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Youth and science Moscow International School of Physics-2022From 24 July to 2 August, the Moscow International School of Physics was held in the International Conference Hall in Dubna.
This year, the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) are organisers of the School. M.V.Danilov (LPI RAS) and D.I.Kazakov (BLTP JINR) became co-chairs of the School. The event was attended by 83 young scientists from universities and research centers of Vladivostok, Dubna, Minsk, Moscow, Samara, St. Petersburg, Tomsk. The peculiarity of the School is its unusual schedule. Lectures start at 9:00 AM. From 11:00 AM there is a big break not only for lunch, but also for sports. By 3:00 PM, students return to the lecture hall to continue their study of contemporary science. The School was opened by a course of lectures on Heavy Flavour Physics by P.N.Pakhlov (LPI RAS). The introductory lecture of this course allowed to trace the development of ideas that eventually created the Standard Model of Particle Physics. A comprehensive review of Neutrino Physics was given at lectures by V.A.Naumov (BLTP). The lectures by S.V.Shmatov (VBLHEP) were dedicated to Modern Particle Physics and experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. In the lectures of E.E.Boos (SINP MSU) the areas of the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model were discussed in detail. I.B.Logashenko (BINP SB RAS) spoke about the issue of the muon anomalous magnetic moment. A.V.Marshakov (Skoltech) reviewed the development areas of Contemporary Theoretical and Mathematical Physics for "pedestrians, cyclists and motorists". Black holes and gravitational waves were the topics of lectures by E.O.Babichev (IJCLab, Orsay, France). In lectures by V.A.Rubakov (INR RAS) issues of Modern Cosmology and its connexion to Particle Physics were discussed.
Within the framework of the School, a Forum of Young Scientists was held, during which 22 reports were made and 20 posters were presented. The jury recognized the report of Dmitry Trunin (MIPT, ITEP) "Quantum Chaos and Nonlinear Vector Mechanics" as the best theoretical report of the School, the report of Anna Stepanova (MSU, JINR) "The PRISM method for predictions based on the data of the DUNE experiment" was recognized as the best experimental report. School diplomas were awarded to posters by Elizaveta Trunina (MIPT, SMI RAS) "Relativistic GL(NM, C) Gaudin models on an elliptic curve" and by Vladimir Chulikov (PNPI) "Production of
Skiing is a tradition at ITEP Winter Schools that is why the School's logo features a skier. They preserved the tradition this time. Everyone could try water skiing. A table tennis tournament was held, in which both students and academicians took part. Participants of the School played volleyball, played on tennis courts, swam in the Volga. On the day off, there was a river cruise with passing the lock and a picnic on the bank of the Dubna River.
A bright event of the School was the concert of soloists of the Pratum Integrum or-chestra that performs music of the Baroque and Classicism eras on historical instruments. Sergey Tishchenko presented the program "From Baroque through Romanticism to the 21st Century". The participants of the School had a unique opportunity to hear the sound of a genuine viola of the late 17th century. Young scientists, lecturers and organisers noted the high scientific level of the School, the stimulating atmosphere of scientific discussions, comfortable conditions for work and leisure in Dubna. School materials are available at https://mosphys.ru/. Conference Organising Committee, |