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Status: In-progress

Development of the JINR Basic Facility for Generation of Intense Heavy Ion and Polarized Nuclear Beams Aimed at Searching for the Mixed Phase of Nuclear Matter and Investigation of Polarization Phenomena at the Collision Energies up to sqrt= 11 GeV/n

Leaders:     A.S. Sorin
V.D. Kekelidze
Deputies:     G.V. Trubnikov
A.D. Kovalenko
I.N. Meshkov
Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, CERN, Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, USA.

Scientific Programme:
Investigation of the mixed phase transition phenomena in strongly interacting nuclear matter at extremely high nuclear densities, study of polarization phenomena in few-body nucleon systems and spin structure of quark matter, nucleon and light nuclei. Development of theoretical models of these processes and theoretical support of the experiments. Development of the Nuclotron accelerator complex, as a base facility for studying of relativistic nuclear collisions in the range of atomic masses A = 1 - 197. Development and construction of the heavy ion collider NICA, multipurpose (NICA/MPD) and spin (NICA/SPD) detectors for the collider experiments with heavy ions. Modernization of the extraction beam lines. Carrying out of experiments with nuclear beams and polarized deuteron beams at the Nuclotron-M.

Expected main results in 2011:
List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leader
      Laboratory       Responsible
Leading Researchers
and number of participants
1. Theoretical investigations, lattice QCD calculations and development of the models for description of prototypes of excited nuclear media under high temperatures and compression, dynamics of nuclear interactions at extreme dense baryon matter, spin and P-odd effects A.S. Sorin
V.D. Toneev
  BLTP D. Blaschke
A.S. Hvorostukhin
A. Parvan
S.V. Molodtsov
O.V. Teryaev + 2 pers.
S.B. Gerasimov + 1 pers.
M.K. Volkov
E.A. Kuraev + 2 pers.
  LIT Yu.L. Kalinovsky + 2 pers.
Zh. Musulmanbekov
  DLNP G.I. Lykasov + 2 pers.
  VBLHEP V.D. Kekelidze
R. Lednicki
Kh.U.Abraamyan + 2 pers.
M.K. Suleymanov
V.N. Zhezher
O.V. Rogachevsky + 2 pers.
2. Nuclotron-M/NICA: development of the technological systems of the accelerator ring, injection complex and extracted beam channels in the framework of the NICA project A.V. Butenko
V.I. Volkov
A.D. Kovalenko
G.V. Trubnikov
I.N. Meshkov
  VBLHEP N.N. Agapov
A.O. Sidorin
A.I. Govorov + 8 pers.
V.I. Batin + 10 pers.
G.G. Khodzhibagiyan + 10 pers.
E.D. Donets + 9 pers.
O.I. Brovko + 10 pers.
V.N. Karpinsky + 15 pers.
E.V. Ivanov + 2 pers.
V.A. Mikhaylov + 4 pers.
P.A. Rukoyatkin + 3 pers.
N.I. Lebedev
V.V. Fimushkin + 5 pers.
V.V. Kobets + 2 pers.
A.V. Alfeev + 3 pers.
N.V. Semin + 8 pers.
A.A. Fateev + 5 pers.
N.D. Topilin + 5 pers.
3. R&D work, construction of the prototypes
and full-scale superconducting magnets
for NICA booster and collider
A.D. Kovalenko
G.G. Khodzhibagiyan
  VBLHEP A.V. Butenko + 10 pers.
V.N. Karpinsky + 6 pers.
N.N. Agapov + 8 pers.
A.Yu. Starikov + 5 pers.
N.D. Topilin + 5 pers.
4. Construction of the heavy ion source (KRION-6T), construction of the polarized particle source (PPS) for the NICA complex E.D. Donets
E.E. Donets
V.V. Fimushkin
  VBLHEP V.B. Shutov + 8 pers.
V.P. Vadeev + 3 pers.
S.N. Sedykh + 3 pers.
5. Development and construction of the beam injection/extractin systems, beam transportation channels for NICA elements. Development of the control systems for beam diagnostics V.I. Volkov
V.A. Mikhaylov
  VBLHEP V.S. Alexandrov + 2 pers.
A.V. Tuzikov
A.A. Fateev + 3 pers.
S.V. Romanov + 5 pers.
V.M. Zhabitsky
N.I. Lebedev + 6 pers.
6. Development of the cryogenic systems
for Nuclotron-M/NICA
N.N. Agapov
G.G. Khodzhibagiyan
  VBLHEP V.I. Batin + 8 pers.
H. Malinovsky + 8 pers.
7. Technical design and construction
of the NICA injection complex
V.V. Kobets
I.N. Meshkov
V.A. Monchinsky
A.O. Sidorin
  VBLHEP A.V. Butenko + 6 pers.
A.I. Govorov + 6 pers.
N.D. Topilin + 6 pers.
8. Technical design and construction
of the NICA booster synchrotron and
