XLLS_Solver         Library "JINRLIB"                  F498      

    Authors: P.G.Akishin,A.P.Sapojnikov
    Language: Fortran

           Extra Large Linear Systems Solving with usage
                    of external disk storage

    It sounds strange but usage of disks while solving large linear systems
    still looks as actual problem!
    In fact, 2000x2000 matrix requires 32 Mb of memory, not every PC has it.
    Usage of virtual memory involves a lot of swoping, because all usual
    solvers have to scan matrix chaotically, both "col by col" and
    "row by row".

    Program proposed here uses classic Gauss scheme with pivot element in
    a column.  We keep a matrix in a disk storage and process it "portion by
    portion" in a buffer  given by user.  Partially, if this buffer is large
    enough to contain all matrix, we don't use disks at all!
    Actually, it's a special way of swoping which minimizes the number of
    disk exchanges.  Details of matrix placement are fully hidden for users.

    The user have to do only 2 actions:
       1. to prepare a function for source matrix and system right parts
          elements calculation;
       2. to prepare an array for matrix buffering, the larger it is -
          the less will be swoping.

    So, let us start.    The N-dimensional system   A*X = C   is solving,
    where A - matrix [ N : N ],   X,C - vectors with lehgth N.
    Practically very often we're solving the whole family  of NC systems

       A * X(k) = C(k)          k=1,2,...,NC

    with the same matrix A.  At first we transform the input matrix A into
    two triangle matrix  L and R, such as  A = ~L * R .
    Than for each right part  C(k)  of source system  the solution  X(k)
    results as trivial multiplication:  X(k) = ~R * ( L * C(k) ).

    Process of solving consist of 3 stages:

    1. CALL XLLS_Solver(buf,lbuf,n,elm)  - matrix input and factorization.
       n    - system dimension;
       buf  - onedimensional array with length not less than lbuf REAL*8 words;
       lbuf - size of working storage for Solver.  lbuf must be not less
              than 3*n. For the other hand, if lbuf > 2*n*(n+nc+1)+n
              we needn't use disk storage at all.
              While using disk storage the logical numbers 78 and 79 used;
       elm(i,j) - REAL*8 function for A(i,j) calculation.
              Solver inputs the source matrix A only once by calling elm(i,j)
              strictly "col by col", i.e. in such a sequence:
              (1,1),(2,1),...,(n,1), (1,2),(2,2),...,(n,2),...,(n-1,n),(n,n).

    2. CALL XLLS_Solver(buf,0,nc,elc)  - solving for given Right Parts.
       buf  - the same working area as for stage 1;
       nc   - number of system right parts C;
       elc(i,j) - REAL*8 function calculates C(i,j), i=1,2,...,n; j=1,2,...,nc
              set of nc system right parts (n rows, nc columns).
              elc also is called only once and strictly "col by col".
              The solution stays in a working area.

    3. CALL XLLS_Extractor(buf,x,k)  - extract one solution X(k),
                                       corresponding the right part C(k).
       buf  - the same working area as for stage 1;
       k    - 1,2,...,nc - number of solution;
       x    - REAL*8 array with length n. Extracted solution'll be placed here.

    If one need not solve the system but get the inverse matrix ~A,
    stages 1 and 2 are combined into the single calling with negative N:
       CALL XLLS_Solver(buf,lbuf,-n,elm)
    In this case the Solver, having performed factorization of matrix A,
    just starts the solving of  A * X = E  system with n right parts.

    Before the 1-st call of Solver the User can change some of his global
    parameters if uses
       subroutine XLLS_Params(np), where:
       np = 1 - economize of disk storage.  Only 4 bytes of each REAL*8 number
                will be written on disk. It reduces twice required 16*n*(n+nc)
                amount of disk storage, thought decreases accuracy.
       np = 2 - restore standard regime of writing.
       np = 7 - print disk exchange counter.
       np = 8 - some computers, for example VAXes, require to measure
                disk record sizes in words but not in bytes!