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07-5-1013-96/2003   Priority:

Radiation Effects and Modification of Materials, Radioanalytical and Radioisotopic Investigations at the FLNR Accelerators


S. Dmitriev

Scientific Programme:

New experimental data on the radiation damage physics of alloys, monocrystals and polymers at their bombardment with 0.5-100 MeV/n heavy ions. Study of radiation influence on the microstructure evolution. Production of ultra-pure isotopes. Development of radioanalytical methods for environmental studies. Investigation of polymeric materials modification exposed to heavy ions and production of porous structures on their basis.

Expected main results in 2001:

List of Activities

  Activity or project SpokespersonsStatus
1. Experimental set-ups for investigations in the physics of radiation effects in condensed media at the U-400 and U-400M accelerators A. Didyk
P. Apel
Data taking
2. Investigation of materials with low energy ions using ECR source A. Didyk Technical proposal
Data taking
3. Production of ultra-pure isotopes S. Dmitriev Data taking
4. Radioanalytical methods for environmental studies O. Maslov
V. Perelygin
Data taking

Participating Institutes and Organizations

Belarus BSU (Minsk)
Bulgaria INRNE (Sofia), UP (Plovdiv)
China INR (Shanghai)
Egypt Metallury Ins. (Cairo)
France IN2P3 (Orsay)
Germany TUD (Dresden), GSI (Darmstadt)
Hungary Univ., KFKI (Budapest)
Japan JAERI (Takasaki)
Kazakhstan PTI (Almaty)
Poland INChT, WU (Warsaw), IAE (Otwock)
Russia MEPI, RSTU, RCTU, CIC, LPI, IPCh (Moscow)
Slovak Republic CU (Bratislava)
Switzerland HCUG (Geneva)
UK Harwell Lab. (Didcot), Middlesex Univ. (London)
USA Corning-Costar Co (Boston)

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