its technological systems
A.V. Butenko
I.N. Meshkov
V.A. Mikhaylov
Project preparation
  VBLHEP G.G. Khodzhibagiyan + 8 pers.
A.V. Smirnov + 10 pers.
V.I. Volkov + 10 pers.
N.D. Topilin + 8 pers.
V.N. Karpinsky + 10 pers.
  DLNP S.L. Yakovenko + 5 pers.
9. Technical design, R&D and construction
of the heavy ion collider NICA with energy sqrt= 4÷11 GeV/n and average luminosity 1 ·10 27cm -2· s -1 on the base of Nuclotron-M
A.D. Kovalenko
I.N. Meshkov
A.O. Sidorin
G.V. Trubnikov
Project preparation
  VBLHEP N.N. Agapov
A.V. Butenko
A.V. Eliseev
V.D. Kalagin
O.S. Kozlov
V.A. Monchinsky
A.O. Sidorin
N.V. Semin
N.D. Topilin
V.A. Mikhaylov + 3 pers.
V.I. Volkov + 5 pers.
V.S. Alexandrov + 4 pers.
V.N. Karpinsky + 8 pers.
G.G. Khodzhibagiyan + 3 pers.
O.I. Brovko + 3 pers.
  DLNP S.L. Yakovenko + 5 pers.
S.A. Kostromin
  LRB G.N. Timoshenko + 2 pers.
V.Yu. Shchegolev
10. Design and construction of the MPD Detector. Optimization of the conceptual design,
preparation of the Technocal Design Project.
R&D and construction of the first-stage detector elements: time-projection chamber, time-of-flight system, electromagnetic calorimeter, zero-degree calorimeter,
internal tracker.
V.D. Kekelidze
A.S. Sorin
V.M. Golovatyuk
Project preparation
  VBLHEP V.M. Golovatyuk + 4 pers.
H.U. Abraamyan + 2 pers.
M.G. Kadykov + 4 pers.
Yu.V. Zanevsky + 3 pers.
A.G. Litvinenko + 3 pers.
V.A. Nikitin
O.V. Rogachevsky + 4 pers.
I.A. Tyapkin + 2 pers.
V.D. Peshekhonov + 4 pers.
Yu.T. Kiryushin + 4 pers.
Yu.K. Potrebenikov + 3 pers.
Yu.A. Murin + 1 pers.
S.V. Bazylev + 5 pers.
  DLNP A.G. Olshevsky
Z.V. Krumshtein + 8 pers.
  LIT V.V. Ivanov + 3 pers.
11. Design and construction of the
superconducting solenoidal and
magnet yoke
A.S. Vodopyanov
Project preparation
  VBLHEP A.S. Vodopyanov + 5 pers.
A.A. Efremov
Yu.Yu. Lobanov
12. Design and creation of the
read-out and slow control
S.V. Bazylev
Project preparation
  VBLHEP S.V. Bazylev
V.M. Slepnev + 7 pers.
13. Preparation of the physical program
and SPD detector project for studying
of the spin effects at NICA complex.
R&D works and SPD elements construction
A.D. Kovalenko
A.P. Nagaytsev
I.A. Savin
O.Yu. Shevtchenko
Project preparation
  VBLHEP A.P. Nagaytsev + 4 pers.
I.A. Savin + 2 pers.
A.V. Nikitin
R. Lednicky
V.N. Pozdnyakov
S.S. Shimansky
V.P. Ladygin + 3 pers.
  DLNP A.G. Olshevsky
A.V. Kulikov + 3 pers.
Z.V. Krumshtein
O.N. Ivanov
G. Macharashvili
  LIT V.V. Palchik
  BLTP A.V. Efremov
O.V. Teryaev
14. Development of computer infrastructure
for NICA complex
Yu.K. Potrebenikov
O.V. Rogachevsky
  VBLHEP B.G. Schinov + 3 pers.
D.T. Madigozhin + 3 pers.
D.V. Peshekhonov
S.V. Khabarov
Yu.I. Minaev
15. Technical design and development
of the engineering infrastructure of Nuclotron-M/NICA
I.N. Meshkov
V.D. Kalagin
G.V. Trubnikov
G.D. Shirkov
  VBLHEP N.D. Topilin + 3 pers.
N.V. Semin + 6 pers.
  CEO A.V. Dudarev + 4 pers.
  AS&CC Office S.O. Lukjanov + 2 pers.
16. Taking experimental data with heavy ion
beams and polarized deuterons at the
A.I. Malakhov
E.A. Strokovsky
  VBLHEP S.V. Afanasiev + 5 pers.
A.A. Baldin + 8 pers.
V.M. Golovatyuk + 5 pers.
Yu.V. Zanevsky + 5 pers.
V.A. Krasnov + 6 pers.
V.P. Ladygin + 8 pers.
A.G. Litvinenko + 4 pers.
E.B. Plekhanov + 1 pers.
Yu.A. Troyan + 4 pers.

Country or international
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan YSU
Azerbaijan Baku IP ANAS
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
Czech Republic Liberec TUL
Prague CU
Germany Darmstadt GSI
Frankfurt/Main Univ.
Regensburg UR
Erlangen Univ.
Julich FZJ
Japan Nagoya Nagoya Univ.
Georgia Tbilisi IP
Italy Turin INFN
Moldova Chisinau SUM
Poland Wroclaw ILTSR PAS
Otwock-Swierk IAE
Romania Bucharest INOE2000
Russia Moscow LPI RAS
Kazan Compressormach
Novosibirsk BINP SB RAS
Protvino IHEP
St. Petersburg Neva-Magnet
Troitsk INR RAS
Fryazino ISTOK
Slovak Republic Bratislava IMS SAS
South Africa Cape Town UJ
Johannesburg UCT
Sweden Stockholm SU
Uppsala UU
Ukraine Kiev BITP NASU
USA Batavia, IL Fermilab
Stony Brook, NY SUNY
Upton, NY BNL
CERN Geneva

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