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Status: New

Investigations of Neutron Nuclear Interactions
and Properties of the Neutron

Leader:     V.N. Shvetsov
Deputies:     Yu.N. Kopatch
E.V. Lychagin
P.V. Sedyshev

Participating Countries and International Organizations:
Albania, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, CERN, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam.

Scientific Programme:
Experimental and theoretical investigation of symmetry breaking effects in reactions with neutrons and fundamental properties of the neutron to test the parameters of the Standard Model and search for "new physics". Investigation of the properties of excited nuclei, reactions with emission of charged particles, fission physics. Obtaining of relevant data for astrophysics, nuclear power engineering and nuclear waste transmutation problem using neutron- and gamma-induced reactions. Application of neutron physics methods in other fields of science and technology. Development and construction of detectors of neutrons and other ionizing radiation, as well as applied methods in nuclear physics with neutrons. Development of the Intense REsonance Neutron Source (IREN) and the experimental base at the IREN and IBR-2 facilities.

Expected main results in 2017:
    Investigations of violations of fundamental symmetries in neutron-nucleus interactions and related data

  • Determination of parameters of the ROT-effect in the fission of 235U by neutrons with an energy of 0.3 eV.

  • Treatment of the results from the measurements of P-odd effect in the reaction of 10B(n,) 7Li performed in 2016 at ILL, Grenoble.

  • Development of the design of an instrument for measuring the P-odd effect in the reaction of 3He(n,p) 3H.

  • Investigation of neutron paramagnetic resonance of the first kind in samples of titanium hydride TiH2 in the polarized neutron energy range of 0.062-2.3 eV using the KOLKHIDA facility at the IBR-2 reactor.

  • Investigation of prompt fission neutrons and superfluidity properties of fission fragments (IREN). Investigation of the dynamics of interaction of Fermi- and Bose-states of nuclear matter on the basis of experimental data on the intensities of two-quantum cascades of radiative neutron capture in various excited nuclei including actinides and fission products. The corresponding analysis of data from the experiment with a 93Nb target performed in Budapest by employees of the University of Novi Sad, Belgrade.

  • Measurement and analysis of angular correlations in the emission of neutrons and light charged particles in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf.

  • Measurement of angular correlations in the emission of neutrons and gamma-rays in inelastic neutron scattering for various elements in the framework of the TANGRA project.

  • Development of an alpha spectrometer on beamline N 1 of IREN; test measurements of the 6Li(n,) 3H reaction.

  • Measurements of the (n,) reaction with Ni-58,60,61 isotopes for neutron energies En =4.5-6.5 MeV at the accelerators EG-5 in FLNP JINR and EG-4.5 of the Institute of Heavy Ion Physics of Peking University.

  • Treatment of experimental data from the measurements of the 25Mg(n,) 22Ne and 91Zr(n,) 88Sr reactions induced by fast neutrons.

    Investigation of fundamental properties of the neutron, UCN physics:

  • Experimental determination of characteristics of resonance transitions between quantum states of neutrons in the gravitational field of the Earth using the GRANIT spectrometer.

  • Determination of the possibility of practical application of diamond nanopowder reflectors for targeted extraction of very cold neutrons.

  • Development of the design of a setup to measure the energy dependence of the UCN loss factor in the energy range close to limiting values.

  • Design and manufacture of a new time-of-flight Fourier diffractometer for neutron free fall experiments.

  • Preparation of the experiment for observation of neutron quantum tunneling through an oscillating potential structure: quantum calculations, development and testing of the experimental setup.

  • Nonstationary quantum experiments with slow neutrons: neutron diffraction by surface ultrasonic waves and reflection from an oscillating mirror.

    Applied and methodological research:

  • Development of gas-filled position-sensitive detectors of charged particles to conduct investigations of nuclear fission, in neutron radiography and in condensed matter physics.

  • Inspection of the technical condition of the charged particle accelerator EG-5 in the framework of preparation to the development of a microbeam.

