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Status: Extended

Methods, Algorithms and Software for Modeling Physical Systems, Mathematical Processing and Analysis of Experimental Data

Leaders:     Gh. Adam
P.V. Zrelov

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, CERN, China, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tajikistan, USA, Vietnam.

Scientific Programme:
Carrying out paramount advanced research in the field of computational mathematics and computational physics, directed to the creation of new mathematical methods, algorithms, and software for the numerical or symbolic-numerical solution of topics arising in experimental and theoretical studies, by using the newest computational tools, primarily the heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT. This subject area includes a wide spectrum of investigations underway at JINR in high energy physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics and nanotechnologies, biophysics, information technologies, etc., which demand the development of new mathematical methods and approaches for modeling physical processes, processing and analysis of experimental data, including the use of these studies in the NICA project, the neutrino programme and other strategic goals of the Institute. A distinctive feature of these investigations is the close cooperation of LIT with research groups from all the JINR laboratories and from Member State institutions.

Expected main results in 2017:
  • The development of effective QCD-motivated models for describing properties of nuclear matter at NICA energies, computer simulations of the behavior of the critical points at the QCD phase diagram.

    Three-dimensional computer modeling of the magnetic field distribution in the superconducting magnets for NICA and SIS100 (FAIR).

    Development of methods of investigation of the dimesoatom formation in processes of multiple particle production at high energies including the coherent birth of long lived nP states of + - atoms.

    Study within the microscopic optical potential model of the mechanisms of various nuclear processes, including pre-equilibrium processes in the reactions (p,alpha) 59Co at energies from 65 to 160 MeV, disintegration processes in the interactions of boron isotopes and other exotic nuclei with protons and nuclei, the inelastic interaction of pions with nuclei at (33)-resonance energies.

    Development and maintenance of the primary data processing program SAS for the YuMO spectrometer at IBR-2. Implementation of data processing for the position sensitive detectors for isotopically scattering samples.

    Numerical analysis of properties of Bose condensates with nonlocal interaction potentials.

    Development of methods for numerical investigations of structures and bifurcation regimes in non-linear models of condensed matter physics.

    Mathematical modeling of beam dynamics for multipurpose isochronous cyclotrons.

    Development of methodology, algorithms and programs for digital processing of arbitrary plane curves with the aim to obtain their analytic forms.

    Bayesian automatic adaptive quadrature with scale dependent quadrature sums.

    Numerical solution of boundary value problems for the nonlinear Boltzmann-Poisson equations describing the interaction of protein macromolecules with the solvent.

    Study of the applicability of fractal analysis methods for processing and systematization of the results of molecular dynamics simulations of the interaction of nanocluster beams with thin metal films.

    Development of algorithms and software for predictive analysis and forecasting parameters of the IBR-2M reactor (fluctuations of the pulse energies, the flow of liquid sodium through the core, etc.).

  • Development and support of Glauber Monte Carlo program as well as adaptation of Geant4 FTF model for NICA/MPD and CBM experiments.

    Development of the dataflow control system in the experiments of the NICA project.

    Processing and analysis of data collected at the NUCLON experiment.

    Software support of ATLAS experiment (maintenance of the TDAQ components previously developed in LIT; new developments: network monitoring dashboard, online TDAQ Log Manager)

    Software development for the GEM tracking detector entering the detector complex of the BM@N experiment (development of algorithms and software for the simulation of realistic data with the microstrip GEM camera; development and software implementation of algorithms for the reconstruction of the spatial coordinates of the points of interaction of the charged particles with the registering elements of the GEM detector; software implementation of GEM detector models for the foreseen configurations planned in the upcoming sessions of the BM@N experiment).

    BM@N: Event reconstruction with 2016-2017 Nuclotron data; development of algorithms and programs for the particle trajectories recognition in the MPD setup.

    CMS: CSC local reconstruction improvement with high luminosity LHC data.

