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Status: In-progress

Novel Development and Creation of Equipment
for the IBR-2M Spectrometer Complex

Leaders:     S.A. Kulikov
V.I. Prikhodko

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic.
Scientific Programme:
Calculation, research and development of the moderator complex and elements of spectrometers of the IBR-2M reactor; development of advanced neutron detectors, a new generation of data acquisition systems, computing infrastructure, cryostats and cryomagnetic systems, beam-forming and sample environment systems for condensed matter investigations in accordance with the plan for strategic development of JINR and the development programme for the IBR-2M spectrometers complex.

Expected main results in 2013:
List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leader
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Main researchers
1. Development and research of a new complex of moderators at the IBR-2M reactor. Commissioning of the complex of moderators at the IBR-2M on channels 7, 8, 10, 11 and adjustment of all operating systems of the cryogenic moderator complex S.A. Kulikov
E.P. Shabalin
  FLNP M.V. Bulavin + 5 engineers, + 7 workers
2. Complex calculations of neutron spectrometers (from the moderators to the sample position) S.A. Kulikov
  FLNP E.P. Shabalin, S.A. Manoshin + 2 engineers
3. Completion of reconstruction of neutron guides on channel 7 at the IBR-2M reactor. Modernization, adjustment and testing of equipment for the EPSILON, SKAT and NERA-PR spectrometers; putting into operation, start of experiments. Joint JINR-BMBF project A.V. Belushkin
A. Schilling
  FLNP V.V. Zhuravlev, V.I. Prikhodko, A.P. Sirotin, A.N. Chernikov + 4 engineers, K. Scheffzuek + 2 engineers, A.A. Bogdzel + 3 engineers
4. Creation of infrastructure for testing spectrometer equipment (scintillation and gas-filled neutron detectors, cryostats, etc.) on beams 13-14 at IBR-2M and carrying out the instrument development work, in particular, on high-resolution Fourier diffractometry V.N. Shvetsov
S.A. Kulikov
A.M Balagurov
  FLNP G.D. Bokuchava, A.N. Chernikov, V.V. Zhuravlev + 5 engineers, A.V. Churakov + 3 engineers
5. Commissioning of gas-filled position-sensitive detector systems at the IBR-2M spectrometers (REFLEX, H RFD, YuMO, GRAINS, DN-2, etc.) and at the cold moderator. Completion of development and commissioning of the ring-shaped multi-section detector at the DN-6 spectrometer. Completing the ASTRA scintillation detector with modules for the FSD diffractometer A.V. Belushkin
S.A. Kulikov
  FLNP V.N. Shvetsov, D.P. Kozlenko + 5 engineers, G.D. Bokuchava + 2 engineers, A.V. Churakov + 3 engineers, A.A. Bogdzel + 4 engineers, V.V. Zhuravlev, V.V. Kruglov, A.S. Kirilov + 1 engineer
6. Development of control systems of spectrometers’ equipment and sample environment systems at IBR-2M, creation of cryostats A.P. Sirotin
  FLNP V.V. Zhuravlev, A.N. Chernikov + 5 engineers
7. Modernization of data acquisition systems of the IBR-2M spectrometers’ complex. Development, enhancement and support of the Sonix+ software package and its introduction at the IBR-2M spectrometers. Development of the FLNP information-computing infrastructure in accordance with the strategy of development of the JINR computer network V.I. Prikhodko
  FLNP A.A. Bogdzel + 2 engineers, F.V. Levtchanovski + 2 engineers, A.S. Kirilov + 3 engineers, G.A. Sukhomlinov + 2 engineers
  LIT V.V. Korenkov + 2 engineers.

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
China Mianyang INPC CAEP
Czech Republic Rez NPI ASCR
France Grenoble ILL
Saclay LLB
Germany Berlin HZB
Heidelberg Univ.
Magdeburg OVGU
Munich TUM
Karlsruhe KIT
Zeuthen DESY
Julich FZJ
Hungary Budapest Wigner RCP
Romania Bucharest INCDIE ICPE-CA
Targoviste UVT
Russia Moscow NNRU "MEPhI"
Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
Gatchina PNPI
Yekaterinburg IMP UB RAS
Nizhny Novgorod IPM RAS
Obninsk Branch KIPC
Slovak Republic Bratislava IMS SAS
Ukraine L'viv LPNU

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