USA, July 14-18, 2002.
- Kholmurodov, K., Puzynin, I., Yasuoka, K., and Ebisuzaki, T. MD Simulation of Cluster-Beam- Surface Impact Processes for Metallic Phases. Preprint JINR, El 1-2000-228, Dubna, 2000.
- Kholmurodov, K., Puzynin, I., Yasuoka, K., Smith, W., and Ebisuzaki, T. MD simulation of cluster-surface impacts for metallic phases: soft landing, droplet spreading and implantation. Comput. Phys. Commun. 141 (2001) 1-16.
- Kholmurodov, K., Puzynin, I., Yasuoka, K., Smith, W., and Ebisuzaki, T. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Cluster-Beam-Surface Impact Processes for Metallic Phases. J. of Comput. Meth. in Sci. and Eng. vol.2, no.1-2, 2002, pp.141-147, Cambridge Int. Sci. Publishing, Cambridge CB1 6AZ, GB.
- Kholmurodov, Ê. Ò.; Yasuoka, K.; Zeng, X. C. MD simulation of heterogeneous vapor nucleation on a solid surface. AIP Conf. Proc. 2000, 534, 253-256.
- Kholmurodov, Ê. Ò.; Yasuoka, K.; Zeng, X. C. Molecular Dynamics simulation of a supersaturated vapor nucleation in a slit pore. II. Thermostat-ted atomic wall model. J. Chem. Phys. V.114, No.21, 2001, pp.9578-9584.
- Kholmurodov, K., Smith, W., Yasuoka, K., and Ebisuzaki, T. MD Simulations with Package a Special-Surpose Computer MDGRAPE-2. In: " Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan", Volume 57, Issue 2, Part 2, p.93-324. September 6-9, Chubu University, 2002.
- Kholmurodov, K., Puzynin, I., Yasuoka, K., and Ebisuzaki, T. MD Simulation of Cluster-Beam- Surface Impact Processes for Metallic Phases. Preprint JINR, El 1-2000-228, Dubna, 2000.
- Kholmurodov, K.; et al. MD simulations of the dynamics and confor-mational change of the prion proteins: of E200K point mutation in the HuPrP. RIKEN Review, No.48, 2002, pp.16-18.
- Kholmurodov, Ê. Ò.; Hirano Y., and Ebisuzaki, T. MD Simulations on the Influence of Disease-Related Amino Acid Mutations in the Human Prion Protein. Chem-Bio Informatics Journal, Vol.3, No.2, pp.86-95, (2003).
- Kholmurodov, K.; et al. The effect of Glu200Asp, Glu200Gln, Gln200Ile, and Gln200Val point mutations in the human prion protein using molecular dynamics and quantum chemical calculations. RIKEN Review. (2003).
- Kholmurodov, Kh.T. Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Structural Conformations of Rhodopsin and Prion Proteins. PEPAN Letters, JINR, Dubna, Moscow, ISSN: 1814-5957, V.2, No.6(129), 2005.
- Kretov D.A., Kholmurodov Kh.T. MD Calculations of Ground-State Energy of the Nucleotide Doublets, Their Eigenmode Frequencies and Geometry Optimization. JINR-E19-2004-133.
- Kretov D.A., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Density-Temperature Behavior of a Flexible Chain Polyethylene. JINR-E19-2004-112.
- Kretov D.A., Kholmurodov Kh.T. MD simulations on a flexible chain polyethylene: the effect of the electrostatic forces .... JINR-E19-2004-114.
- Kretov D.A., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Density Temperature Behavior of a Polyethylene Chain. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 79, No. 11, p.1786-1781 (2005).
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Rhodopsin and Prion Proteins: The Effect of Disease-Related Amino Acid Mutations on Thier Structural Conformations, PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI, Vol.36, No.2, 2005, pp.291-318.
- Kretov D.A., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Flexible Polyethylene: A Protein-Like Behaviour in Water Solvent, JINR-E19-2005-39.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T., Feldman T.B., Ostrovsky M.A. Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Spectral Studies of Visual Pigment Rhodopsin: Multiple Conformational States and Structural Changes, JINR-E19-2005-20.
- Koltovaya N.A., Guerasimova A.S., Kretov D.A., Kholmurodov K.T. Sequencing analysis of mutant allele cdc28-srm of protein kinase CDC28 and molecular dynamics study of glycine-rich loop in wild type and mutant allele G16S of CDK2 as model. FEBS Journal 272 , E1-037P (2005).