  • Investigation of depth profiles of elements in the near-surface layers of solids using nuclear-physics methods (Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis and Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry).

  • Elemental and isotopic analysis of samples at the IREN facility using neutron spectroscopy, neutron and gamma activation analyses.

  • Development of the elemental analysis of geological specimens and ores using the tagged neutron method as well as standard neutron sources.

  • Carrying out of neutron activation analysis of environmental, geological, biological samples and novel materials at the IBR-2 reactor using the REGATA facility in the framework of the projects supported by grants and programs of Member States and Associated Members of JINR, RFBR and IAEA.

  • Upgrade of hot cells of the REGATA facility to work with highly active samples.

  • Improvement of the database for carrying out NAA using three automatic sample changers to measure the induced radioactivity generated by irradiation in the IBR-2 beamlines.

  • Construction of a spectrometric system to measure natural and man-made radioactivity for radioecological and materials science research.

    Development of the IREN facility

  • Operation of the accelerator comprising two accelerating sections with a beam at a frequency of 50 Hz. Providing the neutron beam time of 1000 hours from IREN for physical experiments.

  • Modernization of experimental beamline N1 of the IREN facility.

List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. TANGRA Yu.N. Kopatch
V.M. Bystritsky (DLNP)
1   (2014-2019)
List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Responsible person
Main researchers
1. Investigations of violations
of fundamental symmetries in
neutron-nucleus interactions
and related data
Yu.N. Kopatch
Data taking
Data analysis
  FLNP G.S. Ahmedov, N.V. Bazjazjina, S.B. Borzakov, D. Berikov, Vu Dyk Kong, G.V. Daniljan, Yu.M. Gledenov, D.N. Grozdanov, N.A. Gundorin, Sh.S. Zeynalov, A.P. Kobzev, M. Kulik, D. Mahajdik, Zh.V. Mezentseva, V.V. Novitsky, I.A. Oprea, K.D. Oprea, Yu.N. Pokotilovskij, I.N. Ruskov, P.V. Sedyshev, M.V. Sedysheva, O.V. Sidorova, V.R. Skoj, A.M. Suhovoj, S.A. Telezhnikov, V.A. Hitrov, M. Tsulaja, Ho Hyu Ehang, Chan Van Fuk, Czan Tzjanfu + 16 engineers, + 2 workers
2. Investigation of the fundamental
properties of the neutron, UCN
E.V. Lychagin
Data taking
Data analysis
  FLNP G.G. Bunatyan, V.K. Ignatovich, G.V. Kulin, L.V. Mitsyna, A.Yu. Muzychka, Yu.N. Pokotilovskij, A.B. Popov, A.V. Strelkov, A.I. Frank, W.I. Furman, E.I. Sharapov, T.L. Enik, S.V. Gorunov, + 1 engineer
3. Applied research P.V. Sedyshev
Data taking
Data analysis
  FLNP M.V. Frontasyeva, S.S. Pavlov, Yu.V. Alekseenok, A.S. Vasilev, K.N. Vergel, A.Yu. Dmitriev, I.I. Zinikovskaja, O.A. Culikov, A.Madadzade, P.S. Nekhoroshkov, A.V. Kravtsova, Doan Fan Thao Tien, G.Y. Khristozova, G.S. Ahmedov, N.V. Bazjazjina, S.B. Borzakov, Vu Dyk Kong, Vu Dyk Fu, Yu.M. Gledenov, N.A. Gundorin, Sh.S. Zeynalov, A.P. Kobzev, Yu.N. Kopatch, M. Kulik, D. Mahajdik, Zh.V. Mezentseva, V.V. Novitsky, I.A. Oprea, K.D. Oprea, T.M. Ostrovnaya, I.N. Ruskov, B.D. Rumyantsev, M.V. Sedysheva, V.R. Skoj, A.M. Suhovoj, S.A. Telezhnikov, W.I.Furman, M. Tsulaja, G.V. Daniljan, Chan Van Fuk + 24 engineers, + 5 workers
4. Development of the IREN facility V.N. Shvetsov
  FLNP V.G. Pjataev, + 13 engineers + 1 worker
A.P. Sumbaev
V.V. Kobets, V.F. Minashkin, V.G. Shabratov,
V.N. Zamrij, A.N. Skrypnik, J. Betscher
  DLNP I.N. Meshkov
5. Project TANGRA Yu.N. Kopatch
Data taking
Data analysis
  FLNP F. Aliev, S.B. Borzakov, D. Grozdanov, N.A. Gundorin, P.A. Dubasov, Sh.S. Zeinalov, A.O. Zontikov, I.A. Oprea, K.D. Oprea, A.V. Rogachev, P.V. Sedyshev, V.R. Skoi, V.N. Shvetsov
  VBLHEP U.Yu. Aleksakhin, U.I. Zamjatin, E.U. Zubarev, U.L. Rapackii, Yu.N. Rogov, R.A. Salmin, M.G. Sapozhnikov, U.V. Slepnev, S.U. Khabarov
  DLNP U.M. Bystritskii, A.U. Krasnoperov, A.U. Sadovskii, A.U. Salamatin
  LRB A.R. Krylov, G.N. Timoshenko

