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Status: Extended

Development of Radiotherapy Methods with a Proton and Heavy Ion Beams of the Nuclotron of JINR.
(Project Med-Nuclotron)

Leaders:   N.N. Agapov
E.A. Krasavin
G.V. Mitsyn
J. Ruzicka

Scientific Programme:
The main goal of the theme is creation of Biomedical technical complex on the base of accelerator of protons and ions of VBLHE and carrying out research program on the field of medical biology and oncology therapy. On the first stage it is considered development of new equipment for ion beam shaping and monitoring.
      Research programme on the field of molecular biology besides other topics includes studying of the changes in the structure of genes of both animal and human under heavy ion irradiation with a wide range of linear transfer of energy.

Expected main results in 2008:
List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. Med-Nuclotron J. Ruzicka
V.M. Golovatyuk
1   (2004-2008)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leader
1. Experimental area construction in the measurements Hall,VBLHE, beam channel, beam monitoring, diagnostic and shaping system design and construction. V.M. Golovatyuk
G.V. Mitsyn
Technical Proposal
2. Design and construction an alignment and fixation system
for the patient.
G.V. Mitsyn
Technical Proposal
3. Biomedical research on the
proton and ion beam to develop new methods for oncology
diseases monitoring.
V.M. Golovatyuk
E.A. Krasavin
J. Ruzicka
Technical Proposal
4. Design a superconductive accelerator of heavy ions for medical therapy, design a beam transport system to the patient (gantri) with the superconductive magnet. N.N. Agapov
Technical Proposal

Country or international
City Institute or Laboratory
Australia Sydney Univ.
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
Belarus Minsk JIPNR-Sosny NASB
Czech Republic Prague NRI
Greece Athens Univ.
Poland Warsaw FP WUT
Otwock-Swierk IAE
Russia Obninsk MRRC RAMS
Dubna RDH-9
Tomsk TPU
Romania Bucharest ISS
U.M.F."Carol Davila"
Slovak Republic Bratislava SOSMT
USA Dallas, TX UT
Libertyville, IL STERIS Corporation

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