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Status: In-progress

Theory of Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions

Leaders:     V.V. Voronov
A.I. Vdovin
N.V. Antonenko

Participating Countries and International Organizations:
Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan.

Scientific Programme:
The main goals are to predict and analyze properties of atomic nuclei beyond the stability valley and investigate structure peculiarities of superheavy and exotic nuclei; to study dynamics of nuclear collisions at low and intermediate energies accompanied by production of stable as well as radioactive nuclides; to investigate fundamental properties of various few-body systems and develop rigorous and effective mathematical methods of calculations of their properties; to explore the dynamics of particle-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic energies and nuclear matter properties and its phase transitions at extreme values of temperature and density.

Expected main results in 2017:
  • Investigation of the impact of the phonon-phonon coupling on the beta-delayed multi-neutron emission of neutron-rich nuclei.

    Study of the effects of the quasiparticle-phonon interaction on the E1-strength in neutron-rich Ca isotopes.

    Analysis of the influence of the fourth order Wigner function moments on the energies and excitation probabilities of nuclear collective states.

    Elaboration of the effective method to study the impact of deformation on the beta-decay half-lives and delayed multi-neutron emission probabilities.

    Study of the possibility to identify the toroidal E1 resonance for the anomalous deformation splitting.

  • Calculations of the energies of the lowest quadrupole states of the even-even superheavy nuclei applying the Grodzins relation.

    Determination of the probability to observe the collinear separation of true ternary fission fragments at spontaneous fission of 252Cf and in the 235U(n,f) reaction.

    Assessment of the prospects of the SHE production in charged particle evaporation channels.

    Theoretical search for fissionable actinide isotopes, in which the charge distribution of the fission products remains asymmetrical even at a rather high excitation energy.

    Evaluation of the probabilities to product new actinide isotopes in the multi-nucleon transfer reactions and the search most efficient reactions to this end.

    Calculation the probability to synthesize new actinide isotopes in the multi-nucleon transfer reactions aiming to determine the most effective reactions for their production.

    Application of the non-Markovian Langevin approach to study the dynamics of fermionic (bosonic) subsystem, linearly coupled to the fermionic (bosonic) environment.

  • Determination of conditions for emerging the confinement-induced resonances in hybrid atom-ion systems.

    Determination of the solvability conditions for the operator Riccati equation associated with a 2 x 2-block-matrix Hamiltonian in the three-gap spectral case.

    Development of a dynamic approach to the study of the ionization processes in atomic collisions.

    Calculation of binding energies and scattering observables as well as the study of the Efimov properties of van-der Waals clusters LiHe2 applying the hard-core differential Faddeev equations.

    Study of the Coulomb breakup of exotic nuclei in the non-stationary quantum-mechanical approach.

    Calculation of electron scattering off hydrogen molecule and hydrogen molecular ion in the kinematic regime of laser-assisted electron momentum spectroscopy.

  • Calculations of excitation functions for the first three cumulants of hadronic distributions within the PHSD model for relativistic Au+Au collisions including the NICA energy and aiming to search for signals of a possible quark-hadron phase transition.

    Study of the properties of nuclear interactions in the presence of strong electromagnetic fields under conditions of violation of the CP invariance of strong interactions. The behavior of masses and couplings for quarks, diquarks and mesons will be studied at finite temperature and density.

    Investigation of non-linear quantum processes in strong linearly-polarized electromagnetic fields and subsequent generalization of the theory to the electromagnetic fields induced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.

    Elaboration of the theoretical approach to analyse open charm production in a pion and anti-proton induced reaction and investigation of the structure of charmed resonances.

    Development of the folding model of a meson-nuclear potential and analysis of the corresponding experimental data.