    Development of VMRIA package for the automatic analysis of large spectra collected in experiments carried out on HRFD at IBR-2.

    Development of methods for automatic analysis of gamma spectra and software for automatic calibration of low statistics gamma spectra.

    Development and adaptation of methods of data analysis to the conditions of small statistics and incomplete observations (estimated half-lives).

    Development of methods based on the generalized separate form factor model, for the analysis of experimental data of small angle neutron and synchrotron radiation on vesicular polydisperse nano-systems.

    Adaptation of the algorithm L1 – recognition and track reconstruction of charged particles, based on the application of cellular automata, for the detector MVD of the CBM experiment.

    Development of a system of testing and quality evaluation for the time-oriented clustering algorithms and the hit search and its software implementation for the STS detector of the CBM experiment.

    Visualization of the procedure of the track reconstruction of charged particles in the MUCH detector of the CBM experiment.

    Development of selection criteria of the rare decays J/ µ +µ - using data from within the coordinate planes of the MUCH detector. Development of algorithms for recognition and reconstruction of rare decays of light vector mesons, J/ e +e -, recorded in the CBM experiment.

    Vectorization and parallelization of the trajectory reconstruction algorithm of the charged muons registered by the MUCH detector.

    Analysis of RICH detector data obtained in a test experiment at CERN. Software development for simulation and reconstruction of events recorded by the RICH detector. Optimization of the geometry of the RICH detector. Software development of the data acquisition system (DAQ) and of the software interface between the DAQ and CBMRoot for the RICH detector online analysis.

    Development, optimization and testing of algorithms for the event processing system FLES on multicore servers at LIT. Inclusion of the 4D-reconstruction time slices in CBMROOT. Study of the problem of possible event cleavage in the border areas between neighboring time slices.

    Development of a database system for the CBM experiment: 1) implementation of component-wise database adapted to the features of the various detectors of the CBM facility; 2) implementation of the structure of the geometric database.

    Development of methods and algorithms for massive calculations of electrostatic potentials of molecules of DNA, RNA and protein factors, as well as maps of the surface of these biopolymers. Calculation at the HybriLIT cluster of electrostatic potentials and surface maps of biopolymer molecules enabling solutions of biomolecular recognition problems.

    Generation of random rough surfaces to simulate features of diffraction patterns at neutron reflection from the surface of nanostructured objects.

  • Development and maintenance of the information-computing environment of the heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT.

    Development of algorithms for numerical investigation of multi-dimensional models of evolutionary equations modeling physical processes in different materials under irradiation with heavy ions and pulsed beams, Josephson barriers in high-temperature superconductors. Their code implementation for computations on HybriLIT.

    Development of efficient algorithms for the solution of molecular dynamics equations on hybrid computing infrastructures.

    Development of methods and MPI packages for the computation of multiple integrals for the study of processes of ionization and photoionization of the He atom, polyatomic molecules, and their ions.

    Development and implementation of new parallel algorithms into the MCTDHB software complex and their adaptation to the new KNL architecture of the Intel Xeon Phi.

    Development and maintenance of the Fitter program, including implementation of its parallel version.

    HybriLIT devoted optimization of selected programs of the ROOT software package, in particular, improvement, using technologies of parallel computing, of the software implementation of the filling algorithms of the special data structure Tree.

    Elaboration of effective algorithms for solving elliptic nonlinear hp-adapted finite-element systems of equations and their program implementation on heterogeneous architectures.

    Adaptation of the multibranch solutions of the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov system of equations to hybrid computing architectures.

    Set up, testing and validation of different modules of Comsol Multiphysics® package and of the "CATIA-GDML Geometry Builder" complex on the cluster HybriLIT and their adaptation for solving engineering-physical problems in JINR laboratories.

  • Development and investigation of a new model of quantum networks with memory function.

    Description of separable and entangled X-states of two-qubit systems.

    Calculation of relativistic corrections in the description of dynamics of spin particles in strong laser fields (for project ELI-NP, Romania).

