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Status: Extended

Information and Computing Infrastructure of JINR

Leader:     V.V. Korenkov
Deputy:     T.A. Strizh

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, CERN, China, Cuba, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, Ukraine, USA.

Scientific Programme:
The purpose of the theme is to ensure the further development of the network, information and computing infrastructure of JINR for the research and production activities of the Institute and its Member States on the basis of state-of-the-art information technologies in accordance with the JINR Seven-Year Plan of development. A particular area within the theme is the development of the Multifunctional information and Computing Complex (MICC) at LIT JINR presented in a Project form.

Expected main results in 2017:
  • Modernization and increase of reliability of the central telecommunication node of the Institute's IT infrastructure, provision of the reliable operation of the JINR local network. A gradual transition of the JINR Backbone to 100 GBps.

  • Modernization of the power supply system and uninterrupted power supply, air-conditioning and ventilation, fire safety complex and engineering infrastructure of MICC.

    The introduction and use of new data transfer protocols, upgrade of the e-mail service, the development of the WiFi authorization service, designing of the "Personal Cabinet" service.

    Increase of performance and storage capacity of the base grid component MICC – Tier–1 centre for the CMS experiment at JINR.

    The extension of the computing resources and data storage systems which are part of the integral component Tier–2/CICC: 37% for processor capacity and 10% - for disk storage.

    Increasing of the computing power of both a multi-core component of the HybriLIT cluster comprising multicore processors and co–processors Intel Xeon Phi, and a GPU component containing computation accelerators Nvidia. Increase in computing resources and disk storage HybriLIT up to 90 Tflops and 20 TB, respectively.

    Growth of the cloud component capacity - increase in the number of cores up to 1400, memory – up to 6160 GB and disc storage - up to 576 TB.

    The creation of a prototype for transferring the monitoring system to a new Icinga2 core and migration of the monitoring system to a new Icinga2 core. Commissioning of a new service monitoring system and analyzing of a possibility of events prediction.

    The creation of the element of the LIT cluster for processing up to 0.5 PB and storing up to 1 PB data per year using the available resources for the computer off–line complex of data handling for the NICA project. Designing of the MICC computing component for NICA. Simulation of the computing centre for NICA in order to determine a required equipment configuration.

  • Implementing a final stage of activities on transition of self-sustaining units to work in the system 1C UPP 8.3; integration of the 1C UPP system and subsystem Gateway (data bus); analysis of the special features and functionality of the platform 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2, preparation for the transition from 1C UPP 8.3 to the platform 1C:ERP.

    The completion of the implementation of a universal gateway for data exchange between different CIS subsystems.

    The development of a multi-project version of the JINR corporate project management system (JINR CPMS) on the basis of a control system of the NICA project (APT EVM for NICA).

    The development and functional implementation of the automated configuration, monitoring and control of the process of documents approval within the electronic document management system "EDMS Dubna".

    The installation of a single window system: designing a Personal Cabinet system that provides end users with access to their personal information and implements a unified entry point to CIS; development of a web-portal to access a catalogue (a set of references) of the existing (ADB2, PIN, Indico, PM, HelpDesk, etc.) and future services; the development of detailed requirements for integration of the CIS subsystems with a single point of authorization and a database of the Personal Cabinet of JINR users.

  • Training courses (tutorials) on distributed, cloud, and parallel programming technologies on the basis of the educational and research grid-infrastructure and the heterogeneous cluster `HybriLIT":
    regular training courses on advanced IT technologies both for the JINR staff members and for students and young scientists from JINR Member States in frames of the practical courses organized by the JINR UC;
    special courses of the leading software developers;
    special courses and seminars in frames of conferences and schools organized by JINR;
    special courses in the JINR Member States in frames of programs for international cooperation.