List of Activities
  Activity or experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Main researchers
1. Nuclear properties
at the border of stability
V.V. Voronov
A.A. Dzhioev
J. Kvasil
  BLTP N.N. ArsenievE.B. BalbutsevA.I. Vdovin V.A. Kuz'minL.A. MalovS. MishevV.O. Nesterenko A.P. SeveryukhinH. GanevV.M. Shilov A.V. SushkovE.O. Sushenok+ 3 students
N.Yu. ShirikovaI.V. Molodtsova
A.M. Sukhovoi
V.B. BrudaninV.G. Kalinnikov
2. Low-energy dynamics
and nuclear system properties
S.N. Ershov
N.V. Antonenko
R.V. Jolos
  BLTP G.G. AdamianA.V. AndreevA.N. Bezbakh I.A. EgorovaS.I. FedotovV.G. Kartavenko Sh. KalandarovA.K. NasirovR.G. Nazmitdinov H. PaskaT.M. Shneidman + 1 students
L.V. GrigorenkoYu.E. Penionzhkevich
3. Quantum few-body systems A.K. Motovilov
A.S. Melezhik
  BLTP S.S. KamalovO.P. KlimenkoE.A. KolganovaA.A. KorobitsynO.A. KovalE.A. KovalA.V Malykh V.S. MelezhikV.N. KondratyevV.V. Pupyshev\\E.A. Soloviev S.I. VinitskyP. Jaluvkova+ 4 students
O.I. Kartavtsev
4. Processes with nuclei
at relativistic energies
and extreme states of matter
V.V. Burov
M. Gaidarov
  BLTP A. BekzhanovS.G. BondarenkoA.V. FrisenL.P. Kaptari A. KhvorostukhinV.K. LukyanovA.S. Parvan N. SagimbaevaA.I. TitovV.D. Toneev+ 1 students
E.B. ZemlianayaK.V. Lukyanov
A.I. MalakhovN.M. PiskunovYu.A. Panebratsev E.P. Rogochaya

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan RAU
Austria Innsbruck Univ.
Belarus Minsk IP NASB
Belgium Brussels VUB
Louvain-la-Neuve UCL
Brazil Florianopolis, SC UFSC
Sao Paulo, SP UEP
Sao Jose dos Campos, SP ITA
Niteroi, RJ UFF
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
Canada Hamilton McMaster
Saskatoon U of S
China Beijing ITP CAS
Czech Republic Prague CU
Egypt Cairo EAEA
Giza CU
France Bordeaux UB
IPN Orsay
Germany Bonn UniBonn
Cologne Univ.
Darmstadt GSI
TU Darmstadt
Dresden HZDR
Erlangen FAU
Frankfurt/Main Univ.
Hamburg Univ.
Giessen JLU
Leipzig UoC
Mainz JGU
Regensburg UR
Rostock Univ.
Siegen Univ.
Greece Thessaloniki AUTH
Athens INP NCSR "Demokritos"
Hungary Budapest Wigner RCP
Debrecen Atomki
Italy Bologna Centro, ENEA
Catania INFN LNS
Naples INFN
Messina UniMe
Perugia INFN
Trento ECT*
Turin UniTo
Japan Kobe Kobe Univ.
Morioka Iwate Univ.
Osaka RCNP
Osaka Univ.
Kazakhstan Almaty INP
Moldova Chisinau IAP ASM
Norway Bergen UiB
Oslo UiO
Poland Krakow NINP PAS
Lublin UMCS
Otwock-Swierk NCBJ
Warsaw UW
Republic of Korea Seoul SNU
Daejeon IBS
Romania Bucharest IFIN-HH
Russia Moscow NNRU "MEPhI"
Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
Gatchina PNPI
Irkutsk ISU
Omsk OmSU
Saratov SSU
St. Petersburg SPbSU
Vladivostok FEFU
Serbia Belgrade IPB
Slovakia Bratislava CU
South Africa Pretoria Unisa
Stellenbosch SU
Cape Town iThemba LABS
Spain Palma UIB
Sweden Lund LU
Goteborg Chalmers
Switzerland Bern Uni Bern
Taiwan Taipei NTU
Ukraine Kiev KINR NASU
USA Lemont, IL ANL
Los Alamos, NM LANL
Notre Dame, IN ND
University Park, PA Penn State
Uzbekistan Tashkent IAP NUU
Assoc."P.-S." PTI

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