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Status: In-progress

Development of the IBR-2 Facility with a Complex of Cryogenic Neutron Moderators

Leaders:     A.V. Belushkin
A.V. Vinogradov

Participating Countries and International Organizations:
Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Japan, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, USA.

Scientific Programme:
The theme main task is to increase the efficiency of the use of the IBR-2 facility for realization of the program of experimental investigations, maintenance of operational reliability and safety of the reactor, creation of a complex of cryogenic neutron moderators.

Expected main results in 2018:
  • Maintenance of the IBR-2 reactor operation for physical investigations.

  • Manufacturing of a reserve movable reflector MR-3R.

  • Installation and adjustment of the CM-201 cryogenic moderator equipment at working place.

  • Step-by-step replacement and upgrading of the technological and electrical equipment in accordance with the Rostekhnadzor license requirements.

List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. Construction of a Complex
of Cryogenic Moderators
at the IBR-2 Facility
A.A. Belyakov 1   (2014-2019)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Main researchers
1. Operation of the IBR-2 facility
in the regular mode
A.V. Dolgikh
A.V. Vinogradov
  FLNP A.A. Belyakov, S.A. Tsarenkov, M.V. Andrianov, S.V. Rudenko, Yu.N. Pepelyshev, V.A. Trepalin + 30 engineers, + 50 workers
2. Maintenance of program of physical investigations V.D. Ananiev
A.V. Vinogradov
A.V. Dolgikh
  FLNP A.A. Belyakov, Yu.N. Pepelyshev, V.A. Trepalin, S.V. Rudenko + 30 engineers, + 50 workers
3. Installation and adjustment of
equipment and pipelines of CM-201
cryogenic moderator.
Feasibility study of cryogenic
moderator CM-203.
Mastering of equipment of CM-202
and CM-201 cryogenic moderators
using a new cryogenic facility by
"Linde" in its regular place
A.A. Belyakov
K.A. Mukhin
  FLNP V.D. Ananiev, S.A. Kulikov, E.P. Shabalin + 15 engineers, + 15 workers
4. Manufacturing of reserve movable
reflector MR-3R
A.V. Vinogradov
A.V. Dolgikh
  FLNP A.A. Belyakov, V.D. Ananiev + 5 engineers, + 5 workers
5. Step-by-step replacement and
upgrade of basic technological and
electrical equipment
A.V. Vinogradov
A.V. Dolgikh
  FLNP A.A. Belyakov, A.V. Trepalin + 30 engineers, + 50 workers

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Argentina Buenos Aires CNEA
Azerbaijan Baku IRP ANAS
Belarus Minsk JIPNR-Sosny NASB
Japan Osaka ISIR
Sapporo Hokkaido Univ.
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar IPT MAS
Poland Krakow AGH-UST
Romania Bucharest IFIN-HH
Russia Moscow NIKIET
Spain Valencia UPV
United Kingdom Didcot RAL
USA Indianapolis, IN IUPUI

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