- Teterev A.Yu., Avdeev M.V., Kholmurodov Kh.T., Aksenov V.L. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Solutions of Fullerene C60 in Carbon Disul-fide, In: Proceedings Int.Workshop MSSMBS'04, ISBN: 1-59454-607-X, Nova Science Publishers (N.Y.).
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. Molecular dynamics simulations on structural conformations of rhodopsin and prion proteins. PEPAN Letters, N6 (129), pp.87-97, 2005.
- Kretov D.A., Koltovaya N.A., Kholmurodov Kh.T. Molecular dynamics study of radiosensitive mutant allele of protein kinase ycdc28-srm [G20S] using hcdk2 as model. In: Radiation Risk Estimates in Normal and Emergency Sitautions, A.A.Cigna and M.Durante (eds.), pp.327-339, Springer (2006).
- Kholmurodov Kh.T., Feldman T.B., Ostrovsky M.A. Molecular dynamics simulations of the dark-adapted rodopsin and free opsin. Russian Physiological Journal. V.91, N12, P.1377-1397, 2005.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T., Feldman T.B., Ostrovsky M.A. Visual pigment rhodopsin: a computer simulation of the molecular dynamics of 11-cis-retinal chromophore and amino-acid residues in the chromophore centre. Mendeleev Communications, V.16(2006) , No.l, P.l-8, 2006.
- Kholmurodov Kh.T., Kretov D.A., Guerasimova A.S., Koltovaya N.A. Molecular Dynamics Modeling of the Substitution of Serine for the Conservative Glycine in the G-Loop in the Yeast cdc28-srm Mutant Using the Crystalline Lattice of Human Kinase CDK2. BIOFIZIKA, 2006, V.51, Issue 4, p.679-691.
- Kretov D.A., Koltovaya N.A., Kholmurodov Kh.T. MD simulations on human kinase protein: the influence of a conserved glycine by serine substitution in G-loop of a CDK2 active complex. Mendeleev Communications, V.16(2006), No.4, P.211-212, 2006.
- Kretov D.A., Kholmurodov Kh.T., Koltovaya N.A. Analysis of the Bonds between the ATP and Catalytic Subunit of Kinases (Wild and Mutant) Using MD Simulations of the Active CDK2 Crystal Lattice. P19-2006-90; Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry (2006).
- Selwyne R.A., Kholmurodov Kh.T., Koltovaya N.A. Homology modeling and molecular dynamics of cyclin-dependent proteinkinases. In: Emerging Multi-Core Technologies Theories and Implementations. V.S.H. Rao & A Nandini.(Eds.) Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2006 (accepted).
- Selwyne R.A., Kholmurodov Kh.T., Koltovaya N.A. Homology modeling and molecular dynamcis of proteinkinases: yCDC28 and hCDK2. PEPAN Letters, 2006 (accepted).
- Selwyne R.A., Kholmurodov Kh.T., Boreyko A.V., Krasavin E.A. MD Simulations of RecA Protein: The Influence of Amino Acid (Mutant) Exchanges In Beta-Sheet Loops and DNA Inhibition SitesMolecular dynamics simulations of the dark-adapted rodopsin and free opsin. In: MSSMBS'06 "Molecular Simulation Studies in Material and Biological Sciences", 18-21 Sept. 2006, JINR, Dubna (in press).
- Kholmurodov Kh.T., Feldman T.B., Ostrovsky M.A. Molecular Mechanism of Interactions Between the Chromophore Retinal (11-ñì) and Amino Acid Residues of Visual Pigment Rhodopsin in the Region of a Protonated Schiff Base. Russian Chemical Bulletin, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 2006 (to appear)
- Kholmurodov Kh.T. Computer Molecular Dynamics Studies on the Protein Structurtes. In Book of Abstracts of EXON2006 (International Sym-posiem on Exotic Nuclei), (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia, 17-22 July 2006), ISBN 5-9530-0119-3, p.84-85. JINR, 2006.
- Kholmurodov K., Seifert Z., Raczkiewicz K., Nitka J. Large-scale nanosecond simulations of the high-pressure transformations and dynamics of the Xe+H_20 system. Acta Physica Polonica, 2006 (accepted).
3. Conferences, Symposiums, Workshops
- 4-th International Symposium on Selected Problems of Statistical Mechanics, Russia, Dubna, 1987.
- 8-th International Workshop on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems (NEEDS'92), Russia, Dubna, 1992.
