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Status: Approved for completion
in 2018

Advanced Studies on Systems of New-Generation
Accelerators and Colliders for Fundamental
and Applied Research

Leader:     G.D. Shirkov
Deputy:     J.A. Budagov

Participating Countries and International Organizations:
Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, CERN, Cuba, Czech Republic, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Japan, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, United Kingdom, Ukraine, USA.

Scientific Programme:
JINR participation in international collaborations for the design, creation and improvement of new generation accelerators and colliders by scientific researches and experimental development in the field of particle accelerators physics: design of cryomodules and accelerating structures with superconducting cavities; studies of free electron laser physics, development and construction of diagnostic and accelerator systems applied for ultra short dense bunches in the linear electron accelerators; development and construction of systems applied for formation and diagnostics of ultra short dense bunches in the linear electron accelerators; construction of test facilities for accelerating structures investigation; development and creation of a new generation instrumentation for precision laser metrology of accelerators and detector complexes to increase their luminosity and work parameters. Common investigations in the field of laser-plasma accelerators. On a base of electron linac bench: construction of the stand for calibration of electromagnetic calorimeters and investigations of other detectors and their characteristics; creation of complex for the laboratory and practical trainings of students and PhD students - future engineers from JINR member states.

Expected main results in 2018:
  • Injector photogun beam dynamics modeling and optimization. Fabrication and investigation of the "trans-parent" thin-film. Development, construction and installation of the gun extractor HV (up to 40 kV) power supply control unit. Slit emottance measurement system mounting.

  • Optimization of the Linac-200 beam parameters at 200 MeV energy. Modernization of the 3-rd accelerating station cooling system. Beam extraction into atmoshere, optimization of beam parameters for users. Manufacturing of beam parallel transfer system (LNP program) after 2-nd, 3-rd accelerating station. Testing of the waveguide RF switch for VARIAN klystron. Work on reconstruction and modernization of the control and interlock systems.

  • Commissioning of Precision Laser Inclinometers with nanoradian resolution and their testings in CERN and GGO. Designing and construction of prototype of Absolute Distance Meter with 1 µm resolution for distances of 1-10 m. R&D's for 150 meter long Laser Fiducial Line with possibility of simultaneous measurements of space coordinates of 6 points on the object controlled with 10 µm precision (the nondestructive control).

  • Development of education program on the base on working with real Linac-200 equipment for students and PhD students - future engineers from JINR member states; laboratory and practical trainings at Linac-200 accelerator.

  • Investigation of electron beam and FEL physics: investigation of infrared radiation from JINR undulator at FLASH, diagnostic of electron bunches at FLASH by using of microchannel plate detectors operated at wave length of 6-50 nm, experiments with microchannel plate detector at FLASH2, investigation of SASE regime in FLASH2, first experiments on XFEL for SASE1 and SASE2 lines with microchannel plate detectors operated at wave lengths of 0.05--0.4 nm and 0.4-4.43 nm correspondently, installation of detector microchannel plates in XFEL tunnel for SASE2 line, reconstruction of beam pulse current on basis of this radiation, using, first test experiments with three XFEL, experimental investigations at formation of 3D ellipsoidal shape electron bunches with small emittances in PITZ with new lase sustem.

  • Preparation of the proposal of JINR participation in international collaborations on the design study of future high-energy colliders.

List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. Design, construction and test
of prototype elements for New
generation accelerators and
colliders for fundamental
and applied purposes.
G.D. Shirkov
V.V. Kobets
1   (2016-2018)
2. The precision laser metrology for
accelerators and detector
Yu.A. Budagov
M.V. Lyablin
1   (2016-2018)
List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Responsible person
Main researchers
1. Construction of the photoinjector
prototype based on DC accelera-
ting structure integrated into
electron gun with the "transmis-
sive" photocathode and laser
driver of the picosecond range
N.I. Balalykin
M.A. Nozdrin
Technical Proposal
  VBLHEP V.F. Minashkin, V.G. Shabratov, A.V. Shevelkin
2. Electron beam test bench based
on the linear accelerator with
the energy up to 200 MeV for
accelerating structures properties
investigations, FEL R&D, semi-
conducting structures investi-
gation aimed on new detectors
parameters improvement, radia-
tion hardnes of GaAs detectors testing and other applied research
G.D. Shirkov
V.V. Kobets
M.A. Nozdrin
Technical Proposal
  VBLHEP V.G. Shabratov, A.V. Skrypnik, A.N. Ukhanov, V.F. Minashkin
  DLNP A.M. Artikov, J.A. Budagov, Yu.I. Davidov, V.N. Duginov, V.V. Glagolev, E.M. Syresin, M.I. Gostkin, P.I. Smolyansky, S.Yu. Porokhovoy
  UC S.Z. Pakulyak, A.S. Zhemchugov
3. R&D's on high-precision Laser
metrology of the spatial position
of the accelerators units including
ground motion monitoring for
colliders luminosity maintenance
Yu.A. Budagov
M.V. Lyablin
Technical Proposal
  DLNP N.S. Azaryan, V.Yu. Batusov, Yu.I. Davidov, D.L. Demin, V.V. Glagolev, V.I. Kolomoets, S.M. Kolomoets, A.A. Pluzhnikov, V.M. Romanov, B.M. Sabirov, A.V. Sazonova, S.N. Studenov, G.T. Torosyan
  VBLHEP G.D. Shirkov
4. Construction of the education
bench for accelerator, RF and
vacuum technics practice at the
Linac-200 accelerator, preparation
of the correspondung education
programs and teaching materials
A.S. Zhemchugov
M.A. Nozdrin
Technical Proposal
  UC D.S. Belozerov, K.A. Verlamov, K.B. Gikal, D.A. Zlydenny
5. Investigation on intense electron
beams and FEL. Development
and construction of diagnostic and
accelerator systems applied for
ultra-short dense bunches in the
linear electron accelerators
E.M. Syresin
O.I. Brovko
M.V. Yurkov
  DLNP N.A. Morozov, A.F. Chesnov, D.S. Petrov, V.M. Romanov
  VBLHEP A.Yu. Grebentsov, O.A. Myslinskaya
6. Preparation of the proposal
participation in international
collaborations for future
high energy colliders
G.D. Shirkov
A.D. Kovalenko
Project preparation

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan ANSSP
Shirak Technologies
Garni GGO
Belarus Minsk INP BSU
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
Cuba Havana CEADEN
Czech Republic Prague CTU
Germany Darmstadt GSI
Hamburg DESY
Heidelberg MPIK
Zeuthen DESY
Georgia Tbilisi HEPI-TSU
Greece Athens UoA
Italy Pisa INFN
Frascati INFN LNF
Genova INFN
Japan Tsukuba KEK
Poland Krakow NINP PAS
Russia Moscow SSDI
Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
Moscow NNRU "MEPhI"
Nizhny Novgorod IAP RAS
Novosibirsk BINP SB RAS
Ryazan RSU
Ukraine Kiev PEWI NASU
United Kingdom Oxford JAI
South Africa Cape Town iThemba LABS
Slovakia Bratislava IEE SAS
Batavia, IL Fermilab

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