Search for Effects of Polarized Hidden Strangeness in Nucleons
(Project NIS)
A.G. Litvinenko E.A. Strokovsky
Scientific Programme:
Obtaining new experimental data on total and differential cross
sections of and production in pp and np
interactions at thresholds.
Experimental and theoretical studies of vector meson production
mechanisms at threshold in nucleon-nucleon interactions at
intermediate energies.
Data on OZI-rule violation, its energy dependence and dependence
on isospin of the NN system in the initial state at
nucleon energies close to the and meson production
A new large acceptance magnetic spectrometer for experiments at
intermediate energies with multitracking capability and a particle
identification system (PID) based on time-of-flight measurements
will be constructed at the Nuclotron extracted beam.
Expected main results in 2003:
Mounting of the tracking system (MWPC, electric and gas supply,
readout electronics) at the place of the experiment in bld. 205 (LHE).
Comission and start of exploitation. Calibrating measurements at beam.
Study of prototypes of the trigger and particle-identification
subsystems. Purchase of elements and modules of the front-end
electronics and power supplies for trackers and the PID subsystem.
Installation of the first hodoscope station.
Detailed Monte-Carlo simulation of the experiment. Study of the
physical background and trigger system with the extracted proton beam.
Preparation of the project for radiation protection shield of the setup.
Production of its elements.
Creation of the software for event reconstruction, on-line and
off-line analysis.