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Status: Extended

Advanced Studies in New Generation of Electron-Positron
Accelerators and Colliders for Fundamental
and Applied Research

Leader:     G.D. Shirkov
Deputies:     G.V. Trubnikov
E.M. Syresin

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Belarus, Bulgaria, CERN, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Russia, Slovac Republic, United Kingdom, Ukraine, USA.
Scientific Programme:
R&D work in particle accelerator physics and engineering, construction of the free electron laser with the aim to prepare proposals for the project of JINR participation in international collaboration on construction of the future Linear Collider (CLIC/ILC). Studies of free electron laser physics, development and construction of systems applied for formation and diagnostics of ultra short dense bunches in the linear electron accelerators. Studies of cryomodule components and SC cavities. High precision lase metrology. R&D for laser-plasma accelerators.

Expected main results in 2013:
List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. JINR participation in design,
manufacturing and testing of the
prototypes of linear electron--positron
collider elements and FEL
G.D. Shirkov
G.V. Trubnikov
1   (2013-2015)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leader
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Main researchers
1. R&D works at DC photoinjector
prototype with electron energy
up to 400 keV. Construction
photoinjector laser system
applied for formation of 3D
ellipsoid shape bunches of
light radiation
G.V. Trubnikov
N.I. Balalykin
Technical Proposal
  VBLHEP V.F. Minashkin, M.A. Nozdrin, V.G. Shabratov, A.V. Skrypnik, A.P. Sumbaev, V.A. Petrov
  DLNP E.M. Syresin, R.S. Makarov
2. R&D works at dedicated test bench: electron linear accelerator up to 100 MeV for studies of
accelerating structures properties and usage as FEL prototype. Laser-plasma acceleration technologies. Optimization of allocation of linear collider
complex in Dubna region
G.D. Shirkov
V.V. Kobets
A.V. Dudarev
Technical Proposal
  VBLHEP V.V. Kobets, V.G. Shabratov, A.V. Skrypnik, A.N. Ukhanov, V.F. Minashkin, M.A. Nozdrin
  DLNP E.M. Syresin, R.S. Makarov, V.M. Romanov
  SCAR V.N. Samoilov
3. R&D works fpr ILC cryomodule
components and Nb-cavity optimal
configuration; and for high precision
laser metrology control of CLIC and ILC acceleration units
J.A. Budagov
Technical Proposal
  DLNP N.S. Azaryan, V.V. Glagolv, D.L. Demin, D.I. Khubua, V.I. Kolomoets, S.M. Kolomoets, M.V. Lyablin, V.M. Romanov, B.M. Sabirov, S.N. Studenov, A.V. Sazonova
4. LEPTA facility: electron cooling
of positrons and Positronium generation. Development of
Doppler positron annihilation
I.N. Meshkov
S.L. Yakovenko
Technical Proposal
  DLNP E.V. Akhmanova, A.G. Kobets, Yu.K. Akimov, V.I. Kaplin, V.N. Karpinsky, V.I. Lokhmatov, V.N. Malakhov, V.D. Morozov, V.N. Pavlov, A.Yu. Rudakov, A.A. Sidorin, L.V. Soboleva, T.A. Stepanova, V.I. Trubnikov
5. Investigation on intense electron beams and FEL. Development
and construction of systems
applied for formation and
diagnostic of ultra short
dense bunches in the linear
electron accelerators
E.M. Syresin
O.I. Brovko
M.V. Yurkov
Technical Proposal
  DLNP N.A. Morozov, A.F. Chesnov, R.S. Makarov, D.S. Petrov, V.M. Romanov
  VBLHEP G.V. Trubnikov, A.Yu. Grebentsov, E.V. Ivanov, M.N. Kapishin, O.A. Nozdrina, A.V. Shabunov

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Belarus Minsk NC PHEP BSU
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
CERN Geneva
Germany Darmstadt GSI
Hamburg DESY
Heidelberg MPIK
Zeuthen DESY
Greece Athens UoA
Italy Pisa INFN
Frascati INFN LNF
Japan Tsukuba KEK
Russia Moscow SSDI
Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
Nizhny Novgorod IAP RAS
Novosibirsk BINP SB RAS
Ryazan RSU
Ukraine Kiev PEWI NASU
United Kingdom Oxford JAI
Slovak Republic Bratislava IEE SAS
Batavia, IL Fermilab

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