List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. MICC V.V. Korenkov 1   (2017-2019)
List of Activities
  Activity or experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Main researchers
1. MICC Project V.V. Korenkov
A.G. Dolbilov
V.V. Mitsyn
T.A. Strizh
G. AdamG. AdamovEu.I. Aleksandrov I.N. AleksandrovK.N. AngelovN.S. Astakhov A.S. BaginyanA.I. BalandinN.A. Balashov A.V. BaranovS.D. BelovD.V. Belyakov A.S. BondyakovA.I. ChurinS.V. Chashchin S.V. GavrilovA.P. GavrishV.V. Galaktionov T.M. GoloskokovaA.O. GolunovEu.A. Grafov N.I. GromovaA.E. GushchinI.S. Kadochnikov A.S. KamenskyV.A. KapitonovI.A. Kashunin A.O. KondratievG.A. KorobovaE.Yu. Kulpin N.A. KutovskiyA.A. LavrentievS.B. Marchenko M.A. MatveevS.V. MitsynA.V. Nechaevsky D.A. OleynikG.A. OsoskovI.S. Pelevanyuk A.Sh. PetrosyanM.S. PlyashkevichD.V. Podgainy L.A. PopovD.I. PryakhinaYa.I. Rozenberg T.F. SapozhnikovaR.N. SemenovM.L. Shishmakov O.I. StreltsovaV.V. Trofimov N.N. VoitishinA.S. VorontsovA.V. Uzhinskiy A.Yu. ZakomoldinV.E. Zhiltsov.V. Zrelov M.I. Zuev
Yu.K. Potrebenikov
B.G. ShchinovYu.P. MinaevO.V. RogachevskyS.V. Shmatov
G.A. Sukhomlinov
V.N. Chausov
V.V. Sorokoumov
A.G. Polyakov
Yu.P. Ivanov
A.A. Sazonov
I.N. Semeniushkin
2. Information and software support
of the research-and-production
activity at JINR
P.V. Zrelov
V.V. Korenkov
I.A. Filozova
T.O. AblyazimovN.A. BalashovA.V. Baranov D.V. BelyakovA.A. BogolubskayaN.A. Davyudova S.V. DuchitsV.P. GerdtT.M. GoloskokovaD.S. Golub N.V. JerusalimovaL.A. KalmykovaA.A. Karlov D.V. KekelidzeS.A. KretovaS.V. Kunyaev G.A. KurmaevaN.A. KutovskiyA.A. Kutovskaya O.G. MelnikovaG.G. Musulmanbekov S.A. NechitailoE.A. PaschenkoV.V. Pervushov M.S. PlyashkevichE.Yu. Razinkova L.V. Popkova A.V. PrikhodkoV.M. PushkinaA.M. Raportirenko A.P. SapozhnikovT.F. SapozhnikovaS.V. Semashko R.N. SemenovA.V. SheykoG.V. Shestakova D.B. StankusV.A. StepanenkoT.S. Syresina N.N. VorobievaV.M. YagafarovaA.G. ZaikinaT.N. Zaikina
N.A. Russakovich
V.F. Borisovskiy
Yu.K. Potrebenikov
A.V. PhilippovK.V. Turusina
3. Development of a system of
training and advanced training of
IT professionals based on
educational and research
infrastructure and creation of an
information system to provide
assistance to users (Helpdesk)
V.V. Korenkov
T.A. Strizh
O.I. Streltsova
N.A. BalashovA.V. BaranovS.D. Belov V.V. GalaktionovT.M. GoloskokovaN.I. Gromova I.S. KadochnikovD.V. KekelidzeN.A. Kutovskiy V.V. MitsynS.V. MitsynI.K. Nekrasova A.V. NechaevskyD.A. OleynikA.Sh. Petrosyan D.V. PodgainyT.F. SapozhnikovaR.N. Semenov V.V. Trofimov A.V. UzhinskiyV.E. ZhiltsovM.I. Zuev
S.Z. Pakuliak

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan YSU
Azerbaijan Baku IP ANAS
Belarus Minsk INP BSU
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
China Beijing IHEP CAS
Cuba Havana UCI
Czech Republic Prague IP ASCR
Egypt Giza CU
France Marseille CPPM
Georgia Tbilisi GRENA
Germany Darmstadt GSI
Frankfurt/Main Univ.
Hamburg DESY
Karlsruhe KIT
Zeuthen DESY
Italy Bologna INFN
Kazakhstan Astana ENU
Moldova Chisinau ASM
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar NUM
Poland Krakow CYFRONET
Romania Bucharest IFA
Cluj-Napoca INCDTIM
Russia Moscow IITP RAS
Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
Chernogolovka SCC IPCP RAS
Dubna Dubna Univ.
SEZ "Dubna"
SCC "Dubna"
Gatchina PNPI
Nizhny Novgorod UNN
Novosibirsk BINP SB RAS
Pereslavl-Zalesskiy PSI RAS
Protvino IHEP
Puschino IMPB RAS
Samara SSAU
St. Petersburg FIP
Slovakia Kosice IEP SAS
Presov PU
South Africa Cape Town UCT
Sweden Lund LU
Taiwan Taipei ASGCC
USA Arlington, TX UTA
Batavia, IL Fermilab
Upton, NY BNL
Ukraine Kiev BITP NASU
Kharkov KFTI

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