    Derivation, based on unitary representations of finite groups, of combinatorial algorithms and algorithms of statistical modelling of quantum systems.

    Creation of a symbolic-numerical package implementing the finite element method with associated Hermite polynomials for the solution of equations describing the dynamics of low-dimensional few-particle quantum systems. Adaptation of the developed algorithms and codes to hybrid architectures.

    Algorithmic construction of difference schemes inheriting the basic algebraic properties of the initial differential equations.

    Computation of the renormalization constants for the two-loop propagator of quark mixtures.

    Design and implementation of algorithms for computation of rotational-vibrational basis functions in the space of parameters describing quadrupole and octupole deformation of spherical nuclei.

    Implementation in Lucid Common Lisp of the computer algebra system Reduce with a convenient user interface toward libraries of numerical programs.

List of Activities
  Activity or experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Main researchers
1. Mathematical and computation
methods for simulation of complex
physical systems
Gh. Adam
I.V. Puzynin
S. AdamP.G. AkishinI.V. Amirkhanov E.A. AyrjanA.S. ÀyriyanI.V. Barashenkov M.V. BashashinI.L. BogolubskyN.D. Dikoussar H. GrigorianYu.L. KalinovskyT.V. Karamysheva D.S. KulyabovK.V. LukyanovD.V.A. LuuA. Machavariani N.V. MakhaldianiT.I. MikhailovaG.J. Musulmanbekov E.G. NikonovG.A. OsoskovD.I. Podgainy R.V. PolyakovaT.P. PuzyninaV.N. Robuk B. SahaN.Yu. ShirikovaA.G. SolovievT.M. SolovievaYu.B. StarchenkoO.I. StreltsovaA.V. VolokhovaO.O. Voskresenskaya A. WojczechowskiR.M. YamaleevE.P. YukalovaE.V. Zemlyanaya
E.E. DonetsS. GevorkyanM.N. KapishinA.O. KechechyanH.G. KhodzhibagiyanV.A. NikitinO.V. RogachevskiW. Scheinast
A.V. FriesenM. HnaticE.-M. IlgenfritzR.V. JolosV.K. LukyanovV.D. ToneevS.N. VinitskyV.V. VoronovV.I. Yukalov
A.G. ArtukhYu.K. KochnevS.M. LukyanovYu.E. PenionzhkevichR.A. RymzhanovYu.M. SeredaV.A. Skuratov
A.V. BelushkinN. KorepenovaS.A. ManoshinA.I. KuklinA.I. IvankovYu.N. PepelyshevD.V. Soloviev
L.G. AfanasievG.A. KaramyshevaI.N. Kiyan
2. Software complexes and
mathematical methods for
processing and analysis of
experimental data
P.V. Zrelov
V.V. Ivanov
T.O. AblyazimovE.P. AkishinaV.P. Akishina E.I. AleksandrovI.N. AleksandrovD.A. Baranov S. BelogurovO.Yu. DerenovskayaA.A. Kazakov A.I. KazymovP.I. KiselB.F. KostenkoG.E. Kozlov L.Yu. KruglovaI.N. KukhtinaA.A. LebedevT.I. MikhailovaM.A. MineevG.A. OsoskovE.V. Ovcharenko V.V. PalichikV.S. RikhvitskyV.N. Shigaev N.Yu. ShirikovaL.A. SiurakshinaS.K. SlepnevA.N. Sosnin V.A. StepanenkoV.V. UzhinskyN.N. Voitishin A.V. YakovlevE.V. ZemlyanayaE.I. Zhabitskaya V.B. Zlokazov
A.S. GaloyanK.V. GertsenbergerM.N. KapishinV.P. LadyginV. LenivenkoA.I. MalakhovS.A. MovchanO.V. RogachevskyM.G. SapozhnikovN.D. Topilin
A.G. ArtukhA.S. FomichevYu.E. PenionzhkevichYu.M. SeredaYu.G. SobolevYu.S. TsyganovV.K. Utenkov
A.M. BalagurovI.A. BobrikovM.A. KiselevD.P. KozlenkoM.V. Frontasyeva
G.D. AlekseevI.V. BednyakovV.A. BednyakovA.G. OlshevskyD.B. PontecorvoA.S. Zhemchugov
S. Pakuliak
3. Numerical methods, algorithms and
software computationally adapted
to multicore and hybrid
Gh. Adam
P.V. Zrelov
O.I. Streltsova
E.I. AleksandrovI.V. AmirkhanovA.S. Àyriyan E.A. AyrjanM.V. BashashinD.V. Belyakov A.M. ChervyakovO. ChuluunbaatarM. KirakosyanM.A. MatveevE.V. Ovcharenko D.V. PodgainyT.P. Puzynina A.A. SapozhnikovT.F. SapozhnikovaN.R. Sarkar I. SarkhadovS.I. SerdyukovaZ.A. Sharipov A.G. SolovievT.M. SolovievaSh. Torosyan Z.K. TukhlievA.V. VolokhovaO.I. Yuldashev M.B. YuldashevaE.V. ZemlyanayaE.I. Zhabitskaya M.I. Zuev
V.V. KorenkovV.V. MitsynT.A. Strizh
P.Yu. ApelV.A. Skuratov
D.B. BlashkeA.A. BulychevYu.V. PopovYu.M. Shukrinov
4. Methods, algorithms and software
of computer algebra
V.P. Gerdt
V. AbgaryanA.A. Bogolubskaya O. ChuluunbaatarS.A. EvlakhovA.A. Gusev A.M. KhvedelidzeV.V. KornyakA.M. Raportirenko I.A. RogozhinO.V. TarasovA.G. Torosyan D.A. YanovichE.P. Yukalova
A.V. CzhizhovP. FizievA.I. TitovS.I. VinitskyV.I. Yukalov
B.N. Gikal

