MINUIT                   Library "JINRLIB"                       
    (parallel version)
                                                                     You are
    Author: F.James                                                  
    Parallel version: A.P.Sapozhnikov                                visitor here.
    Language: Fortran   

                     OF A MULTI-PARAMETER FUNCTION

    The MINUIT is a well-known package performing minimization and analysis
    of the shape of a multi-parameter function, created by F.James (CERN). 
    It is intended to be used on Chisquare or likelihood functions for fitting
    data and finding parameter errors and correlations.

    MINUIT was selected to investigate the problems around large computational
    programs parallelization. As an example a parallel version of MINUIT
    testing on multiprocessor system is introduced. The main result is 
    the only one source working as whith MPI as well as whithout MPI.

    Sources and detailed description (in Russian, format .pdf) are submitted.

    The investigation has been performed at the Laboratory of Information 
    Technologies JINR and supported by the RFBR grant 03-07-90347.