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Their names are in the history of the Institute "If only things move forward"On 11 May, a seminar in memory of Professor Yulian Aramovich BUDAGOV (07.04.1932 - 12.30.2021) was opened in the conference hall of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems by Head of the Sector of DLNP Akram Artikov. He noted that Yulian Aramovich was an outstanding organizer of major physics projects. His deep knowledge, the broadest erudition, indefatigable energy and amazing efficiency helped his employees in meeting various issues.
Reports on various areas of scientific activity of the famous physicist, whose entire life for 65 years was bound up with Dubna, were made by his colleagues and students Vladimir Glagolev, Yury Davydov, Mikhail Lyablin, Basar Sabirov, Nikolay Rusakovich, Grigory Shirkov, Nikolay Topilin, Stepan Shimansky. At the seminar, the presentation of the book "Professor Yulian Aramovich Budagov" published in the JINR Publishing Department was held, copies of which were handed over to all participants. The content of the book was commented by Yury Davydov. It includes the following chapters: "Childhood and youth" with photographs of relatives and documents; "Moving to Dubna. Beginning of work at JINR"; "Experiments in Protvino and CERN"; "New leap: from GeV to TeV"; "Tile-calorimeter ATLAS"; "Physics of heavy quarks at the Tevatron"; "New areas of work" (including extensive R&D on the subject of the International Linear Collider ILC and the use of titanium and niobium explosion welding technology with stainless steel, as well as the construction of a precision laser inclinometer that has found wide application in meeting issues of seismic stabilization of major physical facilities, in earthquake prediction). And finally, this impressive review was completed by the "Experiment Mu2e", started on the initiative of Professor Budagov by the staff of the Scientific and Experimental Department of Multiple Hadron Processes at Fermilab. By mid-2022, work on the development of an electromagnetic calorimeter and a muon veto system for this facility, as well as a cracker, has reached the finish line. The scientific, pedagogical and organizational activity of Yulian Aramovich described in the first part of the book is impressive. The training of scientific personnel and their promotion was an important part of his work. For 15 years he was a professor at the Department of Physics at MIREA (Dubna branch). Young scientists trained by Yu.A.Budagov today work in physics institutes and universities in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Uzbekistan. Under the scientific supervision of Yu. A. Budagov, 22 PhD theses were prepared and defended. The scientific results included in them were achieved in experiments at the JINR IHEP, CERN and FNAL accelerators. The second part of the book consists of memoirs of colleagues and students. And it is opened by foreign colleagues: Peter Jenny (CERN), the first Head of the ATLAS collaboration Ana Maria Enriquez Correia (CERN), the former Head of the ATLAS tile-calorimeter group Giorgio Bellettini (INFN, Pisa), the first Head of the Italian group in CDF Fermilab. All the memories in this book are very warm and very personal. Only about a close friend or teacher could be written in such a way. I will quote the end of the memoirs of Vadim Bednyakov: "I read the letters with him - as if I communicated with him again. His last letter was dated 11 September, 2021. It was short: "Vadim Alexandrovich, good afternoon! Would you be interested in the activities of Leandr Litov, my student and colleague at Hyperon? Sorry. Your YUBUDA." I am so so sorry that he will not call again and send a letter signed by YUBUDA. I am absolutely sure that if it were not for this pandemic and the general psychosis around it, then our dear Professor would definitely have lived to be 100 years old ... As he promised..." And the seminar ended with the gratitude of Yulian Aramovich's daughter Mila on behalf of all relatives and friends for the memory and good feelings shown in this hall. Evgeny MOLCHANOV