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan YSU
Foundation ANSL
Australia Sydney Univ.
Azerbaijan Baku IP ANAS
Belarus Minsk IM NASB
Gomel GSTU
Belgium Brussels ULB
Liege ULg
Brazil Sao Carlos, SP IFSC USP
Bulgaria Sofia IMI BAS
Plovdiv PU
Canada Edmonton U of A
Toronto IBM Lab
China Hangzhou ZJU
Czech Republic Prague CTU
France Nancy UL
Georgia Tbilisi UG
Germany Bonn UniBonn
Darmstadt GSI
Dresden IFW
Frankfurt/Main Univ.
Giessen JLU
Hamburg Univ.
Heidelberg Univ.
Jena Univ.
Wuppertal UW
Freiberg TUBAF
Kassel Uni Kassel
Marburg Univ.
Munich LMU
Greece Thessaloniki AUTH
India Calcutta JU
Italy Turin INFN
Bari UniBa
Japan Osaka Kansai Univ.
Kazakhstan Almaty INP
Moldova Chisinau IAP ASM
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar NUM
Poland Krakow NINP PAS
Lublin UMCS
Otwock-Swierk NCBJ
Warsaw WUT
Wroclaw UW
Portugal Lisbon UL
Romania Bucharest IFA
Cluj-Napoca INCDTIM
Russia Moscow IPMech RAS
Dubna Dubna Univ.
Gatchina PNPI
Protvino IHEP
Puschino IMPB RAS
Saratov SSU
St. Petersburg FIP
Tomsk TSU
Slovakia Kosice IEP SAS
Presov PU
Banska Bistrica UMB
South Africa Cape Town UCT
Pretoria UP
Stellenbosch SU
Switzerland Zurich ETH
Taiwan Taipei AS
Tajikistan Dushanbe TNU
Khujent KSU
USA Argonne, IL ANL
Stanford, CA SU
Vietnam Hanoi VNU

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