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Happy New Year!Dear colleagues, employees of the Institute! The passing year will definitely go down in the history books - the situation in the world has affected all spheres of life and us, too. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the entire JINR team for their solidarity, persistence and commitment to their work. We have something to remember and something to be proud of: this year will remain in the history of the Institute with many bright events and achievements. Good pace of work on the development of the NICA collider that will become a unique world facility both in the field of relativistic heavy ions and in the field of spin physics. The Baikal Neutrino Telescope is a giant instrument for studying superhigh-energy neutrinos. Work on its deployment is carried out by several research institutes and universities with the consolidating role of our Institute. With putting the Superheavy Element Factory into operation, FLNR holds the absolute record for the intensity of accelerated beams. The performance and memory capacity of the Govorun supercomputer have been increased, work on the development of a JINR digital ecosystem has started. The Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics has obtained the most interesting results in investigations of the Orgueil meteorite, ancient Russian frescoes, deposition of heavy metals, cell membranes, processes of programmed cell death, as well as the structural and magnetic properties of new materials. The instrumental base of the Laboratory of Radiation Biology is currently improved. There are excellent working conditions in the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics. In these turbulent times, we are supported by our principles and values, the main of which is the scientific community. We have accumulated significant experience in this area and are trying to move forward along the path of expanding scientific dialogue for the benefit of world progress.
We widely participate in holding the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development declared by the UN. Also, our Institute is involved in the implementation of initiatives of the Decade of Science and Technology in the country where JINR is. 2023 is the final year of the next JINR Seven-Year Plan, the time for summing up and planning for the future. The previous years have been very productive, JINR has increased its potential and has invested in the construction of new facilities. We regard the next seven-year period as the time of "harvesting". The Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Governments of the JINR Member States unequivocally supports us in this. We are optimistic about the future, we believe in the strong JINR family, in our fascinating science, in ambitious projects and of course, in you - colleagues and friends! I congratulate the international team of our Institute, our Member States, our partners all over the world and all the citizens of Dubna on the upcoming New 2023 Year! With all my heart I wish you and your families good health, peace and prosperity in the new year! May the year bring scientific luck and happy discoveries! May your dearest people be at your side! JINR Director Academician Grigory Trubnikov