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Albania Tirana UT
Armenia Yerevan CENS NAS RA
Australia Melbourne Univ.
Austria Vienna IAEA
Innsbruck Univ.
Azerbaijan Baku BSU
Ganja ASAU
Belarus Minsk INP BSU
Belgium Geel IRMM
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
Plovdiv PU
China Beijing IHEP CAS
Croatia Zagreb RBI
Oikon IAE
Czech Republic Prague CEI
Ostrava VSB-TUO
Egypt Alexandria Univ.
Cairo EAEA
Shibin al Kawm MU
Finland Jyvaskyla UJ
Oulu UO
France Cadarache CC CEA
Grenoble ILL
Saclay LLB
Strasbourg IPHC
Georgia Tbilisi AIP TSU
Germany Darmstadt TU Darmstadt
Dresden HZDR
Mainz JGU
Munich TUM
Tubingen Univ.
Hungary Budapest RKK OU
Italy Rome ENEA
Japan Kyoto KSU
Tsukuba KEK
Kazakhstan Almaty INP
Astana ENU
Ust-Kamenogorsk TRCE
Macedonia Skopje UKiM
Moldova Chisinau IMB ASM
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar CGL
Norway Trondheim NTNU
Poland Gdansk GUT
Lodz UL
Lublin UMCS
Opole UO
Otwock-Swierk NCBJ
Poznan AMU
Wroclaw UW
Republic of Korea Pohang PAL
Seoul Dawonsys
Daejeon KAERI
Romania Bucharest IFIN-HH
Constanta NIMRD
Galati UG
Oradea UO
Pitesti SCN
Ramnicu Valcea I.C.S.I.
Targoviste UVT
Russia Moscow Atomenergomach
Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
Dubna Diamant
Dubna Univ.
Gatchina PNPI
Irkutsk LI SB RAS
Ivanovo ISUCT
Izhevsk UdSU
Obninsk IPPE
Snezhinsk VNIITF
St. Petersburg Botanic Garden BIN RAS
Sevastopol IBSS
Voronezh VSU
Yekaterinburg UrFU
Serbia Belgrade IPB
Novi Sad UNS
Slovakia Bratislava IP SAS
Slovenia Ljubljana GeoSS
South Africa Pretoria Unisa
Stellenbosch SU
Pretoria Unisa
Switzerland Villigen PSI
Thailand Hat Yai PSU
Turkey Canakkale COMU
Ukraine Kiev KINR NASU
Donetsk DonIPE
Uzhgorod IEP NASU
Vietnam Hanoi IOP VAST
USA Durham, NC Duke
Gettysburg, PA GC
Kingston, RI URI
Los Alamos, NM LANL
Oak Ridge, TN ORNL

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