- International Workshop on Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics, Ukraine, Kiev, 1989.
- International Workshop "Nonlinearity With Disorder", Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1991.
- 2nd USSR All-Union Conference " The Problems of Physics of the Polymers Durability and Plasticity ", Tadjikistan, Dushanbe, 1990.
- ÀÍ-Russian Science Conference with Participation of Foreign Sciences "Mathematical Models of Nonlinear Excitations and Transfer Dynamics In Condensed Systems ", Russia, Tver, 1994.
- 2nd International Conference "Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures" ("PLDS-2"), Dubna, Russia, 1995.
- 14th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics "ICCT-96", Osaka, Japan, August 25-30, 1996.
- 9. International Symposium on Molecular Thermodynamics and Molecular Simulation "MTMS'97", Tokyo, Japan, 1997.
- International Conference: Computational Modelling and Computing in Physics (CMCP'96), Russia, Dubna, 1996.
- 8-th Joint EPS-APS International Conference on Physics Computing (PC'96), Poland, Krakow, 1996.
- International Conference "Physics of Clusters. Clusters in Plasma and Gases", Puchshino, Russia, 1997.
- International Conference of Abdus Salam Int. Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 14-30 April, 1998.
- Workshop on Scientific Computing'97, March 11-12, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997.
- International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams "BEAMS'98", Haifa, Israel, 7-12 June, 1998.
- International Conference on Modern Trends in Computational Physics, "MTCP'98", Dubna, Russia, 15-20 June, 1998.
- CCP5 Annual Meeting 1999 "Simulating Clusters and Interfaces", Birmingham, UK, 6-8th September 1999.
- 2nd International Conference on Modern Trends in Computational Physics, "MTCP'2000", Dubna, JINR, 19-24 July, Russia, 2000.
- The 15th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, University of Missouri-Rolla, 6-11 August, 2000.
- CFPP - HOKKE'2000 (IPSJ SIGHPC-SIGARC), March 2000, Hokkaido, Japan,2000.
- 14th Annual Meeting of Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, Nagoya University, 16-18 January, Nagoya, Japan, 2001.
- 14th Annual Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics, Athens, Georgia, February 19-24, 2001.
- 56th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, March 24-27, Rit-sumeikan Univ., 2002.
- 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2002), Orlando, USA, July 14-18, 2002.
- 2002 Autumn Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, September 6-9, 2002, Chubu University, 2002.
- 5th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Konstanz, 14-18 September 2002.
- 16th Molecular Simulation Society Meeting of Japan. Niigata, Japan, December, 2002.
- V International Congress on Mathematical Modeling Dubna, September 30 - October 6, 2002.
- International Workshop MSSMBS'04 "Molecular Simulation Studies in Material and Biological Sciences", JINR, Dubna, 8-11 September, 2004.
- All-Russian Conference "Applied Geometry, Grid Generation and High-Performance Calculations", A.A. Dorodnicyn Computing Center Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, June 28 - July 1, 2004.
- Ill Sissakian Reading, International Simposiums ""Problems of Biochemistry, radiation and Space Biology", 30 May - 03 June 2004, Ashtarak, Erevan, Armenia.
- IX Scientific Conference of the Young Scientists and Specialists, JINR, Dubna, 31 January - 6 February, 2005.
- The Protein World Proteins and Peptides: Structure, Function and Organization 30th FEBS Congress - 9th IUBMB Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2nd - 7th July, 2005.
- 12th Scientific Conference of Students and Young Specialists, Dubna, 15 - 21 April 2005.
- Scientific and Educational Collaboration Seminar of JINR(Russia) - Poz-nan Universityi (Poland), Poznan, Poland, May 12 - 14, 2005.
- All Russian Conference "Numerical geometry, grid generation and scientific computing", A.A. Dorodnitsyn Computing Center Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, July 4-7, 2006.
- International School-Seminar " Studies of Nano-system and Materials with the Use of Nuclear-Physics Methods" ,5-8 July, FLNP, JINR, Dubna, 2006.
- International Student Summer School in JINR Fields of Research, University Centre, JINR, Dubna, 2 - 22 July, 2006.
- International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei "EXON2006", Khanty-Mansiysk, 17-22 July 2006. Life science research with heavy ion beams.
- Scientific and Educational Collaboration Seminar at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University, Japan, 3 -11 April, 2006.
- International Workshop MSSMBS'06 "Molecular Simulation Studies in Material and Biological Sciences", JINR, Dubna, 18-21 September, 2006.
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